
来源:互联网 发布:获取百度指数的源数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 13:42

1.      简介

Gabor变换属于加窗傅立叶变换,Gabor函数可以在频域不同尺度、不同方向上提取相关的特征。Gabor 滤波器的频率和方向类似于人类的视觉系统,所以常用于纹理识别。在空间域,二维Gabor滤波器是一个高斯核函数和正弦平面波的乘积,具体的:


Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客


Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客


Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客


Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客






γ: 空间的宽高比(这个没太理解

2.      Matlab实现

绍欣师兄给了一个matlab的实现,很好用,下载地址:Gabor Matlab.


Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客


Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客

3.      OpenCV 实现

大四的时候用过,是一个叫Zhou Mian 的写的。下载地址:Gabor OpenCV







#include "cvgabor.h"


     double Sigma = 2*PI;

     double F = sqrt(2.0);

     CvGabor *gabor1 = new CvGabor; gabor1->Init(PI/4, 3, Sigma, F);



          IplImage *kernel = cvCreateImage( cvSize(gabor1->get_mask_width(), gabor1->get_mask_width()), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

          kernel = gabor1->get_image(CV_GABOR_REAL);

          cvNamedWindow("Gabor Kernel", 1);

          cvShowImage("Gabor Kernel", kernel);


Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客


     IplImage *img = cvLoadImage( "Crop1.bmp", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE );

          cvNamedWindow("Original Image", 1);

          cvShowImage("Original Image", img);


Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客



          IplImage *reimg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

          gabor1->conv_img(img, reimg, CV_GABOR_REAL);

          cvNamedWindow("Real Response", 1);

          cvShowImage("Real Response",reimg);


          cvDestroyWindow("Real Response");

Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客


     IplImage *reimg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

          gabor1->conv_img(img, reimg, CV_GABOR_IMAG);

          cvNamedWindow("Imaginary Response", 1);

          cvShowImage("Imaginary Response",reimg);


          cvDestroyWindow("Imaginary Response");

Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客



          IplImage *reimg = cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);

          gabor1->conv_img(img, reimg, CV_GABOR_MAG);

          cvNamedWindow("Magnitude Response", 1);

          cvShowImage("Magnitude Response",reimg);


      cvDestroyWindow("Magnitude Response");

Gabor滤波简介和实现(Matlab,OpenCV) - 淮静 - 淮静的博客


<pre name="code" class="cpp">/*************************************************************************** *   Copyright (C) 2006 by Mian Zhou   * *   * *                                                                         * *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  * *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  * *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     * *   (at your option) any later version.                                   * *                                                                         * *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       * *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        * *   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the         * *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          * *                                                                         * *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     * *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         * *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       * *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             * ***************************************************************************/#ifndef CVGABOR_H#define CVGABOR_H#include <iostream>#include <cv.h>#include <highgui.h>#define PI 3.14159265#define CV_GABOR_REAL 1#define CV_GABOR_IMAG 2#define CV_GABOR_MAG  3#define CV_GABOR_PHASE 4/**@author Mian Zhou*/class CvGabor{public:    CvGabor();    ~CvGabor();       CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma);     CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF);     CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu);     CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma);     CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF);    bool IsInit();    long mask_width();    IplImage* get_image(int Type);    bool IsKernelCreate();    long get_mask_width();    void Init(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF);    void Init(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF);    void output_file(const char *filename, int Type);    CvMat* get_matrix(int Type);    void show(int Type);    void conv_img(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, int Type);     CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu);    void normalize( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, double a, double b, int norm_type, const CvArr* mask );    void conv_img_a(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, int Type);protected:    double Sigma;    double F;    double Kmax;    double K;    double Phi;    bool bInitialised;    bool bKernel;    long Width;    CvMat *Imag;    CvMat *Real;  private:    void creat_kernel();    };#endif


