源码安装libvirt 常见问题

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店一共有多少分 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 09:22



索性我就从官网上下了安装包,保守一点,下个0.7的版本。老套路:./configure,make, make install。装完问题也来了!
ln  /usr/local/var/lock/subsys -s  /var/lock/subsys
mv libvirt.so.0.7.0 libvirt.so.0
找不到libvirt-sock,说没有这个文件,错误情况:“libvir: Remote error : unable to connect to '/usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': No such file or directory”再做个链接
ln -s /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock /usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock
找不到libvirt-sock,说没有这个文件,错误情况:“libvir: Remote error : unable to connect to '/usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock-ro': No such file or directory”再做个链接
ln -s /var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock-ro /usr/local/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock-ro

Failed to connect to the hypervisor

There are lots of errors that can occur while connecting to the server (when running virsh for example)


No connection driver available



When running a command, the following error (or similar) appears:

$ virsh -c <uri> listerror: no connection driver available for No connection for URI <uri>error: failed to connect to the hypervisor


This can happen when libvirt is compiled from sources. The error means there is no driver to use with the specified URI (e.g. "Xen" for "xen://server/")



Check the last part of configure ('./configure' or './autogen') output, you should see something like this:

configure: Driversconfigure: configure: <driver>: yes

For example talking about Xen:

configure: Driversconfigure: configure:     Xen: yes

If however you see "<driver>: no" (e.g. "Xen:no"), that means configure failed to find all the tools/libraries necessary to implement this support or there was "--without-<driver>" parameter specified on the command line.



Do not specify "--without-<driver>" on the command line of the configuration script and make sure there are all development libraries installed as well, then configure the sources again.


Cannot read CA certificate



When running a command, the following error (or similar) appears:

$ virsh -c <uri> listerror: Cannot read CA certificate '/etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem': No such file or directoryerror: failed to connect to the hypervisor


This error can be caused by various things, for some of them, the error message is little misleading:

  1. specified URI is wrong (missing one '/' -- e.g. 'qemu://system')
  2. connection is not configured


specified URI is wrong

In the case of specifying 'qemu://system' or 'qemu://session' as a connection URI, virsh is trying to connect to hostname 'system' or 'session' respectively because when hostname is specified, the transport for qemu defaults to 'tls' and thus the need for a certificates. Use three slashes in this case.

connection is not configured

You specified correct URI (e.g. 'qemu[+tls]://server/system') but the certificates were not set up properly on your machine. There is a great In depth guide to configuring TLS. The solution is most probably there.


Permission denied



When running a command, the following error (or similar) appears:

$ virsh -c qemu:///system listerror: Failed to connect socket to '/var/run/libvirt/libvirt-sock': Permission deniederror: failed to connect to the hypervisor


You are trying to connect using unix socket. The connection to "qemu" without any hostname specified is by default using unix sockets. If there is no error running this command as root it's probably just misconfigured.



If you want to be able to connect as non-root user using unix sockets, configure following options in '/etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf' accordingly:

unix_sock_group = <group>unix_sock_ro_perms = <perms>unix_sock_rw_perms = <perms>

Other errors

These other errors are even simpler to solve than those mentioned before, so here is a list of error/solutions:

unable to connect to server at 'server:port': Connection refused

The daemon is not running on the server or it's configured not to listen (configuration option 'listen_tcp' or 'listen_tls').

End of file while reading data: nc: using stream socket: Input/output error

If you specified 'ssh' transport, the daemon is probably not running on the server.

End of file while reading data: : Input/output error

If you are using ssh transport, for example, by executing

virsh --connect qemu+ssh://username@remove.host.com/system list

Probably the user you are using to access the server does not belong to the proper group, such as 'libvirtd' for Ubuntu servers. Try adding the user to the proper group on server and connect again. For example, below is to be run on Ubuntu servers.

sudo usermod -G libvirtd -a username

Refer to SSHSetup for setup about other distributions.

Retrieved from "http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Failed_to_connect_to_the_hypervisor"



1[root@localhost ~]# service libvirtd restart
2Stopping libvirtd daemon:                   [  FAILED  ]
3Starting libvirtd daemon:                     [  OK  ]


01[root@localhost ~]# sudo service messagebus start
02Starting system message bus:
04[root@localhost ~]# sudo service avahi-daemon start
05Starting Avahi daemon...
07[root@localhost ~]# sudo service libvirtd start
08Starting libvirtd daemon:
10[root@localhost ~]# sudo chkconfig messagebus on
11[root@localhost ~]# sudo chkconfig avahi-daemon on
1[root@localhost ~]# service libvirtd restart
2Stopping libvirtd daemon:                     [  OK  ]
3Starting libvirtd daemon:                       [  OK  ]
然后是virsh define xml时遇到如下error:
1[root@localhost ~]# sudo virsh define xml
2error: Failed to define domain from rhel.test
3error: unknown OS type hvm

而我自己的os xml是这样的:


2    <type>hvm</type>
1[root@localhost ~]# modprobe kvm
2[root@localhost ~]# modprobe kvm-intel
3[root@localhost ~]# lsmod | grep kvm
4kvm_intel                          47822      0
5kvm                                 300730     1   kvm_intel


1[root@localhost ~]# virsh --version
2Compiled against library: libvir 0.9.4
3Using library: libvir 0.9.4
4Using API: QEMU 0.9.4
5error: failed to get the hypervisor version
6error: internal error Cannot find suitable emulator for x86_64
嗯,这里问题出来了,原来是没有emulator,那我安装一个好了,yum install qemu-kvm.x86_64.
1[root@localhost ~]# service libvirtd restart
2Stopping libvirtd daemon:                       [  OK  ]
3Starting libvirtd daemon:                       [  OK  ]
4[root@localhost ~]# virsh define xml
5Domain rhel.test defined from rhel.test
1[root@localhost ~]# sudo virsh start rhel.test
2error: Failed to start domain rhel.test
3error: internal error process exited while connecting to monitor: 00:18:12.815: 29825: info : libvirt version: 0.9.4, package: 23.el6 (Red Hat, Inc. <http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla>, 2011-11-08-21:34:51, x86-012.build.bos.redhat.com)
4Could not access KVM kernel module: Permission denied
5failed to initialize KVM: Permission denied
6No accelerator found!
1[root@localhost ~]# ll /dev/kvm
2crw-rw---- 1 root root 10, 232 Apr 10 10:46 /dev/kvm
3[root@localhost ~]# chown root:kvm /dev/kvm
4[root@localhost ~]# sudo virsh start rhel.test
5Domain rhel.test started
0 0