
来源:互联网 发布:锻造模拟软件 forging 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 05:23

XMPPExtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol,前称Jabber)是一种以XML为基础的开放式实时通信协议,是经由互联网工程工作小组(IETF)通过的互联网标准。XMPP因为被GoogleTalk应用而被广大网民所接触。开放式协议的好处就是,不区分客户端。就是说无论您使用gtalkFacebook Chat还是网易泡泡,都可以实现相互间通话。也就是说,我们自己开发的客户端,也可以实现跟gtalk之间的聊天。

Openfire 采用Java开发,开源的实时协作(RTC)服务器基于XMPPJabber)协议。Openfire安装和使用都非常简单,并利用Web进行管理。单台服务器可支持上万并发用户。












在部署完成后,登陆控制台,进入 服务器->服务器设置->HTTP绑定,把http绑定、ScriptSyntax都启用起来,这样才能以http的方式通过7070端口访问到服务器。



1、配置启动参数时,选中Arguments选项卡,在VM arguments中填入




<!-- 添加一个打印控制台的日志 --> 

<appender name="STDOUT"class="org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender"> 

   <layout class="org.apache.log4j.PatternLayout"> 

        <paramname="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%24F:%-4L:%-5p][%x]-%m%n"/> 





<level value="debug"/>

<appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

<appender-ref ref="debug-out" />

<appender-ref ref="info-out" />

<appender-ref ref="warn-out" />

<appender-ref ref="error-out" />












location/ {

            root   D:/workspaces/php;

            index  index.html index.htm;



location /http-bind {


            proxy_redirect off; 

            proxy_read_timeout 120; 

            proxy_connect_timeout 120; 















insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('admin.authorizedJIDs','admin@xueyi');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('httpbind.CORS.domains','*');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('httpbind.CORS.enabled','true');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('httpbind.enabled','true');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('httpbind.forwarded.enabled','false');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcAuthProvider.passwordSQL','select user_password fromup_org_user WHERE USER_ACCOUNT=?');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcAuthProvider.passwordType','md5');

insert into `ofproperty`(`name`, `propValue`)values('jdbcProvider.connectionString','jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host]:[port]:[entry]');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcProvider.driver','oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver');

insert into `ofproperty`(`name`, `propValue`) values('jdbcProvider.password','[username]');

insert into `ofproperty`(`name`, `propValue`) values('jdbcProvider.user','[password]');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcUserProvider.allUsersSQL','SELECT USER_FULLNAME FROMup_org_user');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcUserProvider.emailField','USER_EMAIL');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcUserProvider.loadUserSQL','selectt1.USER_ACCOUNT,t1.USER_FULLNAME,t2.USER_EMAIL from up_org_usert1,up_org_user_ext t2 where t1.USER_ID = t2.USER_ID and t1.USER_ACCOUNT=?');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcUserProvider.nameField','USER_ACCOUNT');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcUserProvider.userCountSQL','SELECT COUNT(*) FROMup_org_user');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('jdbcUserProvider.usernameField','USER_FULLNAME');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('passwordKey','7yme2TF29702cfO');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`)values('provider.admin.className','org.jivesoftware.openfire.admin.DefaultAdminProvider');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`)values('provider.auth.className','com.neusoft.openfire.plugins.PhAuthProvider');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('provider.group.className','org.jivesoftware.openfire.group.DefaultGroupProvider');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`)values('provider.lockout.className','org.jivesoftware.openfire.lockout.DefaultLockOutProvider');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('provider.securityAudit.className','org.jivesoftware.openfire.security.DefaultSecurityAuditProvider');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`)values('provider.user.className','com.neusoft.openfire.plugins.PhUserProvider');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('provider.vcard.className','org.jivesoftware.openfire.vcard.DefaultVCardProvider');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('update.lastCheck','1404268354511');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('xmpp.auth.anonymous','true');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('xmpp.domain','xueyi');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('xmpp.httpbind.scriptSyntax.enabled','true');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('xmpp.session.conflict-limit','0');