/***************************************************************************  *   Copyright (C) 2006 by Mian Zhou   *  *   *  *                                                                         *  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *  *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *  *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *  *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *  *                                                                         *  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *  *   MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the         *  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *  *                                                                         *  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *  *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *  ***************************************************************************/  #include "cvgabor.h"    CvGabor::CvGabor()  {  }      CvGabor::~CvGabor()  {  cvReleaseMat( &Real );  cvReleaseMat( &Imag );  }          /*!     \fn CvGabor::CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma) Construct a gabor  Parameters:         iMu     The orientation iMu*PI/8,         iNu         The scale,     dSigma      The sigma value of Gabor,  Returns:     None  Create a gabor with a orientation iMu*PI/8, a scale iNu, and a sigma value dSigma. The spatial frequence (F) is set to sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.  */  CvGabor::CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma)  {       F = sqrt(2.0);      Init(iMu, iNu, dSigma, F);  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF) Construct a gabor  Parameters:         iMu     The orientation iMu*PI/8         iNu         The scale     dSigma      The sigma value of Gabor     dF      The spatial frequency   Returns:     None  Create a gabor with a orientation iMu*PI/8, a scale iNu, a sigma value dSigma, and a spatial frequence dF. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.  */   CvGabor::CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)  {        Init(iMu, iNu, dSigma, dF);        }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu) Construct a gabor  Parameters:         dPhi        The orientation in arc         iNu         The scale  Returns:     None  Create a gabor with a orientation dPhi, and with a scale iNu. The sigma (Sigma) and the spatial frequence (F) are set to 2*PI and sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.  */   CvGabor::CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu)  {      Sigma = 2*PI;      F = sqrt(2.0);      Init(dPhi, iNu, Sigma, F);  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma) Construct a gabor  Parameters:         dPhi        The orientation in arc         iNu         The scale     dSigma      The sigma value of Gabor  Returns:     None      Create a gabor with a orientation dPhi, a scale iNu, and a sigma value dSigma. The spatial frequence (F) is set to sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.  */   CvGabor::CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma)  {        F = sqrt(2);      Init(dPhi, iNu, dSigma, F);  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF) Construct a gabor  Parameters:         dPhi        The orientation in arc         iNu         The scale     dSigma      The sigma value of Gabor     dF      The spatial frequency   Returns:     None  Create a gabor with a orientation dPhi, a scale iNu, a sigma value dSigma, and a spatial frequence dF. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.  */   CvGabor::CvGabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)  {       Init(dPhi, iNu, dSigma,dF);  }    /*!     \fn CvGabor::IsInit() Determine the gabor is initilised or not  Parameters:     None  Returns:     a boolean value, TRUE is initilised or FALSE is non-initilised.  Determine whether the gabor has been initlized - variables F, K, Kmax, Phi, Sigma are filled.  */  bool CvGabor::IsInit()  {        return bInitialised;  }    /*!     \fn CvGabor::mask_width() Give out the width of the mask  Parameters:     None  Returns:     The long type show the width.  Return the width of mask (should be NxN) by the value of Sigma and iNu.  */  long CvGabor::mask_width()  {        long lWidth;      if (IsInit() == false)  {         perror ("Error: The Object has not been initilised in mask_width()!\n");         return 0;      }      else {         //determine the width of Mask        double dModSigma = Sigma/K;        double dWidth = round(dModSigma*6 + 1);        //test whether dWidth is an odd.        if (fmod(dWidth, 2.0)==0.0) dWidth++;        lWidth = (long)dWidth;          return lWidth;      }  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::creat_kernel() Create gabor kernel  Parameters:     None  Returns:     None  Create 2 gabor kernels - REAL and IMAG, with an orientation and a scale   */  void CvGabor::creat_kernel()  {            if (IsInit() == false) {perror("Error: The Object has not been initilised in creat_kernel()!