zoj 3790 Consecutive Blocks(链表重点是思想)

来源:互联网 发布:知乎 phyton 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 02:54
Consecutive Blocks

Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB

There are N (1 ≤ N ≤ 105) colored blocks (numbered 1 toN from left to right) which are lined up in a row. And the i-th block's color isCi (1 ≤ Ci ≤ 109). Now you can remove at mostK (0 ≤ KN) blocks, then rearrange the blocks by their index from left to right. Please figure out the length of the largest consecutive blocks with the same color in the new blocks created by doing this.

For example, one sequence is {1 1 1 2 2 3 2 2} and K=1. We can remove the 6-th block, then we will get sequence {1 1 1 2 2 2 2}. The length of the largest consecutive blocks with the same color is 4.


Input will consist of multiple test cases and each case will consist of two lines. For each test case the program has to read the integersN and K, separated by a blank, from the first line. The color of the blocks will be given in the second line of the test case, separated by a blank. Thei-th integer means Ci.


Please output the corresponding length of the largest consecutive blocks, one line for one case.

Sample Input

8 11 1 1 2 2 3 2 2

Sample Output


Author: LIN, Xi

Source: ZOJ Monthly, June 2014


给你一个长度为N (1 ≤ N ≤ 105) 的序列。序列中值的范围为Ci (1 ≤ Ci ≤ 109).你可以从序列中取出至多k个。但相对位置不能动。现在问你通过取出操作能够得到数字一样的序列的最长长度。




#include<stdio.h>#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<queue>using namespace std;const int maxn=100010;int H[maxn],arr[maxn],n,m,ptr;void init()//hash初始化{    ptr=0;    sort(H,H+m);    m=unique(H,H+m)-H;}struct node//链表头结点{    int k,st,tail,len;//k还有k个元素可以删。st最后一个加入元素的指针。tail链表尾。方便从后往前删。len链表长度} hd[maxn];struct nd{    int id,next;//链表结点。id为在序列中的下标。} me[maxn];int Hash(int x){    return lower_bound(H,H+m,x)-H;}int main(){    int i,k,v,tl,p,ans;    while(~scanf("%d%d",&n,&k))    {        ans=1;        for(i=0;i<n;i++)        {            scanf("%d",&arr[i]);            H[i]=arr[i];        }        m=n;        init();        for(i=0;i<m;i++)        {            hd[i].k=k;            hd[i].st=hd[i].tail=-1;        }        for(i=0;i<n;i++)        {            v=Hash(arr[i]);            me[ptr].id=i;            me[ptr].next=-1;            p=hd[v].st;            if(p==-1)//链表为空时直接加入            {                hd[v].len=1;                hd[v].st=hd[v].tail=ptr++;                continue;            }            if(i-me[p].id-1<=hd[v].k)//惨痛教训。。。开始写的i-me[p].id-1<=k            {                hd[v].k-=(i-me[p].id-1);//空间还够直接加入。                me[hd[v].st].next=ptr;//注意链表指的方向。                hd[v].st=ptr++;                hd[v].len++;            }            else            {                while(hd[v].k<i-me[p].id-1&&hd[v].tail!=-1)//删链表尾增加k                {                    tl=hd[v].tail;                    if(me[tl].next==-1)                        hd[v].tail=-1;                    else                    {                        hd[v].k+=me[me[tl].next].id-me[tl].id-1;                        hd[v].tail=me[tl].next;                        hd[v].len--;                    }                }                if(hd[v].tail==-1)                {                    hd[v].len=1;                    hd[v].st=hd[v].tail=ptr++;                    continue;                }                hd[v].k-=i-me[p].id-1;//k够了就加进来                me[hd[v].st].next=ptr;                hd[v].st=ptr++;                hd[v].len++;            }            ans=max(ans,hd[v].len);        }        printf("%d\n",ans);    }    return 0;}

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