insert into `ofproperty` (`name`,`propValue`) values('xmpp.socket.ssl.active','true');





















public class MdFive {       public static String md5Encoder(Stringstr){              byte abyte0[] = null;              byte abyte1[] = null;              try {                        MessageDigest md =MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");                        md.reset();                        abyte0 = str.getBytes();                     abyte1 = md.digest(abyte0);              }catch(NoSuchAlgorithmExceptione){                     e.printStackTrace();              }              BASE64Encoder encoder = newBASE64Encoder();              String result =encoder.encode(abyte1);              return result;       }             public static void main(String args[]){              System.out.println(md5Encoder("1"));       } }



/** * $Revision: 1116 $ * $Date: 2005-03-10 20:18:08 -0300 (Thu, 10 Mar 2005) $ * * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Jive Software. All rightsreserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License,Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except incompliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreedto in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributedon an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANYKIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific languagegoverning permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.neusoft.openfire.plugins; import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.PreparedStatement;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException; import org.jivesoftware.database.DbConnectionManager;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.AuthFactory;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.AuthProvider;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.UnauthorizedException;importorg.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserManager;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException;import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals;import org.jivesoftware.util.StringUtils;import org.slf4j.Logger;import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * The JDBC auth provider allows you toauthenticate users against any database * that you can connect to with JDBC. It can beused along with the * {@linkHybridAuthProvider hybrid} authprovider, so that you can also have * XMPP-only users that won't pollute your externaldata.<p> * * To enable this provider, set the followingin the system properties: * <ul> * <li><tt>provider.auth.className =org.jivesoftware.openfire.auth.JDBCAuthProvider</tt></li> * </ul> * * You'll also need to set your JDBC driver,connection string, and SQL statements: * * <ul> * <li><tt>jdbcProvider.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcProvider.connectionString = jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname?user=username&password=secret</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcAuthProvider.passwordSQL = SELECT password FROMuser_account WHERE username=?</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcAuthProvider.passwordType = plain</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcAuthProvider.allowUpdate = true</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcAuthProvider.setPasswordSQL = UPDATE user_account SETpassword=? WHERE username=?</tt></li> * </ul> * * In order to use the configured JDBCconnection provider do not use a JDBC * connection string, set the followingproperty * * <ul> * <li><tt>jdbcAuthProvider.useConnectionProvider = true</tt></li> * </ul> * * The passwordType setting tells Openfirehow the password is stored. Setting the value * is optional (when not set, it defaults to"plain"). The valid values are:<ul> *      <li>{@linkPasswordType#plain plain} *      <li>{@linkPasswordType#md5 md5} *      <li>{@linkPasswordType#sha1 sha1} *      <li>{@linkPasswordType#sha256 sha256} *      <li>{@linkPasswordType#sha512 sha512} *  </ul> * * @author David Snopek */public class PhAuthProviderimplements AuthProvider {     private static final Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PhAuthProvider.class);     private String connectionString;    //add byxue.y@neusoft.com    //增加数据库登陆的用户名和密码字段    private String user;      private String password;       private String passwordSQL;    private String setPasswordSQL;    private PasswordType passwordType;    private boolean allowUpdate;    private boolean useConnectionProvider;     /**     * Constructs a new JDBC authenticationprovider.     */    public PhAuthProvider() {        // Convert XML based provider setup to Database based        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcProvider.driver");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcProvider.connectionString");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.passwordSQL");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.passwordType");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.setPasswordSQL");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.allowUpdate");        //add by xue.y@neusoft.com        //增加数据库登陆的用户名和密码字段        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcProvider.user");          JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcProvider.password");           useConnectionProvider = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.useConnectionProvider");         if (!useConnectionProvider) {            // Load the JDBC driver and connection string.            