
来源:互联网 发布:数据库程序设计 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 04:25

这是我阅读《Silverlight5 in Action》中一部分的笔记整理,原著中的代码有部分错误,而且注释不多,其中有些细节部分我也没搞太清楚。先做个笔记留作以后查看。





namespace ControlsLib{    public class OrbitPanel : Panel    {        /// <summary>        /// 这是一个依赖属性,表示的是OribtPanel中轨道(Orbit)的个数        /// </summary>        /// <value>        /// The number of orbits.        /// </value>        public int Orbits        {            get { return (int)GetValue(OrbitsProperty); }            set { SetValue(OrbitsProperty, value); }        }        /// <summary>        /// 用DependencyProperty的Register方法注册依赖属性OrbitsProperty        /// </summary>        public static readonly DependencyProperty OrbitsProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Orbits", typeof(int), typeof(OrbitPanel), new PropertyMetadata(1, OnOrbitsChanged));        public static void OnOrbitsChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)        {            if ((int)e.NewValue < 1)            {                throw new ArgumentException("Orbits must be greater than or equal to 1");            }        }        //The Orbit attached property in the OrbitPanel class        //GetOrbit和SetOrbit定义OrbitPanel的附加属性(Attached Property)Orbit        //Orbit表示控件位于第几个轨道        public static int GetOrbit(DependencyObject obj)        {            return (int)obj.GetValue(OrbitProperty);        }        public static void SetOrbit(DependencyObject obj, int value)        {            obj.SetValue(OrbitProperty, value);        }        /// <summary>        /// 依赖属性Orbit利用DependencyProperty提供的RegisterAttached的方法进行注册        /// </summary>        public static readonly DependencyProperty OrbitProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("Orbit", typeof(int), typeof(OrbitPanel), new PropertyMetadata(0));        private double CalculateOrbitSpacing(Size availableSize)        {            double constrainingSize = Math.Min(availableSize.Width, availableSize.Height);            double space = constrainingSize / 2;            return space / Orbits;        }        private List<UIElement>[] SortElements()        {            var list = new List<UIElement>[Orbits];            for (int i = 0; i < Orbits; i++)            {                if (i == Orbits - 1)                {                    list[i] = (from UIElement child in Children where GetOrbit(child) >= i select child).ToList<UIElement>();                }                else                {                    list[i] = (from UIElement child in Children where GetOrbit(child) == i select child).ToList<UIElement>();                }            }            return list;        }        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size availableSize)        {            var sortedItems = SortElements();            double max = 0.0;            foreach (List<UIElement> orbitItems in sortedItems)            {                if (orbitItems.Count > 0)                {                    foreach (UIElement element in orbitItems)                    {                        element.Measure(availableSize);                        if (element.DesiredSize.Width > max)                        {                            max = element.DesiredSize.Width;                        }                        if (element.DesiredSize.Height > max)                        {                            max = element.DesiredSize.Height;                        }                    }                }            }            Size desiredSize = new Size(max * Orbits * 2, max * Orbits * 2);            if (Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Height) || Double.IsInfinity(availableSize.Width))            {                return desiredSize;            }            else            {                return availableSize;            }        }        protected override Size ArrangeOverride(Size finalSize)        {            var sortedItems = SortElements();            double orbitSpacing = CalculateOrbitSpacing(finalSize);            for (int i = 0; i < sortedItems.Length; i++ )            {                List<UIElement> orbitItems = sortedItems[i];                int count = orbitItems.Count;                if (count > 0)                {                    //计算每个轨道的周长                    double circumference = 2 * Math.PI * orbitSpacing * (i + 1);                    double slotSize = Math.Min(orbitSpacing, circumference / count);                    double maxSize = Math.Min(orbitSpacing, slotSize);                    double angleIncrement = 360 / count;                    double currentAngle = 0;                    Point centerPoint = new Point(finalSize.Width / 2, finalSize.Height / 2);                    for (int j = 0; j < orbitItems.Count; j++)                    {                        UIElement element = orbitItems[j];                        double angle = Math.PI / 180 * (currentAngle - 90);                        double left = orbitSpacing * (i + 1) * Math.Cos(angle);                        double top = orbitSpacing * (i + 1) * Math.Sin(angle);                        Rect finalRect = new Rect(centerPoint.X + left - element.DesiredSize.Width / 2, centerPoint.Y + top - element.DesiredSize.Height / 2, element.DesiredSize.Width, element.DesiredSize.Height);                        element.Arrange(finalRect);                        currentAngle += angleIncrement;                    }                }            }            return base.ArrangeOverride(finalSize);        }    }}

<UserControl x:Class="CustomControls.MainPage"    xmlns=""    xmlns:x=""    xmlns:d=""    xmlns:mc=""    xmlns:clib="clr-namespace:ControlsLib;assembly=ControlsLib"    mc:Ignorable="d"    d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400">    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">        <Grid.Resources>            <Style TargetType="Button">                <Setter Property="Width" Value="100" />                <Setter Property="Height" Value="30" />            </Style>        </Grid.Resources>        <clib:OrbitPanel Orbits="3">            <Button Content="Button 1" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 2" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 3" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 4" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 5" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 6" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 7" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 8" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 9" Background="Orange"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="0" />            <Button Content="Button 10" Background="Blue"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="1" />            <Button Content="Button 11" Background="Blue"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="1" />            <Button Content="Button 12" Background="Blue"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="1" />            <Button Content="Button 13" Background="Blue"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="1" />            <Button Content="Button 14" Background="Blue"clib:OrbitPanel.Orbit="1" />        </clib:OrbitPanel>    </Grid></UserControl>

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