MongoDB connection

来源:互联网 发布:上海行知学院怎么样 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 05:22
For mongo db adapter, you should enable the replication in MongoDB. 

1. Start MongoDB server with replication enabled.

./mongod --dbpath=<some_path > --replset "rs0"

keep this MongoDb server running. 

2. Connect to MongoDB using mongo client.


2.1) type rs.initiate() on the mongo client's terminal. It initiates replication.

2.2) Create database

2.3) Create collection. ( You can use movies database or songs database that we have)

2.4) Configure srch2's config file to listen to MongoDB. ( Make sure you have correct schema in Config file)

2.5) start inserting records in MongoDB and trace how our adapter picks that update from MongoDB.

How MongoDB adapter works:   MongoDB creates a  "oplog" entry in JSON format for each insert/update/delete on a collection of a database. The mongoDB adapter of our engine reads the oplog entries and fetches the required information. MongoDB creates oplog entry only if replication is enabled.

I would suggest you should get yourself familiar with MongoDB. Understanding MongoDB is essential for writing a good adapter. Same applies for MySQL Db. Our current adapter has limited functionality. Explore how we can expand it and also make the existing one very robust.

UPDATE: mongod is a server process, it will wait in the loop for client. User another terminal and start mongo client and follow the step 2.
UPDATE: Start/Stop OP
UPDATE: Command mongod --dbpath=/var/lib/mongodb --replset "rs0"

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