String jdbcDriver = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcProvider.driver");            try {               Class.forName(jdbcDriver).newInstance();            }            catch (Exception e) {                Log.error("Unable to load JDBC driver: " + jdbcDriver, e);                return;            }            connectionString = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcProvider.connectionString");            //add by xue.y@neusoft.com            //增加数据库登陆的用户名和密码字段            user = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcProvider.user");              password = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcProvider.password");          }         // Load SQL statements.        passwordSQL = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.passwordSQL");        setPasswordSQL = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.setPasswordSQL");         allowUpdate = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.allowUpdate",false);         passwordType = PasswordType.plain;        try {            passwordType = PasswordType.valueOf(                    JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcAuthProvider.passwordType", "plain"));        }        catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {            Log.error(iae.getMessage(), iae);        }    }     public void authenticate(String username, Stringpassword) throws UnauthorizedException {        if (username == null || password == null) {            throw new UnauthorizedException();        }        username =username.trim().toLowerCase();        if (username.contains("@")) {            // Check that the specified domain matches the server's domain            int index = username.indexOf("@");            String domain =username.substring(index + 1);            if (domain.equals(XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain())){                username =username.substring(0, index);            } else {                // Unknown domain. Return authentication failed.                throw new UnauthorizedException();            }        }        String userPassword;        try {            userPassword =getPasswordValue(username);        }        catch (UserNotFoundException unfe) {            throw new UnauthorizedException();        }        // If the user's password doesn't match the password passed in,authentication        // should fail.        if (passwordType == PasswordType.md5) {        //modify by xue.y@neusoft.com            //password = StringUtils.hash(password, "MD5");            password = MdFive.md5Encoder(password);        }        else if (passwordType == PasswordType.sha1) {            password = StringUtils.hash(password,"SHA-1");        }        else if (passwordType == PasswordType.sha256) {            password = StringUtils.hash(password,"SHA-256");        }        else if (passwordType == PasswordType.sha512) {            password = StringUtils.hash(password,"SHA-512");        }        if (!password.equals(userPassword)) {            throw new UnauthorizedException();        }         // Got this far, so the user must be authorized.        createUser(username);    }     public void authenticate(String username, String token,String digest)            throws UnauthorizedException    {        if (passwordType != PasswordType.plain) {            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Digest authentication not supported for "                    + "password type " + passwordType);        }        if (username == null || token == null || digest == null) {            throw new UnauthorizedException();        }        username =username.trim().toLowerCase();        if (username.contains("@")) {            // Check that the specified domain matches the server's domain            int index = username.indexOf("@");            String domain =username.substring(index + 1);            if (domain.equals(XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain())){                username =username.substring(0, index);            } else {                // Unknown domain. Return authentication failed.                throw new UnauthorizedException();            }        }        String password;        try {            password =getPasswordValue(username);        }        catch (UserNotFoundException unfe) {            throw new UnauthorizedException();        }        String anticipatedDigest = AuthFactory.createDigest(token,password);        if(!digest.equalsIgnoreCase(anticipatedDigest)) {            throw new UnauthorizedException();        }         // Got this far, so the user must be authorized.        createUser(username);    }     public boolean isPlainSupported() {        // If the auth SQL is defined, plain text authentication issupported.        return (passwordSQL != null);    }     public boolean isDigestSupported() {        // The auth SQL must be defined and the password type is supported.        return (passwordSQL != null && passwordType == PasswordType.plain);    }     public String getPassword(Stringusername) throws UserNotFoundException,            UnsupportedOperationException    {         if (!supportsPasswordRetrieval()) {            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();        }        if (username.contains("@")) {            // Check that the specified domain matches the server's domain            int index = username.indexOf("@");            String domain =username.substring(index + 1);            if (domain.equals(XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain())){                username =username.substring(0, index);            } else {                // Unknown domain.                