C语言:链表的逆序,两种思考方法,第一种用rev_1()实现,第二种用rev_2( )实现.

来源:互联网 发布:hadoop搭建大数据平台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 19:26
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>struct s{int n;struct s *next;};int i;struct s *creat(int m){struct s *head, *p, *p1;head = NULL; for(i=0; i<m; i++){p = (struct s*)malloc(sizeof(struct s));printf("Num %d: ", i+1);scanf("%d", &p->n);if(i==0)head = p;elsep1->next = p;p1 = p;}p1->next =NULL;return head;}struct s *rev_1(struct s *head)//第一种逆序方法{struct s *t, *p;p = head;head = NULL;if(p == NULL || p->next==NULL){return p;}while(p){t = p;p = p->next;t->next = head;head = t;}return head;}struct s *rev_2(struct s *head)//第二种逆序方法{struct s *t, *p, *q;p = head;q = head->next;t = NULL;if(head==NULL || head->next==NULL){return head;}while(q){t = q->next;q->next = p;p = q;q = t;}head->next = NULL;return p;}void output(struct s *head){int i=0;while(head){printf("Num %d: %d \n",i+1, head->n);head = head->next;i++;}printf("\n");}void main(){struct s *head;int m;printf("                                 \nPlease input the list nodes number: ");scanf("%d", &m);head = creat(m);printf("                         \nOutput the list\n");output(head);printf("                         \nOutput the list of reverse\n");head = rev_1(head);output(head);printf("                         \noutput the list of reverse\n");head = rev_2(head);output(head);}

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