
来源:互联网 发布:编程器哪个牌子的好 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/15 06:46


<span style="font-size:18px;"><title>自定义函数</title><h1>自定义函数的使用配置</h1><{*这是注释*}><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/><hr><{myfun times="10" con="Hello world, this is user defined function!" color="red" size="5"}><br>now time is <{date_now format="%Y/%m/%d"}><{*下面是自定义块函数调用*}><br>下面是块标签<br><{blockTest times="10" color="green" size="5"}>Hello world,this is block function test!<{/blockTest}></span>


<span style="font-size:18px;"><?phprequire_once './libs/Smarty.class.php';date_default_timezone_set ( "Asia/Chongqing" );header ( '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8/>"' );$smarty = new Smarty ();$smarty->left_delimiter = "<{";$smarty->right_delimiter = "}>";// 注册plugin函数中的三个参数// type defines the type of the plugin. Valid values are "function", "block", "compiler" and "modifier".// name defines the name of the plugin.// callback defines the PHP callback. it can be either:$smarty->registerPlugin ( "function", "myfun", "myfun" );function myfun($args) {$str = "";for($i = 0; $i < $args ['times']; $i ++) {$str .= "<font size='" . $args ['size'] . "' color='" . $args ['color'] . "'>" . $args ['con'] . "</font><br>";}return $str;}$smarty->registerPlugin ( "function", "date_now", "print_current_date" );function print_current_date($params, $smarty) {if (empty ( $params ["format"] )) {$format = "%b %e, %Y";} else {$format = $params ["format"];}return strftime ( $format, time () );}$smarty->registerPlugin ( "block", "blockTest", "blockTest" );// 自定义函数(块方式)function blockTest($args, $con) {$str = "";// 此处注意为什么要加empty判断,如果不加此判断的话,在$con为空的情况下,$str也会被输出十次,从而造成页面中有很多的空行,这种问题的原因是// 因为smarty计算在前,你获取数据在后,也就是说第一次时,$con已经被smarty计算过了(虽然$con没有值),但是确实在smarty内部计算过了,而且之后也进行了输出if (! empty ( $con )) {for($i = 0; $i < $args ['times']; $i ++) {$str .= "<font size='" . $args ['size'] . "' color='" . $args ['color'] . "'>" . $con . "</font><br>";}} // echo $str;return $str;}$smarty->display ( "myfun.tpl" );?></span>

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