throw new UserNotFoundException();            }        }        return getPasswordValue(username);    }     public void setPassword(String username, Stringpassword)            throws UserNotFoundException,UnsupportedOperationException    {        if (allowUpdate && setPasswordSQL != null) {            setPasswordValue(username,password);        } else {            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();        }    }     public boolean supportsPasswordRetrieval() {        return (passwordSQL != null && passwordType == PasswordType.plain);    }     private Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {        if (useConnectionProvider)            return DbConnectionManager.getConnection();    //modify by xue.y        //return DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString);        return DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString, user, this.password);    }     /**     * Returns the value of the password field.It will be in plain text or hashed     * format, depending on the password type.     *     * @param username user to retrievethe password field for     * @return the password value.     * @throws UserNotFoundException if thegiven user could not be loaded.     */    private String getPasswordValue(Stringusername) throws UserNotFoundException {        String password = null;        Connection con = null;        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;        ResultSet rs = null;        if (username.contains("@")) {            // Check that the specified domain matches the server's domain            int index = username.indexOf("@");            String domain =username.substring(index + 1);            if (domain.equals(XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain())){                username =username.substring(0, index);            } else {                // Unknown domain.                throw new UserNotFoundException();            }        }        try {            con = getConnection();            pstmt = con.prepareStatement(passwordSQL);            pstmt.setString(1, username);             rs = pstmt.executeQuery();             // If the query had no results, the username and password            // did not match a user record. Therefore, throw an exception.            if (!rs.next()) {                throw new UserNotFoundException();            }            password = rs.getString(1);        }        catch (SQLException e) {            Log.error("Exception in JDBCAuthProvider", e);            throw new UserNotFoundException();        }        finally {            DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs,pstmt, con);        }        return password;    }     private void setPasswordValue(String username, Stringpassword) throws UserNotFoundException {        Connection con = null;        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;        if (username.contains("@")) {            // Check that the specified domain matches the server's domain            int index = username.indexOf("@");            String domain =username.substring(index + 1);            if (domain.equals(XMPPServer.getInstance().getServerInfo().getXMPPDomain())){                username =username.substring(0, index);            } else {                // Unknown domain.                throw new UserNotFoundException();            }        }        try {            con = getConnection();            pstmt = con.prepareStatement(setPasswordSQL);            pstmt.setString(2, username);            if (passwordType == PasswordType.md5) {              //modify by xue.y@neusoft.com                //password = StringUtils.hash(password, "MD5");              password= MdFive.md5Encoder(password);            }            else if (passwordType == PasswordType.sha1) {                password = StringUtils.hash(password,"SHA-1");            }            else if (passwordType == PasswordType.sha256) {                password = StringUtils.hash(password,"SHA-256");            }            else if (passwordType == PasswordType.sha512) {                password = StringUtils.hash(password,"SHA-512");            }            pstmt.setString(1, password);            pstmt.executeQuery();        }        catch (SQLException e) {            Log.error("Exception in JDBCAuthProvider", e);            throw new UserNotFoundException();        }        finally {            DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(pstmt,con);        }           }     /**     * Indicates how the password is stored.     */    @SuppressWarnings({"UnnecessarySemicolon"})  // Support for QDox Parser    public enum PasswordType {         /**         * The password is stored as plaintext.         */        plain,         /**         * The password is stored as a hex-encoded MD5 hash.         */        md5,         /**         * The password is stored as a hex-encoded SHA-1 hash.         */        sha1,               /**         * The password is stored as a hex-encoded SHA-256 hash.         */        sha256,                     /**          * The password is stored as a hex-encoded SHA-512 hash.          */        sha512;   }     /**     * Checks to see if the user exists; ifnot, a new user is created.     *     * @param username the username.     */    private static void createUser(String username) {        // See if the user exists in the database. If not, automatically createthem.        UserManager userManager = UserManager.getInstance();        try {            userManager.getUser(username);        }        catch (UserNotFoundException unfe) {            try {                Log.debug("JDBCAuthProvider: Automatically creating new user account for " + username);                UserManager.getUserProvider().createUser(username,StringUtils.randomString(8),                        null, null);            }            catch (UserAlreadyExistsException uaee) {                // Ignore.            }        }    }} 


