How To Programmatically Copy an IMG Element to the Clipboard

来源:互联网 发布:雅思作文 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 15:41
The best way to copy an image on a Web page to the clipboard is to use the execCommand method of the controlRangeobject. The following code illustrates to do this from within script on the page itself (given the ID of the image to be copied):
   function copyImage(sImgID)    {      var ctrlRange = document.body.createControlRange();      ctrlRange.add(document.all(sImgID));      ctrlRange.execCommand("Copy");   }
In Microsoft Visual C++, this method call translates to IHTMLControlRange::execCommand. The following code illustrates how to implement the same technique in Visual C++ given an IDispatch pointer to the document that contains the image and the ID of the IMG element wrapped in a VARIANT structure (with a type VT_BSTR):
   STDMETHODIMP CMyBrowser::CopyImage(LPDISPATCH pDispDoc, VARIANT vImageID)   {      HRESULT hr        = E_FAIL;      IHTMLDocument2* pDoc = NULL;      IHTMLElement* pelmBody = NULL;      IHTMLElement2* pelmBodyTwo = NULL;      IDispatch* pdispImgElement = NULL;      IDispatch* pdispCtrlRange = NULL;      IHTMLElementCollection* pColl = NULL;      IHTMLControlElement* pCtrlElement = NULL;      IHTMLControlRange* pCtrlRange = NULL;      BSTR bstrCommand = SysAllocString(L"Copy");      VARIANT_BOOL vbReturn;      VARIANT vEmpty;      VariantInit(&vEmpty);      if (pDispDoc == NULL)         goto Cleanup;      if (FAILED(pDispDoc->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void**) &pDoc)))         goto Cleanup;      if (FAILED(pDoc->get_all(&pColl)))         goto Cleanup;      if (FAILED(pColl->item(vImageID, vEmpty, &pdispImgElement))             || pdispImgElement == NULL)         goto Cleanup;      if (FAILED(pDoc->get_body(&pelmBody)) || pelmBody == NULL)         goto Cleanup;      if (FAILED(pelmBody->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement2, (void**) &pelmBodyTwo))             || pelmBodyTwo == NULL)         goto Cleanup;      if (FAILED(pelmBodyTwo->createControlRange(&pdispCtrlRange))             || pdispCtrlRange == NULL)         goto Cleanup;      if (FAILED(pdispCtrlRange->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLControlRange, (void**) &pCtrlRange))             || pCtrlRange == NULL)         goto Cleanup;      if (FAILED(pdispImgElement->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLControlElement, (void**) &pCtrlElement))             || pCtrlElement == NULL)         goto Cleanup;      hr = pCtrlRange->add(pCtrlElement);      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))         hr = pCtrlRange->execCommand(bstrCommand, VARIANT_FALSE, vEmpty, &vbReturn);      pCtrlElement->Release();      hr = S_OK;   Cleanup:      SysFreeString(bstrCommand);      if (pCtrlRange)         pCtrlRange->Release();      if (pdispCtrlRange)         pdispCtrlRange->Release();      if (pelmBodyTwo)         pelmBodyTwo->Release();      if (pelmBody)         pelmBody->Release();      if (pdispImgElement)         pdispImgElement->Release();      if (pColl)         pColl->Release();      if (pDispDoc)         pDispDoc->Release();      return hr;   }
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