
来源:互联网 发布:windows内核攻击游戏 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 08:27





答案是否定的!很明显,我们只需要在显示Settings的第一个界面的时候才setContentView(),也就是说在onCreate里面判断一下 if (this.getClass().equals(Settings.class)),为什么是这样呢?我们可以滚动到Settings.java文件末尾,会发现,其实二级菜单都是一些Fragment,但是它们也有虚拟的类名的,都是Settings的内部类,所以,进到二级菜单就不满足这个条件了。


if (this.getClass().equals(Settings.class)) {setContentView(R.layout.tab_settings);mTabCursor = (ImageView) findViewById(;ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(;viewPager.setAdapter(new ViewPagerAdapter(getFragmentManager()));viewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(mPageChangeListener);mViewPager = viewPager;mTabGeneral = (TextView) findViewById(;mTabDisplay = (TextView) findViewById(;mTabGeneral.setOnClickListener(mTabOnClickListener);mTabDisplay.setOnClickListener(mTabOnClickListener);mTabGeneral.setTextColor(COLOR_SELECTED);mTabGeneral.setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE_SELECTED);}




<FrameLayout xmlns:android=""    android:layout_width="match_parent"    android:layout_height="match_parent"    >    <ListView        android:id="@android:id/list"        android:layout_width="0dp"        android:layout_height="0dp"        android:visibility="gone"/>    <LinearLayout        android:layout_width="match_parent"        android:layout_height="wrap_content"        android:orientation="vertical" >        <FrameLayout            android:layout_width="match_parent"           android:layout_height="@dimen/tab_height"           android:background="@drawable/tab_background" >    <ImageView                 android:id="@+id/tab_cursor"                android:layout_width="@dimen/tab_width"                android:layout_height="@dimen/tab_height"                android:background="@drawable/tab_cursor"/>            <LinearLayout                android:layout_width="match_parent"                android:layout_height="@dimen/tab_height">                <TextView                    android:id="@+id/tab_general"                    android:layout_width="0dp"                    android:layout_height="wrap_content"                    android:layout_weight="1"                    android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"                    android:gravity="center"                    android:text="@string/tab_general"                    android:singleLine="true"                    android:textSize="@dimen/tab_text_size" />                <TextView                    android:id="@+id/tab_display"                    android:layout_width="0dp"                    android:layout_height="wrap_content"                    android:layout_weight="1"                    android:gravity="center"                    android:layout_gravity="center_vertical"                    android:text="@string/tab_display"                    android:singleLine="true"                    android:textSize="@dimen/tab_text_size" />            </LinearLayout>          </FrameLayout>        <            android:id="@+id/pager"            android:layout_width="match_parent"            android:layout_height="match_parent" />    </LinearLayout></FrameLayout>



/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import;import static;import android.accounts.Account;import android.accounts.AccountManager;import android.accounts.OnAccountsUpdateListener;import android.content.ComponentName;import android.content.Context;import android.content.Intent;import;import;import;import;import android.os.Bundle;import android.os.INetworkManagementService;import android.os.RemoteException;import android.os.ServiceManager;import android.os.UserId;import android.os.SystemProperties;import android.os.TopwiseProp;import android.preference.Preference;import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;import android.preference.PreferenceActivity.Header;import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;import;import;import;import android.telephony.TelephonyManager;import android.text.TextUtils;import android.util.Log;import android.view.LayoutInflater;import android.view.View;import android.view.Window;import android.view.View.OnClickListener;import android.view.ViewGroup;import android.widget.ArrayAdapter;import android.widget.BaseAdapter;import android.widget.Button;import android.widget.CompoundButton;import android.widget.ImageView;import android.widget.ListAdapter;import android.widget.Switch;import android.widget.TextView;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Comparator;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.List;/** * Top-level settings activity to handle single pane and double pane UI layout. */public class Settings extends PreferenceActivity        implements ButtonBarHandler, OnAccountsUpdateListener {    private static final String LOG_TAG = "Settings";    private static final String META_DATA_KEY_HEADER_ID =        "";    private static final String META_DATA_KEY_FRAGMENT_CLASS =        "";    private static final String META_DATA_KEY_PARENT_TITLE =        "";    private static final String META_DATA_KEY_PARENT_FRAGMENT_CLASS =        "";    private static final String EXTRA_CLEAR_UI_OPTIONS = "settings:remove_ui_options";    private static final String SAVE_KEY_CURRENT_HEADER = "";    private static final String SAVE_KEY_PARENT_HEADER = "";    //fix bug 210641 the text of "backup and reset" not appropriate ,when os did not support backup on 2013.9.4 start    private static final String GSETTINGS_PROVIDER = "";    //fix bug 210641 the text of "backup and reset" not appropriate ,when os did not support backup on 2013.9.4 send    public static boolean UNIVERSEUI_SUPPORT = SystemProperties.getBoolean("universe_ui_support",false);    public static final boolean CU_SUPPORT = SystemProperties.get("ro.operator").equals("cucc");    private String mFragmentClass;    private int mTopLevelHeaderId;    private Header mFirstHeader;    private Header mCurrentHeader;    private Header mParentHeader;    private boolean mInLocalHeaderSwitch;    // Show only these settings for restricted users    private int[] SETTINGS_FOR_RESTRICTED = {  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,      };    private boolean mEnableUserManagement = false;    // TODO: Update Call Settings based on airplane mode state.    