/** * $Revision: $ * $Date: $ * * Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Jive Software. All rightsreserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License,Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except incompliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * *    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreedto in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributedon an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANYKIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific languagegoverning permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.neusoft.openfire.plugins; import java.sql.Connection;import java.sql.DriverManager;import java.sql.PreparedStatement;import java.sql.ResultSet;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Collection;import java.util.Collections;import java.util.Date;import java.util.LinkedHashSet;import java.util.List;import java.util.Set; import org.jivesoftware.database.DbConnectionManager;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.User;importorg.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserAlreadyExistsException;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserCollection;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserNotFoundException;import org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.UserProvider;import org.jivesoftware.util.JiveGlobals;import org.slf4j.Logger;import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;import org.xmpp.packet.JID; /** * The JDBC user provider allows you to use anexternal database to define the users. * It is best used with the JDBCAuthProvider& JDBCGroupProvider to provide integration * between your external system and Openfire.All data is treated as read-only so any * set operations will result in anexception.<p/> * * For the seach facility, the SQL willbe constructed from the SQL in the <i>search</i> * section below, as well as the <i>usernameField</i>, the <i>nameField</i> and the * <i>emailField</i>.<p/> * * To enable this provider, set the followingin the system properties:<p/> * * <ul> * <li><tt>provider.user.className =org.jivesoftware.openfire.user.JDBCUserProvider</tt></li> * </ul> * * Then you need to set your driver, connectionstring and SQL statements: * <p/> * <ul> * <li><tt>jdbcProvider.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcProvider.connectionString = jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname?user=username&password=secret</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcUserProvider.loadUserSQL = SELECT name,email FROMmyUser WHERE user = ?</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcUserProvider.userCountSQL = SELECT COUNT(*) FROMmyUser</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcUserProvider.allUsersSQL = SELECT user FROM myUser</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcUserProvider.searchSQL = SELECT user FROM myUserWHERE</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcUserProvider.usernameField = myUsernameField</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcUserProvider.nameField = myNameField</tt></li> * <li><tt>jdbcUserProvider.emailField = mymailField</tt></li> * </ul> * * In order to use the configured JDBCconnection provider do not use a JDBC * connection string, set the followingproperty * * <ul> * <li><tt>jdbcUserProvider.useConnectionProvider = true</tt></li> * </ul> * * * @author Huw Richards huw.richards@gmail.com */public class PhUserProviderimplements UserProvider {     private static final Logger Log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PhUserProvider.class);     private String connectionString;    //add byxue.y@neusoft.com    //增加数据库登陆的用户名和密码字段    private String user;      private String password;       private String loadUserSQL;    private String userCountSQL;    private String allUsersSQL;    private String searchSQL;    private String usernameField;    private String nameField;    private String emailField;    private boolean useConnectionProvider;    private static final boolean IS_READ_ONLY = true;     /**     * Constructs a new JDBC user provider.     */    public PhUserProvider() {        // Convert XML based provider setup to Database based        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcProvider.driver");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcProvider.connectionString");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcUserProvider.loadUserSQL");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcUserProvider.userCountSQL");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcUserProvider.allUsersSQL");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcUserProvider.searchSQL");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcUserProvider.usernameField");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcUserProvider.nameField");        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcUserProvider.emailField");        //add by xue.y@neusoft.com        //增加数据库登陆的用户名和密码字段        JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcProvider.user");          JiveGlobals.migrateProperty("jdbcProvider.password");                  useConnectionProvider = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("jdbcUserProvider.useConnectionProvider");             // Load the JDBC driver and connection string.       