\n");}      else {        CvMat *mReal, *mImag;        mReal = cvCreateMat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);        mImag = cvCreateMat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);                /**************************** Gabor Function ****************************/         int x, y;        double dReal;        double dImag;        double dTemp1, dTemp2, dTemp3;          for (int i = 0; i < Width; i++)        {            for (int j = 0; j < Width; j++)            {                x = i-(Width-1)/2;                y = j-(Width-1)/2;                dTemp1 = (pow(K,2)/pow(Sigma,2))*exp(-(pow((double)x,2)+pow((double)y,2))*pow(K,2)/(2*pow(Sigma,2)));                dTemp2 = cos(K*cos(Phi)*x + K*sin(Phi)*y) - exp(-(pow(Sigma,2)/2));                dTemp3 = sin(K*cos(Phi)*x + K*sin(Phi)*y);                dReal = dTemp1*dTemp2;                dImag = dTemp1*dTemp3;                 //gan_mat_set_el(pmReal, i, j, dReal);            //cvmSet( (CvMat*)mReal, i, j, dReal );          cvSetReal2D((CvMat*)mReal, i, j, dReal );                //gan_mat_set_el(pmImag, i, j, dImag);                //cvmSet( (CvMat*)mImag, i, j, dImag );          cvSetReal2D((CvMat*)mImag, i, j, dImag );              }          }         /**************************** Gabor Function ****************************/         bKernel = true;         cvCopy(mReal, Real, NULL);         cvCopy(mImag, Imag, NULL);        //printf("A %d x %d Gabor kernel with %f PI in arc is created.\n", Width, Width, Phi/PI);         cvReleaseMat( &mReal );         cvReleaseMat( &mImag );       }  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::get_image(int Type) Get the speific type of image of Gabor  Parameters:     Type        The Type of gabor kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASE     Returns:     Pointer to image structure, or NULL on failure    Return an Image (gandalf image class) with a specific Type   "REAL" "IMAG" "MAG" "PHASE"    */  IplImage* CvGabor::get_image(int Type)  {        if(IsKernelCreate() == false)      {         perror("Error: the Gabor kernel has not been created in get_image()!\n");        return NULL;      }      else      {        IplImage* pImage;      IplImage *newimage;      newimage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(Width,Width), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );      //printf("Width is %d.\n",(int)Width);      //printf("Sigma is %f.\n", Sigma);      //printf("F is %f.\n", F);      //printf("Phi is %f.\n", Phi);            //pImage = gan_image_alloc_gl_d(Width, Width);      pImage = cvCreateImage( cvSize(Width,Width), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );                  CvMat* kernel = cvCreateMat(Width, Width, CV_32FC1);      double ve;      CvScalar S;      CvSize size = cvGetSize( kernel );      int rows = size.height;      int cols = size.width;      switch(Type)      {          case 1:  //Real               cvCopy( (CvMat*)Real, (CvMat*)kernel, NULL );              //pImage = cvGetImage( (CvMat*)kernel, pImageGL );             for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)             {                for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)                {                     ve = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)kernel, i, j);                     cvSetReal2D( (IplImage*)pImage, j, i, ve );                }             }             break;          case 2:  //Imag             cvCopy( (CvMat*)Imag, (CvMat*)kernel, NULL );             //pImage = cvGetImage( (CvMat*)kernel, pImageGL );             for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)             {                for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++)                {                     ve = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)kernel, i, j);                     cvSetReal2D( (IplImage*)pImage, j, i, ve );                }             }             break;           case 3:  //Magnitude             ///@todo               break;          case 4:  //Phase            ///@todo             break;      }           cvNormalize((IplImage*)pImage, (IplImage*)pImage, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX, NULL );          cvConvertScaleAbs( (IplImage*)pImage, (IplImage*)newimage, 1, 0 );        cvReleaseMat(&kernel);        cvReleaseImage(&pImage);        return newimage;      }  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::IsKernelCreate() Determine the gabor kernel is created or not  Parameters:     None  Returns:     a boolean value, TRUE is created or FALSE is non-created.  Determine whether a gabor kernel is created.  */  bool CvGabor::IsKernelCreate()  {        return bKernel;  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::get_mask_width() Reads the width of Mask  Parameters:     None  Returns:     Pointer to long type width of mask.  */  long CvGabor::get_mask_width()  {    return Width;  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::Init(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF) Initilize the.gabor  Parameters:         iMu     The orientations which is iMu*PI.8         iNu     The scale can be from -5 to infinit         dSigma  The Sigma value of gabor, Normally set to 2*PI         dF  The spatial frequence , normally is sqrt(2)  Returns:  Initilize the.gabor with the orientation iMu, the scale iNu, the sigma dSigma, the frequency dF, it will call the function creat_kernel(); So a gabor is created.  */  void CvGabor::Init(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)  {    //Initilise the parameters       bInitialised = false;      bKernel = false;        Sigma = dSigma;      F = dF;            Kmax = PI/2;            // Absolute value of K      K = Kmax / pow(F, (double)iNu);      Phi = PI*iMu/8;      bInitialised = true;      Width = mask_width();      Real = cvCreateMat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);      Imag = cvCreateMat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);      creat_kernel();    }    /*!     \fn CvGabor::Init(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF) Initilize the.gabor  Parameters:         dPhi    The orientations          iNu     The scale can be from -5 to infinit         dSigma  The Sigma value of gabor, Normally set to 2*PI         dF  The spatial frequence , normally is sqrt(2)  Returns:     None  Initilize the.gabor with the orientation dPhi, the scale iNu, the sigma dSigma, the frequency dF, it will call the function creat_kernel(); So a gabor is created.filename  The name of the image file         file_format     The format of the file, e.g. GAN_PNG_FORMAT         image   The image structure to be written to the file         octrlstr    Format-dependent control structure   */  void CvGabor::Init(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)  {        bInitialised = false;      bKernel = false;      Sigma = dSigma;      F = dF;            Kmax = PI/2;            // Absolute value of K      K = Kmax / pow(F, (double)iNu);      Phi = dPhi;      bInitialised = true;      Width = mask_width();      Real = cvCreateMat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);      Imag = cvCreateMat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);      creat_kernel();    }        /*!     \fn CvGabor::get_matrix(int Type) Get a matrix by the type of kernel  Parameters:         Type        The type of kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASE  Returns:         Pointer to matrix structure, or NULL on failure.  Return the gabor kernel.  */  CvMat* CvGabor::get_matrix(int Type)  {      if (!IsKernelCreate()) {perror("Error: the gabor kernel has not been created!\n"); return NULL;}      switch (Type)      {        case CV_GABOR_REAL:          return Real;          break;        case CV_GABOR_IMAG:          return Imag;          break;        case CV_GABOR_MAG:          return NULL;          break;        case CV_GABOR_PHASE:          return NULL;          break;      }  }          /*!     \fn CvGabor::output_file(const char *filename, Gan_ImageFileFormat file_format, int Type) Writes a gabor kernel as an image file.  Parameters:         filename    The name of the image file         file_format     The format of the file, e.g. GAN_PNG_FORMAT         Type        The Type of gabor kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASE    Returns:     None  Writes an image from the provided image structure into the given file and the type of gabor kernel.  */  void CvGabor::output_file(const char *filename, int Type)  {    IplImage *pImage;    pImage = get_image(Type);    if(pImage != NULL)    {      if( cvSaveImage(filename, pImage )) printf("%s has been written successfully!\n", filename);      else printf("Error: writting %s has failed!\n", filename);    }    else       perror("Error: the image is empty in output_file()!\n");       cvReleaseImage(&pImage);  }              /*!     \fn CvGabor::show(int Type)  */  void CvGabor::show(int Type)  {      if(!IsInit()) {          perror("Error: the gabor kernel has not been created!\n");      }      else {        //    IplImage *pImage;        //pImage = get_image(Type);        //cvNamedWindow("Testing",1);        //cvShowImage("Testing",pImage);        //cvWaitKey(0);        //cvDestroyWindow("Testing");        //cvReleaseImage(&pImage);      }    }          /*!     \fn CvGabor::conv_img_a(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, int Type)  */  void CvGabor::conv_img_a(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, int Type)  {      double ve, re,im;          int width = src->width;      int height = src->height;      CvMat *mat = cvCreateMat(src->width, src->height, CV_32FC1);            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)      {         for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)         {                ve = cvGetReal2D((IplImage*)src, j, i);                cvSetReal2D( (CvMat*)mat, i, j, ve );         }      }        CvMat *rmat = cvCreateMat(width, height, CV_32FC1);      CvMat *imat = cvCreateMat(width, height, CV_32FC1);        CvMat *kernel = cvCreateMat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1 );        switch (Type)      {        case CV_GABOR_REAL:          cvCopy( (CvMat*)Real, (CvMat*)kernel, NULL );          cvFilter2D( (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)kernel, cvPoint( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));          break;        case CV_GABOR_IMAG:          cvCopy( (CvMat*)Imag, (CvMat*)kernel, NULL );          cvFilter2D( (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)kernel, cvPoint( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));          break;        case CV_GABOR_MAG:          /* Real Response */          cvCopy( (CvMat*)Real, (CvMat*)kernel, NULL );          cvFilter2D( (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)rmat, (CvMat*)kernel, cvPoint( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));          /* Imag Response */          cvCopy( (CvMat*)Imag, (CvMat*)kernel, NULL );          cvFilter2D( (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)imat, (CvMat*)kernel, cvPoint( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));          /* Magnitude response