
来源:互联网 发布:mysql打不开闪退 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:13


一个UML活动图表示一个过程中的多个顺序活动和并行活动。这些活动图有助于对业务过程、工作流、数据流和复杂算法进行建模。活动图包括动作 action、分区 partition、分叉点 fork、连接点 jion、对象节点 object node等。本质上,此图显示了一些列 的动作,动作可以并行。


Screenshot 1 

demonstrates that “Reserve Hotel” is part of a larger web-based solution for all sorts of travel reservations and arrangements. From the viewpoint of “Reserve Hotel” these should be treated as external functions with no dependencies to “Reserve Hotel”. Screenshot 1 demonstrates also that the online traveler/customer is asked to type in the destination city, select the check in date and either specify the number of nights or select the check out date. The Search button allows to submit the request to the system to find available hotels on the dates specified.

Screenshot 3 

shows a web page resulting from a successful search. The page shows:

  • workflow that informs that making a reservation consists of four steps: (1) search, (2) choose hotel, (3) choose room type, and (4) confirm reservation
  • summary that displays the original search criteria
  • search again option, which returns the customer to Screenshot 1
  • option to sort results by: (1) our favourites, (2) lowest price, (3) highest star rating, and (2) alphabetical
  • search results listing the hotels and basic information about them, as well as the continue option to proceed with the reservation


活动图的分析思路,关键在于找到合理的业务逻辑,分类出简洁的业务过程,或者说是业务过程建模。这里 需要注意,需求 文档中往往会列出很多操作或者按钮,但是并不代表都是一个业务过程,我们应当提炼相似的操作,或者目的一样的操作,统一到一个业务事件上。如:

Screenshot 1 

demonstrates that “Reserve Hotel” is part of a larger web-based solution for all sorts of travel reservations and arrangements. From the viewpoint of “Reserve Hotel” these should be treated as external functions with no dependencies to “Reserve Hotel”. Screenshot 1 demonstrates also that the online traveler/customer is asked to type in the destination city, select the check in date and either specify the number of nights or select the check out date. The Search button allows tosubmit the request to the system to find available hotels on the dates specified.

对于界面1,红色字体标出了,关键的业务过程就是填写资料和提交信息。虽然填写的项目有很多 ,但是这都是为一个目的服务,就是描述要搜索的房间,所以这里统一为一个业务事件。

Screenshot 3 

shows a web page resulting from a successful search. The page shows:

  • workflow that informs that making a reservation consists of four steps: (1) search, (2) choose hotel, (3) choose room type, and (4) confirm reservation
  • summary that displays the original search criteria
  • search again option, which returns the customer to Screenshot 1
  • option to sort results by: (1) our favourites, (2) lowest price, (3) highest star rating, and (2) alphabetical
  • search results listing the hotels and basic information about them, as well as the continue option to proceed with the reservation
对于界面3,工作流描述了关键的业务过程,这里可以直接利用,由于 search动作时上一个页面的动作,所以这里的只有2--3的业务过程。


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热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 发票领用簿丢了怎么办 摩托车证扣12分怎么办 初中孩孑想扩展单词量怎么办 恒安保险倒闭了怎么办 小麦收割机卸粮筒总是转怎么办 非牛顿体结块了怎么办 非牛顿流体硬了怎么办 玩具枪子弹打到眼睛怎么办 杭州磨床7130噪音大怎么办 步兵太苦还有一年怎么办 检法事业编怎么办最新 河北省事业单位改企编制怎么办 梦飞去虎牙锐雯怎么办 蚂蚁借呗还款钱没到账怎么办 蚂蚁借呗没有按时还款怎么办 新装的win7没有网卡驱动怎么办 3d电影没眼睛怎么办 看vr手机发烫变卡怎么办 vr眼镜头晕想吐怎么办 程序员年龄大了失业怎么办 事业人员编制在机关任职改革怎么办 老公出轨死不承认怎么办 2017年军自考毕业证怎么办 大腿酸痛肌肉萎缩怎么办一 习惯不了军训一起洗澡怎么办 脚着凉了有点痛怎么办 腿着凉了膝盖疼怎么办 下雨了脚着凉了怎么办 军训中被教官训怎么办 命根子根部长豆豆很痒怎么办? 屁股坏了化脓了怎么办 貔貅屁股摔坏了怎么办 当兵身高差4厘米怎么办 查体戴眼镜视力达不到怎么办 公司福利体检查乙肝怎么办 有乙肝每年福利体检怎么办 国企有乙肝每年福利体检怎么办 单位福利体检查乙肝怎么办 事业单位每年福利体检有乙肝怎么办 高考失利后我该怎么办 初三了科学总是考不好怎么办