How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse 使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug

来源:互联网 发布:珠海市网络电视台 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 15:27


Run/External Tools/External Tools ..."

How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页

2.打开/External Tools配置项
How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页

How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页

How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页
How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页
5.选择remote java application,点击新建按钮,配置项如图所示:
How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页


How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页
How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页
How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse  使用mvn jetty:run命令时,在eclipse中如何配置debug - 和申 - 和申的个人主页

How to debug mvn jetty:run in Eclipse

Step 1

Go to the Run/External Tools/External Tools ..." menu item on the "Run" menu bar. Select "Program" and click the "New" button. On the "Main" tab, fill in the "Location:" as the full path to your "mvn" executable. For the "Working Directory:" select the workspace that matches your webapp. For "Arguments:" add jetty6:run.

Move to the "Environment" tab and click the "New" button to add a new variable named MAVEN_OPTS with the value:

-Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=4000,server=y,suspend=y

If you supply suspend=n instead of suspend=y you can start immediately without running the debugger and launch the debugger at anytime you really wish to debug.


Step 2

Then, pull up the "Run/Debug/Debug ..." menu item and select "Remote Java Application" and click the "New" button. Fill in the dialog by selecting your webapp project for the "Project:" field, and ensure you are using the same port number as you specified in the address= property above.

Now all you need to do is to Run/External Tools and select the name of the maven tool setup you created in step 1 to start the plugin and then Run/Debug and select the name of the debug setup you setup in step2.

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