is the square root of the sum of the square of real response and imaginary response */          for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)          {             for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)             {                 re = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)rmat, i, j);                 im = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)imat, i, j);                 ve = sqrt(re*re + im*im);                 cvSetReal2D( (CvMat*)mat, i, j, ve );             }          }                 break;        case CV_GABOR_PHASE:          break;      }            if (dst->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U)      {          cvNormalize((CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)mat, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX, NULL);          for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)          {              for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)              {                  ve = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)mat, i, j);                  ve = cvRound(ve);                  cvSetReal2D( (IplImage*)dst, j, i, ve );              }          }       }         if (dst->depth == IPL_DEPTH_32F)       {           for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)           {              for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)              {                  ve = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)mat, i, j);                  cvSetReal2D( (IplImage*)dst, j, i, ve );              }           }       }         cvReleaseMat(&kernel);      cvReleaseMat(&imat);      cvReleaseMat(&rmat);      cvReleaseMat(&mat);  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu)  */   CvGabor::CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu)  {    double dSigma = 2*PI;     F = sqrt(2.0);    Init(iMu, iNu, dSigma, F);  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::normalize( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, double a, double b, int norm_type, const CvArr* mask )  */  void CvGabor::normalize( const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, double a, double b, int norm_type, const CvArr* mask )  {      CvMat* tmp = 0;      __BEGIN__;        double scale, shift;            if( norm_type == CV_MINMAX )      {          double smin = 0, smax = 0;          double dmin = MIN( a, b ), dmax = MAX( a, b );          cvMinMaxLoc( src, &smin, &smax, 0, 0, mask );          scale = (dmax - dmin)*(smax - smin > DBL_EPSILON ? 1./(smax - smin) : 0);          shift = dmin - smin*scale;      }      else if( norm_type == CV_L2 || norm_type == CV_L1 || norm_type == CV_C )      {          CvMat *s = (CvMat*)src, *d = (CvMat*)dst;            scale = cvNorm( src, 0, norm_type, mask );          scale = scale > DBL_EPSILON ? 1./scale : 0.;          shift = 0;      }      else {}                       if( !mask )          cvConvertScale( src, dst, scale, shift );      else      {          CvMat stub, *dmat;                      cvConvertScale( src, tmp, scale, shift );          cvCopy( tmp, dst, mask );      }        __END__;        if( tmp )          cvReleaseMat( &tmp );  }      /*!     \fn CvGabor::conv_img(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, int Type)  */  void CvGabor::conv_img(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, int Type)  {    double ve, re,im;         CvMat *mat = cvCreateMat(src->width, src->height, CV_32FC1);    for (int i = 0; i < src->width; i++)    {      for (int j = 0; j < src->height; j++)      {        ve = CV_IMAGE_ELEM(src, uchar, j, i);        CV_MAT_ELEM(*mat, float, i, j) = (float)ve;      }    }        CvMat *rmat = cvCreateMat(src->width, src->height, CV_32FC1);    CvMat *imat = cvCreateMat(src->width, src->height, CV_32FC1);        switch (Type)    {    case CV_GABOR_REAL:      cvFilter2D( (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)Real, cvPoint( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));      break;    case CV_GABOR_IMAG:      cvFilter2D( (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)Imag, cvPoint( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));      break;    case CV_GABOR_MAG:      cvFilter2D( (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)rmat, (CvMat*)Real, cvPoint( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));      cvFilter2D( (CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)imat, (CvMat*)Imag, cvPoint( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));            cvPow(rmat,rmat,2);       cvPow(imat,imat,2);      cvAdd(imat,rmat,mat);       cvPow(mat,mat,0.5);       break;    case CV_GABOR_PHASE:      break;    }        if (dst->depth == IPL_DEPTH_8U)    {      cvNormalize((CvMat*)mat, (CvMat*)mat, 0, 255, CV_MINMAX);      for (int i = 0; i < mat->rows; i++)      {        for (int j = 0; j < mat->cols; j++)        {          ve = CV_MAT_ELEM(*mat, float, i, j);          CV_IMAGE_ELEM(dst, uchar, j, i) = (uchar)cvRound(ve);        }      }    }        if (dst->depth == IPL_DEPTH_32F)    {      for (int i = 0; i < mat->rows; i++)      {        for (int j = 0; j < mat->cols; j++)        {          ve = cvGetReal2D((CvMat*)mat, i, j);          cvSetReal2D( (IplImage*)dst, j, i, ve );        }      }    }    cvReleaseMat(&imat);    cvReleaseMat(&rmat);    cvReleaseMat(&mat);  }  

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