Jenkins fail

来源:互联网 发布:广电网络工作总结 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 15:46


[SSH] Opening SSHconnection to :22.




7 down vote accepted

Supposedly, due in most part to posts on the Jenkins forums, this new behavior is due to a fix for a security issue:

Two solutions seem to be coming up:

  1. Download the JNLP file (via browser, wget, curl, whatever) then run locally - may require extra parameters.
  1. Go to Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security, and under Project-based Matrix Authorization Strategy, enable “connect” in the “slave” section, for user “Anonymous”. This would leave you open to attack where someone emulates a slave (but in my case, on a private work network - that's not an issue.)


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