if (!useConnectionProvider) {           String jdbcDriver = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcProvider.driver");           try {              Class.forName(jdbcDriver).newInstance();           }           catch (Exception e) {              Log.error("Unable toload JDBC driver: " + jdbcDriver, e);              return;           }           connectionString = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcProvider.connectionString");            //add by xue.y@neusoft.com            //增加数据库登陆的用户名和密码字段            user = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcProvider.user");              password = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcProvider.password");         }        // Load database statementsfor user data.       loadUserSQL = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcUserProvider.loadUserSQL");       userCountSQL = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcUserProvider.userCountSQL");       allUsersSQL = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcUserProvider.allUsersSQL");       searchSQL = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcUserProvider.searchSQL");       usernameField = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcUserProvider.usernameField");       nameField = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcUserProvider.nameField");       emailField = JiveGlobals.getProperty("jdbcUserProvider.emailField");    }     public User loadUser(String username) throwsUserNotFoundException {        if(username.contains("@")) {            if (!XMPPServer.getInstance().isLocal(new JID(username))) {                throw new UserNotFoundException("Cannot load user of remote server: " + username);            }            username =username.substring(0,username.lastIndexOf("@"));        }       Connection con = null;       PreparedStatement pstmt = null;       ResultSet rs = null;        try {           con = getConnection();           pstmt = con.prepareStatement(loadUserSQL);           pstmt.setString(1, username);           rs = pstmt.executeQuery();           if (!rs.next()) {              throw new UserNotFoundException();           }           String name = rs.getString(1);           String email = rs.getString(2);            return new User(username, name, email, new Date(), new Date());       }       catch (Exception e) {           throw new UserNotFoundException(e);       }       finally {           DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt,con);       }    }     public User createUser(String username, String password, Stringname, String email)           throws UserAlreadyExistsException {       // Reject the operation sincethe provider is read-only       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();    }     public void deleteUser(String username) {       // Reject the operation sincethe provider is read-only       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();    }     public int getUserCount() {       int count = 0;       Connection con = null;       PreparedStatement pstmt = null;       ResultSet rs = null;       try {           con = getConnection();           pstmt = con.prepareStatement(userCountSQL);           rs = pstmt.executeQuery();           if (rs.next()) {              count = rs.getInt(1);           }       }       catch (SQLException e) {           Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);       }       finally {           DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs, pstmt,con);       }       return count;    }     public Collection<User> getUsers() {       Collection<String> usernames = getUsernames(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);       return new UserCollection(usernames.toArray(newString[usernames.size()]));    }     public Collection<String> getUsernames() {       return getUsernames(0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);    }     private Collection<String> getUsernames(int startIndex, int numResults) {       List<String> usernames = new ArrayList<String>(500);       Connection con = null;       PreparedStatement pstmt = null;        ResultSet rs = null;        try {           con = getConnection();            if ((startIndex==0) &&(numResults==Integer.MAX_VALUE))            {                pstmt = con.prepareStatement(allUsersSQL);                // Set the fetch size. This will prevent some JDBC drivers from trying                // to load the entire result set into memory.                DbConnectionManager.setFetchSize(pstmt,500);                rs = pstmt.executeQuery();                while (rs.next()) {                   usernames.add(rs.getString(1));                }            }            else {                pstmt = DbConnectionManager.createScrollablePreparedStatement(con,allUsersSQL);                DbConnectionManager.limitRowsAndFetchSize(pstmt,startIndex, numResults);                rs = pstmt.executeQuery();                DbConnectionManager.scrollResultSet(rs,startIndex);                int count = 0;                while (rs.next() && count < numResults){                   usernames.add(rs.getString(1));                    count++;                }            }            if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {                   Log.debug("Results: " +usernames.size());                   LogResults(usernames);            }        }        catch (SQLException e) {            Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);        }        finally {            DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs,pstmt, con);        }        return usernames;    }     public Collection<User>getUsers(int startIndex, int numResults) {        Collection<String> usernames =getUsernames(startIndex, numResults);        return newUserCollection(usernames.toArray(new String[usernames.size()]));    }       public void setName(String username, String name) throwsUserNotFoundException {       // Reject the operation sincethe provider is read-only       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();    }     public void setEmail(String username, String email) throwsUserNotFoundException {       // Reject the operation sincethe provider is read-only       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();    }     public void setCreationDate(String username, Date creationDate) throwsUserNotFoundException {       // Reject the operation sincethe provider is