STL : std::string可以当UCHAR数组用

来源:互联网 发布:漱口水0知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 02:19
// testWin32Console.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include "stdafx.h"#include <Windows.h>#include <tchar.h>#include <string>void fnTest();int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){    fnTest();    /// run result    /**    strBufSrc.size() = 260    strBufDst.size() = 260    verify ok, std::string can use as binary array    */    /// 通过试验,可以看出 std::string 可以当二进制数组用getwchar();return 0;}void fnTest(){    /// 在一个工程中看到用std::string resize + memcpy 当二进制数组用    /// 当需要赋值到另外一个string时,是采用原生的'= '操作符,还是自己拷贝呢    /// 如果自己(resize + memcpy)拷贝的话,是可以的    /// 如果用 '=' 操作符, 不能确定, 验证一下    size_t      nIndex = 0;    std::string strBufSrc = "";    std::string strBufDst = "";    UCHAR       uBuf[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};    /// 对uBuf赋值,模拟是一个二进制文件的内容    for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < sizeof(uBuf); nIndex++)    {        uBuf[nIndex] = (0xff - nIndex) % 0xff;  ///< 255 ~ 1    }    /// 对src赋值    strBufSrc.resize(sizeof(uBuf));    ::memcpy((PVOID), uBuf, sizeof(uBuf));    /// 用src对dst赋值    strBufDst = strBufSrc;    _tprintf(L"strBufSrc.size() = %d\r\n", strBufSrc.size());    _tprintf(L"strBufDst.size() = %d\r\n", strBufDst.size());    if (strBufDst.size() != strBufSrc.size())    {        _tprintf(L"verify failed, can't use std::string as binary array by \"=\"\r\n");        return;    }    else    {        /// 逐个字节验证,看是否相同        for (nIndex = 0; nIndex < strBufSrc.size(); nIndex++)        {            if (strBufSrc[nIndex] != strBufDst[nIndex])            {                /// failed                _tprintf(L"failed : nIndex = %d, src char[0x%X] <=> dst char[0x%X]\r\n");                return;            }        }    }    _tprintf(L"verify ok, std::string can use as binary array\r\n");}

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