protected HashMap<Integer, Integer> mHeaderIndexMap = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();    private AuthenticatorHelper mAuthenticatorHelper;    private Header mLastHeader;    private boolean mListeningToAccountUpdates;    private boolean  mBluetoothEnable;    private boolean  mVoiceCapable;// Start by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]//private boolean mIsOpenWristwatchCfg = TopwiseProp.getDefaultSettingBoolean("topwise_open_wristwatch");private boolean mIsOpenWristwatchCfg = TopwiseProp.getDefaultSettingBoolean("topwise_wristwatch_unlock");// End by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        mBluetoothEnable = (SystemProperties.getInt("ro.tablet.bluetooth.enable", 1) != 0);        mBluetoothEnable = (SystemProperties.getInt("ro.tablet.bluetooth.enable", 1) != 0);        mVoiceCapable = getResources().getBoolean(;        if (getIntent().getBooleanExtra(EXTRA_CLEAR_UI_OPTIONS, false)) {            getWindow().setUiOptions(0);        }        if (android.provider.Settings.Secure.getInt(getContentResolver(), "multiuser_enabled", -1)                > 0) {            mEnableUserManagement = true;        }        mAuthenticatorHelper = new AuthenticatorHelper();        mAuthenticatorHelper.updateAuthDescriptions(this);        mAuthenticatorHelper.onAccountsUpdated(this, null);        getMetaData();        mInLocalHeaderSwitch = true;        //add by daiwei for tab        if (getClass().getName().equals("")) {        setTheme(;        }        //end by daiwei        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        mInLocalHeaderSwitch = false;        //For LowCost case, define the list selector by itself        if (LC_RAM_SUPPORT)        getListView().setSelector(R.drawable.list_selector_holo_dark);        if (!onIsHidingHeaders() && onIsMultiPane()) {            highlightHeader(mTopLevelHeaderId);            // Force the title so that it doesn't get overridden by a direct launch of            // a specific settings screen.            setTitle(R.string.settings_label);        }        // Retrieve any saved state        if (savedInstanceState != null) {            mCurrentHeader = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(SAVE_KEY_CURRENT_HEADER);            mParentHeader = savedInstanceState.getParcelable(SAVE_KEY_PARENT_HEADER);        }        // If the current header was saved, switch to it        if (savedInstanceState != null && mCurrentHeader != null) {            //switchToHeaderLocal(mCurrentHeader);            showBreadCrumbs(mCurrentHeader.title, null);        }        if (mParentHeader != null) {            setParentTitle(mParentHeader.title, null, new OnClickListener() {                public void onClick(View v) {                    switchToParent(mParentHeader.fragment);                }            });        }        // Override up navigation for multi-pane, since we handle it in the fragment breadcrumbs        if (onIsMultiPane()) {            getActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(false);            getActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(false);        }                //add by daiwei for tab setting        if (getClass().getName().equals("")) {        setContentView(R.layout.tab_settings);    mTabCursor = (ImageView)findViewById(;    ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager)findViewById(;    viewPager.setAdapter(new ViewPagerAdapter(getFragmentManager()));    viewPager.setOnPageChangeListener(mPageChangeListener);    mViewPager = viewPager;        View tab_general = findViewById(;    View tab_display = findViewById(;    tab_general.setOnClickListener(mTabOnClickListener);    tab_display.setOnClickListener(mTabOnClickListener);    mTabGeneral = (TextView)tab_general;    mTabDisplay = (TextView)tab_display;    mTabGeneral.setTextColor(COLOR_SELECTED);    mTabGeneral.setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE_SELECTED);        }        //end by daiwei    }    @Override    protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {        super.onSaveInstanceState(outState);        // Save the current fragment, if it is the same as originally launched        if (mCurrentHeader != null) {            outState.putParcelable(SAVE_KEY_CURRENT_HEADER, mCurrentHeader);        }        if (mParentHeader != null) {            outState.putParcelable(SAVE_KEY_PARENT_HEADER, mParentHeader);        }    }    @Override    public void onResume() {        super.onResume();        ListAdapter listAdapter = getListAdapter();        if (listAdapter instanceof HeaderAdapter) {            ((HeaderAdapter) listAdapter).resume();        }        invalidateHeaders();        setActionBarStyle();//add by liweiping 20140210 for bug 173    }        //start by liweiping 20140210 for bug 173    /* Set ActionBar with popup function */    protected void setActionBarStyle() {        ActionBar actionBar = getActionBar();        if (actionBar == null){            return;        }        if ( this.toString().contains("SubSettings") ) {            actionBar.setDisplayOptions(ActionBar.DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP, ActionBar.DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP);            actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true);        }        else {            actionBar.setDisplayOptions(ActionBar.DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP                    ^ ActionBar.DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP                    , ActionBar.DISPLAY_HOME_AS_UP);            actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(false);        }    }    //end by liweiping 20140210     @Override    public void onPause() {        super.onPause();        ListAdapter listAdapter = getListAdapter();        if (listAdapter instanceof HeaderAdapter) {            ((HeaderAdapter) listAdapter).pause();        }    }    private String getRunningActivityName() {        ActivityManager activityManager = (ActivityManager) getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);        return activityManager != null ? activityManager.getRunningTasks(1).get(0).topActivity                .getClassName() : null;    }    // fix bug 185285 to avoid jump out of Settings when Locale changed on 20130819 begin    /*@Override    public void onBackPressed() {        if (!moveTaskToBack(false)) {            super.onBackPressed();        }    }*/    // fix bug 185285 to avoid jump out of Settings when Locale changed on 20130819 end    @Override    public void onDestroy() {        super.onDestroy();        if (mListeningToAccountUpdates) {            AccountManager.get(this).removeOnAccountsUpdatedListener(this);        }    }    private void switchToHeaderLocal(Header header) {        mInLocalHeaderSwitch = true;        switchToHeader(header);        mInLocalHeaderSwitch = false;    }    @Override    public void switchToHeader(Header header) {        if (!mInLocalHeaderSwitch) {            mCurrentHeader = null;            mParentHeader = null;        }        super.switchToHeader(header);    }    /**     * Switch to parent fragment and store the grand parent's info     * @param className name of the activity wrapper for the parent fragment.     */    private void switchToParent(String className) {        final ComponentName cn = new ComponentName(this, className);        try {            final PackageManager pm = getPackageManager();            final ActivityInfo parentInfo = pm.getActivityInfo(cn, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);            if (parentInfo != null && parentInfo.metaData != null) {                String fragmentClass = parentInfo.metaData.getString(META_DATA_KEY_FRAGMENT_CLASS);                CharSequence fragmentTitle = parentInfo.loadLabel(pm);                Header parentHeader = new Header();                parentHeader.fragment = fragmentClass;                parentHeader.title = fragmentTitle;                mCurrentHeader = parentHeader;                switchToHeaderLocal(parentHeader);                highlightHeader(mTopLevelHeaderId);                mParentHeader = new Header();                mParentHeader.fragment                        = parentInfo.metaData.getString(META_DATA_KEY_PARENT_FRAGMENT_CLASS);                mParentHeader.title = parentInfo.metaData.getString(META_DATA_KEY_PARENT_TITLE);            }        } catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe) {            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not find parent activity : " + className);        }    }    @Override    public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {        super.onNewIntent(intent);        // If it is not launched from history, then reset to top-level        if ((intent.getFlags() & Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_LAUNCHED_FROM_HISTORY) == 0                && mFirstHeader != null && !onIsHidingHeaders() && onIsMultiPane()) {            switchToHeaderLocal(mFirstHeader);        }    }    private void highlightHeader(int id) {        if (id != 0) {            Integer index = mHeaderIndexMap.get(id);            if (index != null) {                getListView().setItemChecked(index, true);                getListView().smoothScrollToPosition(index);            }        }    }    @Override    public Intent getIntent() {        Intent superIntent = super.getIntent();        String startingFragment = getStartingFragmentClass(superIntent);        // This is called from super.onCreate, isMultiPane() is not yet reliable        // Do not use onIsHidingHeaders either, which relies itself on this method        if (startingFragment != null && !onIsMultiPane()) {            Intent modIntent = new Intent(superIntent);            modIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT, startingFragment);            Bundle args = superIntent.getExtras();            if (args != null) {                args = new Bundle(args);            } else {                args = new Bundle();            }            args.putParcelable("intent", superIntent);            modIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT_ARGUMENTS, superIntent.getExtras());            return modIntent;        }        return superIntent;    }    /**     * Checks if the component name in the intent is different from the Settings class and     * returns the class name to load as a fragment.     */    protected String getStartingFragmentClass(Intent intent) {        if (mFragmentClass != null) return mFragmentClass;        String intentClass = intent.getComponent().getClassName();        if (intentClass.equals(getClass().getName())) return null;        if ("".equals(intentClass)                || "".equals(intentClass)                || "".equals(intentClass)) {            // Old names of manage apps.            intentClass =;        }        return intentClass;    }    /**     * Override initial header when an activity-alias is causing Settings to be launched     * for a specific fragment encoded in the android:name parameter.     */    @Override    public Header onGetInitialHeader() {        String fragmentClass = getStartingFragmentClass(super.getIntent());        if (fragmentClass != null) {            Header header = new Header();            header.fragment = fragmentClass;            header.title = getTitle();            header.fragmentArguments = getIntent().getExtras();            mCurrentHeader = header;            return header;        }        return mFirstHeader;    }    @Override    public Intent onBuildStartFragmentIntent(String fragmentName, Bundle args,            int titleRes, int shortTitleRes) {        Intent intent = super.onBuildStartFragmentIntent(fragmentName, args,                titleRes, shortTitleRes);        // some fragments want to avoid split actionbar        if (DataUsageSummary.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                PowerUsageSummary.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                AccountSyncSettings.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                UserDictionarySettings.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                Memory.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                ManageApplications.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                WirelessSettings.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                SoundSettings.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                PrivacySettings.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                // SPRD: Modify 20130830 Spreadst of Bug 207441 clipboard can not be called                UserDictionaryAddWordFragment.class.getName().equals(fragmentName) ||                ManageAccountsSettings.class.getName().equals(fragmentName)) {            intent.putExtra(EXTRA_CLEAR_UI_OPTIONS, true);        }        //fix bug 226565 select englisg in userdictoryaddwors, rotate, the language change to chinses on 20131012 begin        intent.setClass(this, SubSettings.class);        /*         // fix bug 194403 to make the activity execute onCreate() method when orientation changed on 20130802 begin        Log.i(LOG_TAG,"fragmentName = " + fragmentName);        if (UserDictionaryAddWordFragment.class.getName().equals(fragmentName)) {            intent.setClass(this, LanguageSubSettings.class);        } else {            intent.setClass(this, SubSettings.class);        }        // fix bug 194403 to make the activity execute onCreate() method when orientation changed on 20130802 end        */        // fix bug 226565 select englisg in userdictoryaddwors, rotate, the language change to chinses on 20131012 end        return intent;    }    /**     * Populate the activity with the top-level headers.     */    @Override    public void onBuildHeaders(List<Header> headers) {        if(UNIVERSEUI_SUPPORT){            loadHeadersFromResource(R.xml.settings_headers_uui, headers);        }else{            loadHeadersFromResource(R.xml.settings_headers, headers);        }        updateHeaderList(headers);    }    private void updateHeaderList(List<Header> target) {        int i = 0;        boolean IsSupVoice = Settings.this.getResources().getBoolean(;        while (i < target.size()) {            Header header = target.get(i);            // Ids are integers, so downcasting            int id = (int);            if (id == {                if (!needsDockSettings())                    target.remove(header);            } else if (id == || id == {                Utils.updateHeaderToSpecificActivityFromMetaDataOrRemove(this, target, header);            } else if (id == {                // Remove WiFi Settings if WiFi service is not available.                // Start by changyan 2014.01.02                //if (!getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_WIFI)) {                if (!SystemProperties.getBoolean("", true)) {                                    //End by changyan                     target.remove(header);                }            } else if (id == {                //Start by changyan 2014.01.03                // Remove Bluetooth Settings if Bluetooth service is not available.                //if ((!getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_BLUETOOTH))                //        || (!mBluetoothEnable)) {                if (!SystemProperties.getBoolean("", true)) {                //End by changyan                       target.remove(header);                }            } else if (id == {                // Remove data usage when kernel module not enabled                final INetworkManagementService netManager = INetworkManagementService.Stub                        .asInterface(ServiceManager.getService(Context.NETWORKMANAGEMENT_SERVICE));                // fix bug 182580 to delete the data usage item of settings on 20130717 begin                boolean support_cmcc = SystemProperties.get("ro.operator").equals("cmcc");                try {                    if (!netManager.isBandwidthControlEnabled() || support_cmcc) {                        target.remove(header);                    }                } catch (RemoteException e) {                    // ignored                }                // fix bug 182580 to delete the data usage item of settings on 20130717 end            } else if (id == {                int headerIndex = i + 1;                i = insertAccountsHeaders(target, headerIndex);            } else if (id == {                if (!mEnableUserManagement                        || !UserId.MU_ENABLED || UserId.myUserId() != 0                        || !getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.enable_user_management)                        || Utils.isMonkeyRunning()) {                    target.remove(header);                }            } else if (id == {                if (!TelephonyManager.isMultiSim() || (!mVoiceCapable)) {                    target.remove(header);                }            } else if (id == {                if (!CU_SUPPORT) {                    target.remove(header);                }            }            else if (id == && IsSupVoice)            {                target.remove(header);            }            else if (id == && !IsSupVoice)            {                target.remove(header);            }// Start by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]else if (id == && false == mIsOpenWristwatchCfg) {target.remove(header);}// End by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]            if (UserId.MU_ENABLED && UserId.myUserId() != 0                    && !ArrayUtils.contains(SETTINGS_FOR_RESTRICTED, id)) {                target.remove(header);            }            // Increment if the current one wasn't removed by the Utils code.            if (target.get(i) == header) {                // Hold on to the first header, when we need to reset to the top-level                if (mFirstHeader == null &&                        HeaderAdapter.getHeaderType(header) != HeaderAdapter.HEADER_TYPE_CATEGORY) {                    mFirstHeader = header;                }                mHeaderIndexMap.put(id, i);                i++;            }        }    }    private int insertAccountsHeaders(List<Header> target, int headerIndex) {        String[] accountTypes = mAuthenticatorHelper.getEnabledAccountTypes();        List<Header> accountHeaders = new ArrayList<Header>(accountTypes.length);        for (String accountType : accountTypes) {    if (accountType.startsWith("sprd")) {continue;    }            CharSequence label = mAuthenticatorHelper.getLabelForType(this, accountType);            if (label == null) {                continue;            }            Account[] accounts = AccountManager.get(this).getAccountsByType(accountType);            boolean skipToAccount = accounts.length == 1                    && !mAuthenticatorHelper.hasAccountPreferences(accountType);            Header accHeader = new Header();            accHeader.title = label;            if (accHeader.extras == null) {                accHeader.extras = new Bundle();            }            if (skipToAccount) {                accHeader.breadCrumbTitleRes = R.string.account_sync_settings_title;                accHeader.breadCrumbShortTitleRes = R.string.account_sync_settings_title;                accHeader.fragment = AccountSyncSettings.class.getName();                accHeader.fragmentArguments = new Bundle();                // Need this for the icon                accHeader.extras.putString(ManageAccountsSettings.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, accountType);                accHeader.extras.putParcelable(AccountSyncSettings.ACCOUNT_KEY, accounts[0]);                accHeader.fragmentArguments.putParcelable(AccountSyncSettings.ACCOUNT_KEY,                        accounts[0]);            } else {                accHeader.breadCrumbTitle = label;                accHeader.breadCrumbShortTitle = label;                accHeader.fragment = ManageAccountsSettings.class.getName();                accHeader.fragmentArguments = new Bundle();                accHeader.extras.putString(ManageAccountsSettings.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE, accountType);                accHeader.fragmentArguments.putString(ManageAccountsSettings.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE,                        accountType);                if (!isMultiPane()) {                    accHeader.fragmentArguments.putString(ManageAccountsSettings.KEY_ACCOUNT_LABEL,                            label.toString());                }            }            accountHeaders.add(accHeader);        }        // Sort by label        Collections.sort(accountHeaders, new Comparator<Header>() {            @Override            public int compare(Header h1, Header h2) {                return h1.title.toString().compareTo(h2.title.toString());            }        });        for (Header header : accountHeaders) {            target.add(headerIndex++, header);        }        if (!mListeningToAccountUpdates) {            AccountManager.get(this).addOnAccountsUpdatedListener(this, null, true);            mListeningToAccountUpdates = true;        }        return headerIndex;    }    private boolean needsDockSettings() {        return getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.has_dock_settings);    }    private void getMetaData() {        try {            ActivityInfo ai = getPackageManager().getActivityInfo(getComponentName(),                    PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);            if (ai == null || ai.metaData == null) return;            mTopLevelHeaderId = ai.metaData.getInt(META_DATA_KEY_HEADER_ID);            mFragmentClass = ai.metaData.getString(META_DATA_KEY_FRAGMENT_CLASS);            // Check if it has a parent specified and create a Header object            final int parentHeaderTitleRes = ai.metaData.getInt(META_DATA_KEY_PARENT_TITLE);            String parentFragmentClass = ai.metaData.getString(META_DATA_KEY_PARENT_FRAGMENT_CLASS);            if (parentFragmentClass != null) {                mParentHeader = new Header();                mParentHeader.fragment = parentFragmentClass;                if (parentHeaderTitleRes != 0) {                    mParentHeader.title = getResources().getString(parentHeaderTitleRes);                }            }        } catch (NameNotFoundException nnfe) {            // No recovery        }    }    @Override    public boolean hasNextButton() {        return super.hasNextButton();    }    @Override    public Button getNextButton() {        return super.getNextButton();    }    private static class HeaderAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Header> {        static final int HEADER_TYPE_CATEGORY = 0;        static final int HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL = 1;        static final int HEADER_TYPE_SWITCH = 2;        private static final int HEADER_TYPE_COUNT = HEADER_TYPE_SWITCH + 1;// Start by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]private final WristwatchEnabler mWristwatchEnabler;// End by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]private final WifiEnabler mWifiEnabler;        private final BluetoothEnabler mBluetoothEnabler;        private AuthenticatorHelper mAuthHelper;        private static class HeaderViewHolder {            ImageView icon;            TextView title;            TextView summary;            Switch switch_;        }        private LayoutInflater mInflater;        static int getHeaderType(Header header) {            if (header.fragment == null && header.intent == null) {                return HEADER_TYPE_CATEGORY;// Start by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]            } else if ( == || == || == {// End by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]                return HEADER_TYPE_SWITCH;            } else {                return HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL;            }        }        @Override        public int getItemViewType(int position) {            Header header = getItem(position);            return getHeaderType(header);        }        @Override        public boolean areAllItemsEnabled() {            return false; // because of categories        }        @Override        public boolean isEnabled(int position) {            return getItemViewType(position) != HEADER_TYPE_CATEGORY;        }        @Override        public int getViewTypeCount() {            return HEADER_TYPE_COUNT;        }        @Override        public boolean hasStableIds() {            return true;        }        public HeaderAdapter(Context context, List<Header> objects,                AuthenticatorHelper authenticatorHelper) {            super(context, 0, objects);            mAuthHelper = authenticatorHelper;            mInflater = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);            // Temp Switches provided as placeholder until the adapter replaces these with actual            // Switches inflated from their layouts. Must be done before adapter is set in super            mWifiEnabler = new WifiEnabler(context, new Switch(context));            mBluetoothEnabler = new BluetoothEnabler(context, new Switch(context));// Start by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]mWristwatchEnabler = new WristwatchEnabler(context, new Switch(context));// End by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]        }        @Override        public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {            HeaderViewHolder holder;            Header header = getItem(position);            int headerType = getHeaderType(header);            View view = null;            if (convertView == null) {                holder = new HeaderViewHolder();                switch (headerType) {                    case HEADER_TYPE_CATEGORY:                        view = new TextView(getContext(), null,                                android.R.attr.listSeparatorTextViewStyle);                        holder.title = (TextView) view;                        break;                    case HEADER_TYPE_SWITCH:                        view = mInflater.inflate(R.layout.preference_header_switch_item, parent,                                false);                        holder.icon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;                        holder.title = (TextView)                                view.findViewById(;                        holder.summary = (TextView)                                view.findViewById(;                        holder.switch_ = (Switch) view.findViewById(;                        break;                    case HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL:                        view = mInflater.inflate(                                R.layout.preference_header_item, parent,                                false);                        holder.icon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(;                        holder.title = (TextView)                                view.findViewById(;                        holder.summary = (TextView)                                view.findViewById(;                        break;                }                view.setTag(holder);            } else {                view = convertView;                holder = (HeaderViewHolder) view.getTag();            }            // All view fields must be updated every time, because the view may be recycled            switch (headerType) {                case HEADER_TYPE_CATEGORY:                    holder.title.setText(header.getTitle(getContext().getResources()));                    break;                case HEADER_TYPE_SWITCH:                    // Would need a different treatment if the main menu had more switches                    if ( == {                        mWifiEnabler.setSwitch(holder.switch_);// Start by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]} else if ( == {mWristwatchEnabler.setSwitch(holder.switch_);// End by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]                    } else {                        mBluetoothEnabler.setSwitch(holder.switch_);                    }                    // No break, fall through on purpose to update common fields                    //$FALL-THROUGH$                case HEADER_TYPE_NORMAL:                    if (header.extras != null                            && header.extras.containsKey(ManageAccountsSettings.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE)) {                        String accType = header.extras.getString(                                ManageAccountsSettings.KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE);                        ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = holder.icon.getLayoutParams();                        lp.width = getContext().getResources().getDimensionPixelSize(                                R.dimen.header_icon_width);                        lp.height = lp.width;                        holder.icon.setLayoutParams(lp);                        Drawable icon = mAuthHelper.getDrawableForType(getContext(), accType);                        holder.icon.setImageDrawable(icon);                    } else {                        holder.icon.setImageResource(header.iconRes);                    }                    holder.title.setText(header.getTitle(getContext().getResources()));                    //fix bug 210641 the text of "backup and reset" not appropriate ,when os did not support backup on 2013.9.4 start                    if( == {                        if (getContext().getPackageManager().resolveContentProvider(GSETTINGS_PROVIDER, 0) == null) {                            holder.title.setText(getContext().getResources().getText(R.string.privacy_settings));                        }                    }                    //fix bug 210641 the text of "backup and reset" not appropriate ,when os did not support backup on 2013.9.4 end                    CharSequence summary = header.getSummary(getContext().getResources());                    if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(summary)) {                        holder.summary.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);                        holder.summary.setText(summary);                    } else {                        holder.summary.setVisibility(View.GONE);                    }                    break;            }            return view;        }        public void resume() {            mWifiEnabler.resume();            mBluetoothEnabler.resume();// Start by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]            mWristwatchEnabler.resume();// End by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]        }        public void pause() {            mWifiEnabler.pause();            mBluetoothEnabler.pause();// Start by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]            mWristwatchEnabler.pause();// End by luqiang, topwise, 2014.2.27 [wristwatch config]        }    }    @Override    public void onHeaderClick(Header header, int position) {        boolean revert = false;        if ( == {            revert = true;        }//start,added by topwise hehuadong in 2014.01.16    if (TopwiseProp.getDefaultSettingString("default_customize_about_device")!=null){    if (header != null && header.fragment != null && header.fragment.equals("")){    header.fragment="";    }    }//end,added by topwise hehuadong in 2014.01.16        super.onHeaderClick(header, position);        if (revert && mLastHeader != null) {            // fix bug 200478 to avoid list scroll when account_add item selected on 20130810 begin            //highlightHeader((int);            // fix bug 200478 to avoid list scroll when account_add item selected on 20130810 end        } else {            mLastHeader = header;        }    }    @Override    public boolean onPreferenceStartFragment(PreferenceFragment caller, Preference pref) {        // Override the fragment title for Wallpaper settings        int titleRes = pref.getTitleRes();        if (pref.getFragment().equals(WallpaperTypeSettings.class.getName())) {            titleRes = R.string.wallpaper_settings_fragment_title;        }        