
来源:互联网 发布:万得终端有mac版的吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 06:41




在实现的过程中,RandomAccessFile类变得很有用。此类的实例支持对随机存取文件的读取和写入。随机存取文件的行为类似存储在文件系统中的一个大型字节数组。存在指向该隐含数组的光标或索引,称为文件指针;输入操作从文件指针开始读取字节,并随着对字节的读取而前移此文件指针。如果随机存取文件以读取/写入模式创建,则输出操作也可用;输出操作从文件指针开始写入字节,并随着对字节的写入而前移此文件指针。写入隐含数组的当前末尾之后的输出操作导致该数组扩展。该文件指针可以通过 getFilePointer 方法读取,并通过 seek 方法进行设置。

RandomAccessFile类的skipBytes方法尝试跳过输入的 n 个字节以丢弃跳过的字节。如果从服务器上查得待上传文件的大小n,则采用skipBytes方法可以跳过这n个字节,从而开始从新的地方开始进行断点续传。具体的方法说明可以参见JDK5的API说明。

可以在net.sf.jftp.net. DataConnection类的run方法中,可以看出上传下载中断点续传的实现,代码如下:

public void run()    {        try        {        newLine = con.getCRLF();            if(Settings.getFtpPasvMode())            {                try                {                    sock = new Socket(host, port);                    sock.setSoTimeout(Settings.getSocketTimeout());                }                catch(Exception ex)                {                    ok = false;                    debug("Can't open Socket on port " + port);                }            }            else            {                //Log.debug("trying new server socket: "+port);                try                {                    ssock = new ServerSocket(port);                }                catch(Exception ex)                {                    ok = false;                    Log.debug("Can't open ServerSocket on port " + port);                }            }        }        catch(Exception ex)        {            debug(ex.toString());        }        isThere = true;        boolean ok = true;        RandomAccessFile fOut = null;        BufferedOutputStream bOut = null;        RandomAccessFile fIn = null;        try        {            if(!Settings.getFtpPasvMode())            {                int retry = 0;                while((retry++ < 5) && (sock == null))                {                    try                    {                        ssock.setSoTimeout(Settings.connectionTimeout);                        sock = ssock.accept();                    }                    catch(IOException e)                    {                        sock = null;                        debug("Got IOException while trying to open a socket!");                        if(retry == 5)                        {                            debug("Connection failed, tried 5 times - maybe try a higher timeout in Settings.java");                        }                finished = true;                        throw e;                    }                    finally                    {                        ssock.close();                    }                    debug("Attempt timed out, retrying");                }            }            if(ok)            {                byte[] buf = new byte[Settings.bufferSize];                start = System.currentTimeMillis();                int buflen = 0;                //---------------download,下载----------------------                if(type.equals(GET) || type.equals(GETDIR))                {                    if(!justStream)                    {                        try                        {                            if(resume)                            {                                File f = new File(file);                                fOut = new RandomAccessFile(file, "rw");                                fOut.skipBytes((int) f.length());                                buflen = (int) f.length();                            }                            else                            {                                if(localfile == null)                                {                                    localfile = file;                                }                                File f2 = new File(Settings.appHomeDir);                                f2.mkdirs();                                File f = new File(localfile);                                if(f.exists())                                {                                    f.delete();                                }                                bOut = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(localfile),                                                                Settings.bufferSize);                            }                        }                        catch(Exception ex)                        {                            debug("Can't create outputfile: " + file);                            ok = false;                            ex.printStackTrace();                        }                    }                                //---------------upload,上传----------------------                if(type.equals(PUT) || type.equals(PUTDIR))                {                    if(in == null)                    {                        try                        {                            fIn = new RandomAccessFile(file, "r");                                                        if(resume)                            {                                fIn.skipBytes(skiplen);                            }                                                        //fIn = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));                        }                        catch(Exception ex)                        {                            debug("Can't open inputfile: " + " (" + ex + ")");                            ok = false;                        }                    }                                        if(ok)                    {                        try                        {                            out = new BufferedOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());                        }                        catch(Exception ex)                        {                            ok = false;                            debug("Can't get OutputStream");                        }                                                if(ok)                        {                            try                            {                                int len = skiplen;                                char b;                                                                while(true)                                {                                    int read;                                                                        if(in != null)                                    {                                        read = in.read(buf);                                    }                                    else                                    {                                        read = fIn.read(buf);                                    }                                                                        len += read;                                                                        //System.out.println(file + " " + type+ " " + len + " " + read);                                    if(read == -1)                                    {                                        break;                                    }                                                                        if(newLine != null)                                     {                                        byte[] buf2 = modifyPut(buf, read);                                        out.write(buf2, 0, buf2.length);                                    }                                    else                                     {                                        out.write(buf, 0, read);                                    }                                                                        con.fireProgressUpdate(file, type, len);                                                                        if(time())                                    {                                        //   Log.debugSize(len, false, false, file);                                    }                                                                        if(read == StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF)                                    {                                        break;                                    }                                }                                                                out.flush();                                                                //Log.debugSize(len, false, true, file);                            }                            catch(IOException ex)                            {                                ok = false;                                debug("Error: Data connection closed.");                                con.fireProgressUpdate(file, FAILED, -1);                                ex.printStackTrace();                            }                        }                    }                }            }        }        catch(IOException ex)        {            Log.debug("Can't connect socket to ServerSocket");            ex.printStackTrace();        }        finally        {            try            {                if(out != null)                {                    out.flush();                    out.close();                }            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                ex.printStackTrace();            }                        try            {                if(bOut != null)                {                    bOut.flush();                    bOut.close();                }            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                ex.printStackTrace();            }                        try            {                if(fOut != null)                {                    fOut.close();                }            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                ex.printStackTrace();            }                        try            {                if(in != null && !justStream)                {                    in.close();                }                                if(fIn != null)                {                    fIn.close();                }            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                ex.printStackTrace();            }        }                try        {            sock.close();        }        catch(Exception ex)        {            debug(ex.toString());        }                if(!Settings.getFtpPasvMode())        {            try            {                ssock.close();            }            catch(Exception ex)            {                debug(ex.toString());            }        }                finished = true;                if(ok)        {            con.fireProgressUpdate(file, FINISHED, -1);        }        else        {            con.fireProgressUpdate(file, FAILED, -1);        }    }

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