
来源:互联网 发布:阿里云 ota 安卓 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 09:31



int fcntl(int fd,int cmd,struct flock *lock);

fd 为文件描述符,cmd为命令参数,flock结构体用来记录锁的属性

cmd 可取如下几个值:

      F_GETLK 根据lock参数值,决定是否上文件锁
       F_SETLK 设置lock参数值的文件锁
       F_SETLKW 这是 F_GETLK的阻塞版本,在无法获取锁时,会进入睡眠状态。

    flock 结构体:

         struct flock {
                    short l_type;
                    off_t l_start;
                   short l_whence;
                   off_t l_len;
                   pid_t l_pid;


    l_type 表示锁的类型,可取:F_RDLCK(共享锁,用于只读),F_WRLCK(独占锁,用于写) F_UNLCK(解除锁)

    l_whence 区:SEEK_SET,SEEK_CUR,SEEK_END三个值

    l_start : 相对于l_whence 的偏移

    l_len: 锁定文件的长度

    l_pid : 当前文件操作的进程id号


const char* path="/home/wyz19891024/code/ccode/flock.txt";

int main()
 int fd;
 int i = 0;
 struct flock region_lock;
 char ch = 'A';
 int ret;
 fd = open(path,O_CREAT | O_RDWR,0666);
 if(fd < 0)
 fprintf(stderr,"open file:%s failed\n",path);
 return 1;
 fprintf(stdout,"write data to file\n");
 while(i < 21)   //向文件中写数据
 region_lock.l_type = F_RDLCK;
 region_lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;   //文件5-10字节设置共享锁
 region_lock.l_start = 5;
 region_lock.l_len = 5;
 fprintf(stdout,"process:%d set F_RDLCK from %d to %d\n",getpid(),5,10);
 ret = fcntl(fd,F_SETLK,&region_lock);
 region_lock.l_type = F_WRLCK;   //独占锁
 region_lock.l_whence = SEEK_SET;
 region_lock.l_start = 15;
 region_lock.l_len = 5;
 fprintf(stdout,"process:%d set F_WRLCK from %d to %d\n",getpid(),15,20);
 ret = fcntl(fd,F_SETLK,&region_lock);
 return 0;





const char* path = "/home/wyz19891024/code/ccode/flock.txt";
const char* str = "hello";

int main()
 int fd;
 struct flock region_lock;
 char buf[10];
 fd = open(path,O_CREAT | O_RDWR,0666);
 fprintf(stdout,"process % ,try to read file from %d to %d\n",getpid(),5,10);
 if(read(fd,buf,5) == -1)
  fprintf(stderr,"read from %d to %d \n failed\n",5,10);
  return 1;
 fprintf(stdout,"read data:%s\n",buf);
 fprintf(stdout,"try to write file from %d to %d \n",5,10);
 if(write(fd,str,5) == -1)
  fprintf(stderr,"write data %s failed\n",str);
  return  1;
  fprintf(stdout,"write data %s success!\n",str);
 fprintf(stdout,"try to read data from %d to %d\n",15,20);
 if(read(fd,buf,5) == -1)
 fprintf(stderr,"read data from %d to %d failed\n",15,20);
 return 1;
 return 0;



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