startPreferencePanel(pref.getFragment(), pref.getExtras(), titleRes, pref.getTitle(),                null, 0);        return true;    }    public boolean shouldUpRecreateTask(Intent targetIntent) {        return super.shouldUpRecreateTask(new Intent(this, Settings.class));    }    @Override    public void setListAdapter(ListAdapter adapter) {        if (adapter == null) {            super.setListAdapter(null);        } else {            super.setListAdapter(new HeaderAdapter(this, getHeaders(), mAuthenticatorHelper));        }    }    @Override    public void onAccountsUpdated(Account[] accounts) {        mAuthenticatorHelper.onAccountsUpdated(this, accounts);        invalidateHeaders();    }        //add by daiwei for tab settings    static final int COLOR_SELECTED = 0xff0b984c;    static final int COLOR_UNSELECTED = 0xff000000;    static final int TEXT_SIZE_SELECTED = 18;    static final int TEXT_SIZE_UNSELECTED = 16;private ImageView mTabCursor = null;private ViewPager mViewPager = null;private TextView mTabGeneral = null;private TextView mTabDisplay = null;    private OnPageChangeListener mPageChangeListener = new OnPageChangeListener() {@Overridepublic void onPageScrollStateChanged(int state) {if (state == ViewPager.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) {mTabCursor.setX(mViewPager.getCurrentItem() * mTabCursor.getWidth());}}@Overridepublic void onPageScrolled(int position, float positionOffset, int positionOffsetPixels) {if (positionOffset == 0.0f) return;mTabCursor.setX(positionOffset * mTabCursor.getWidth());}@Overridepublic void onPageSelected(int position) {if (0 == position) {mTabGeneral.setTextColor(COLOR_SELECTED);mTabGeneral.setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE_SELECTED);mTabDisplay.setTextColor(COLOR_UNSELECTED);mTabDisplay.setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE_UNSELECTED);} else if (1 == position) {mTabGeneral.setTextColor(COLOR_UNSELECTED);mTabGeneral.setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE_UNSELECTED);mTabDisplay.setTextColor(COLOR_SELECTED);mTabDisplay.setTextSize(TEXT_SIZE_SELECTED);}}        };        public class ViewPagerAdapter extends FragmentPagerAdapter {        public ViewPagerAdapter(FragmentManager fm) {            super(fm);        }@Overridepublic Fragment getItem(int position) {switch(position) {case 0:return new SettingsFragment();case 1:return new DisplaySettings();}return null;}@Overridepublic int getCount() {return 2;}    }        private OnClickListener mTabOnClickListener = new OnClickListener() {@Overridepublic void onClick(View v) {if (v.getId() == {mViewPager.setCurrentItem(0);} else if (v.getId() == {mViewPager.setCurrentItem(1);}}};    //end by daiwei    /*     * Settings subclasses for launching independently.     */    public static class BluetoothSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class WirelessSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class TetherSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class VpnSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class DateTimeSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class StorageSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class WifiSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class WifiP2pSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class InputMethodAndLanguageSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class KeyboardLayoutPickerActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class InputMethodAndSubtypeEnablerActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class SpellCheckersSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class LocalePickerActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class UserDictionarySettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class SoundSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class DisplaySettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class DeviceInfoSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class ApplicationSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class ManageApplicationsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class StorageUseActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class DevelopmentSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class AccessibilitySettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class SecuritySettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class LocationSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class PrivacySettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class DockSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class RunningServicesActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class ManageAccountsSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class PowerUsageSummaryActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class AccountSyncSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class AccountSyncSettingsInAddAccountActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class CryptKeeperSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class DeviceAdminSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class DataUsageSummaryActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class AdvancedWifiSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class TextToSpeechSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }    public static class AndroidBeamSettingsActivity extends Settings { /* empty */ }}

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