read-only       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();    }     public void setModificationDate(String username, DatemodificationDate) throws UserNotFoundException {       // Reject the operation sincethe provider is read-only       throw new UnsupportedOperationException();    }     public Set<String>getSearchFields() throws UnsupportedOperationException {        if (searchSQL == null) {            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();        }        return new LinkedHashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("Username", "Name", "Email"));    }     public Collection<User> findUsers(Set<String>fields, String query) throws UnsupportedOperationException {       return findUsers(fields, query, 0, Integer.MAX_VALUE);    }     public Collection<User> findUsers(Set<String>fields, String query, int startIndex,            int numResults) throws UnsupportedOperationException    {       if (searchSQL == null) {            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();        }        if (fields.isEmpty()) {           return Collections.emptyList();       }       if (!getSearchFields().containsAll(fields)) {           throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search fields " + fields + " are not valid.");       }       if (query == null || "".equals(query)) {           return Collections.emptyList();       }       // SQL LIKE queries don't mapdirectly into a keyword/wildcard search like we want.       // Therefore, we do a best approximiationby replacing '*' with '%' and then       // surrounding the wholequery with two '%'. This will return more data than desired,       // but is better thanreturning less data than desired.       query = "%" + query.replace('*', '%') + "%";       if (query.endsWith("%%")) {           query = query.substring(0, query.length() - 1);       }         List<String> usernames = newArrayList<String>(50);        Connection con = null;        PreparedStatement pstmt = null;        int queries=0;        ResultSet rs = null;        try {            StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder(90);            sql.append(searchSQL);            boolean first = true;            if (fields.contains("Username")) {                sql.append(" username LIKE ?");                queries++;                first = false;            }            if (fields.contains("Name")) {                if (!first) {                    sql.append(" AND");                }                sql.append(" name LIKE ?");                queries++;                first = false;            }            if (fields.contains("Email")) {                if (!first) {                    sql.append(" AND");                }                sql.append(" email LIKE ?");                queries++;            }            con = getConnection();            if ((startIndex==0) &&(numResults==Integer.MAX_VALUE))            {                pstmt =con.prepareStatement(sql.toString());                for (int i=1; i<=queries; i++)                {                    pstmt.setString(i, query);                }                rs = pstmt.executeQuery();                while (rs.next()) {                   usernames.add(rs.getString(1));                }            } else {                pstmt = DbConnectionManager.createScrollablePreparedStatement(con,sql.toString());                DbConnectionManager.limitRowsAndFetchSize(pstmt,startIndex, numResults);                for (int i=1; i<=queries; i++)                {                    pstmt.setString(i, query);                }                rs = pstmt.executeQuery();                // Scroll to the start index.                DbConnectionManager.scrollResultSet(rs,startIndex);                int count = 0;                while (rs.next() && count < numResults){                   usernames.add(rs.getString(1));                    count++;             }          }            if (Log.isDebugEnabled())            {                Log.debug("Results: " +usernames.size());                LogResults(usernames);            }        }        catch (SQLException e) {            Log.error(e.getMessage(), e);        }        finally {            DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(rs,pstmt, con);        }        return newUserCollection(usernames.toArray(new String[usernames.size()]));    }     public boolean isReadOnly() {        return IS_READ_ONLY;    }     public boolean isNameRequired() {        return false;    }     public boolean isEmailRequired() {        return false;    }    /**     * Make sure thatLog.isDebugEnabled()==true before calling this method.     * Twenty elements will be logged in everylog line, so for 81-100 elements     * five log lines will be generated     * @param listElements a list ofStrings which will be logged     */    private void LogResults(List<String> listElements){        String callingMethod = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()[3].getMethodName();        StringBuilder sb = newStringBuilder(256);        int count = 0;        for (String element : listElements)        {            if (count > 20)            {                Log.debug(callingMethod + " results: " + sb.toString());                sb.delete(0, sb.length());                count = 0;            }            sb.append(element).append(",");            count++;        }        sb.append(".");        Log.debug(callingMethod + " results: " + sb.toString());    }     private Connection getConnection() throws SQLException {        if (useConnectionProvider) {            returnDbConnectionManager.getConnection();        } else        {        //modify by xue.y            //return DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString);            return DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString, user, this.password);        }    }}

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