Perl 脚本在给定的文件夹目录中递归查找文件

来源:互联网 发布:电视节目在线观看软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 23:18

最近在工作中使用到了Perl 脚本,需要在给定目录下对各类编译过的文件进行 Valgrind 安全检查。 谢了一个脚本自动将检查结果写入到文本文件当中。

程序名为 process_files:


原理: 从根目录(给定参数)开始查找, 如果找到的文件仍然为子文件夹,递归调用。


     查找过程中,排除linux下 .  .. 文件夹


主要函数: process_files

#!/usr/bin/perluse warnings;use strict;use IO::Handle;use File::stat;use Term::ANSIColor;STDOUT->autoflush(1);my $binStr = "bin.x86_64";my $dir = '/rapid/rapid_workspaces/jxu/jxu_RTC_New/Fusion/SW';print ("fusion dir is :$dir\n");my $wantedfiles = 0;my $processedfs =0;my $target = 'valgrind.log';my $processedfiles = 'valgrindProcessFiles.log';system ("rm -f $processedfiles");  #remove itsystem ("touch $processedfiles");  #create itprint ("processedfiles file is :$processedfiles\n");system ("rm -f $target");  #remove itsystem ("touch $target");  #create itprint ("target file is :$target\n");sub process_files {my $path =shift;  #get the argumentopendir (DIR, $path) or die "unable to open $path: $!";my @files = grep{!/^\.{1,2}$/} readdir(DIR); #exclude . or .. directoryclosedir (DIR);@files = map{$path . '/' . $_} @files;for(@files) {if (-d $_) {process_files ($_);}else   # this a file we found{my $mode = (stat($_)->mode) or (warn "$_ coun't get its mode\n"; next);#if not succcess, warn and go to next element;$mode = $mode & 0777;$processedfs++;print "$processedfs: $_ : $mode\n";print Processedfiles "$processedfs: $_ : $mode \n";      #out put processed files if ((index($_,$binStr)!=-1)   #find bin.x86_64 str     && ($mode & 111 == 111 )#execution permission file             ) #bin.x86_64 files and has execution permission {print color 'red';$wantedfiles++;print ($wantedfiles,": $_ : $mode\n");# only these executable files print FILE "wanted files found: $wantedfiles : $_ : $mode\n";print color 'reset';system("valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full $_ >>$target 2>&1  &"); }}}}print "\nValgrind Unit Tests Start...\n";for (my $num =0; $num <3; $num++){print ("counting ....  " ,3-$num , "\n");sleep (1);}print "\nValgrind Unit Tests now Start...\n";#really starts recursively start#open (FILE,'>>',"$target") or die "could not open $target : $!";  #append , if not exist, create a new fileopen (Processedfiles,'>>',"$processedfiles") or die  "couldn't open the file : $!"; # open a file with open commandprocess_files($dir);   close Processedfiles;close FILE;my $editor ="vi ";# finally we open the result filemy $pidEditor = fork();if ($pidEditor ==0) {my $editcmd = $editor . $target . " &";system ($editcmd);exit (0);}my $pidEditor2 = fork();if ($pidEditor2 ==0) {my $editcmd2 = $editor . $processedfiles . " &";system ($editcmd2);exit (0);}

其中,使用到了sub routine : process_files, 具体代码如下:

<pre name="code" class="plain">sub process_files {my $path =shift;  #get the argumentopendir (DIR, $path) or die "unable to open $path: $!";my @files = grep{!/^\.{1,2}$/} readdir(DIR); #exclude . or .. directoryclosedir (DIR);@files = map{$path . '/' . $_} @files;for(@files) {if (-d $_) {process_files ($_);}else   # this a file we found{$processedfs++;print "$processedfs: $_\n";print Processdfiles "$processedfs: $_\n";if ((index($_,$binStr)!=-1) && (index($_,'.')==-1)) #bin.x86_64 files and not contains . {print color 'red';$wantedfiles++;print ($wantedfiles,": $_");print color 'reset';# only these executable files system("valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full $_ >> $target &");}}}}

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