机器人 串口配置文件serial.INI

来源:互联网 发布:如何上淘宝开发票抬头 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 06:32
; Configuration of the serial ports and their protocols
; Lindemann 27.02.2002 KUKA Controls:
;           update comments and COM4 removed
; Lindemann/Scheffold 25.10.2002 KUKA Controls:
;           XONXOFF: DSR signal now setable
; Protocol description:  3964R具体说明在下面:
; 3964R    Standard software protocol  (Siemens)
; SRVT     Servo Robot Vision Telegram (use only with Servo Robot)
; WTC      Spot Weld Controller        (use only with Weltronic Controler)
; XONXOFF  Xon/Xoff software protocol  (use also as pure serial communication)

CHAR_LEN=8   ; 7,8
STOP_BIT=1   ; 1,2  at time not changeable
PARITY=2     ; EVEN=2, ODD=1, NONE=0

PROC=1       ; 3964R=1, SRVT=2, WTC=3, XONXOFF=4


CHAR_LEN=8   ; 7,8
STOP_BIT=1   ; 1,2  at time not changeable
PARITY=2     ; EVEN=2, ODD=1, NONE=0

PROC=1       ; 3964R=1, SRVT=2, WTC=3, XONXOFF=4


CHAR_LEN=8   ; 7,8
STOP_BIT=1   ; 1,2  at time not changeable
PARITY=2     ; EVEN=2, ODD=1, NONE=0

PROC=1       ; 3964R=1, SRVT=2, WTC=3, XONXOFF=4


CHAR_TIMEOUT=500   ; msec
QUITT_TIMEOUT=500  ; msec
TRANS_TIMEOUT=2000 ; msec

MAX_TX_BUFFER=2      ; 1..5         number of send buffers
MAX_RX_BUFFER=10     ; 1..20        number of receive buffers
SIZE_RX_BUFFER=100   ; 1..2048      size of receive buffers

CHAR_TIMEOUT=200     ; msec

MAX_TX_BUFFER=2      ; 1..5
MAX_RX_BUFFER=2      ; 1..20
SIZE_RX_BUFFER=100   ; 1..2048

CHAR_TIMEOUT=200     ; msec

MAX_TX_BUFFER=2      ; 1..5
MAX_RX_BUFFER=2      ; 1..20
SIZE_RX_BUFFER=50    ; 1..2048

CHAR_TIMEOUT=50      ; msec   Timeout after last received character
                     ;        to recognize the end of telegram
MAX_TX_BUFFER=2      ; 1..5
MAX_RX_BUFFER=2      ; 1..20
SIZE_RX_BUFFER=100   ; 1..2048 longest expected telegram length + 15 characters

XON_VAL=17           ; 0..255  XON  character (decimal)
XOFF_VAL=19          ; 0..255  XOFF character (decimal)
                     ; if XON_VAL=0 and XOFF_VAL=0 then XON/XOFF protocol
                     ; is disabled (pure serial communication)
DSR_LINE=0           ; 0 = DSR line not connected, 1 = DSR line must be high

;testprint (Rx/Tx-telegrams) on telnet if value > 0

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