OCP 1Z0 053 92

来源:互联网 发布:绘画软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:48
92.You observed the following output for a user session: 

What do you infer from the preceding output? 
A. Resumable set for session with sid 18 
B. The user session has entered into a deadlock 
C. The database instance is enabled to use asynchronous commit 
D. The threshold warning limit is exceeded for the tablespace that is used by the user session 
Answer: A


Enabling and Disabling Resumable Space Allocation

Resumable space allocation is only possible when statements are executed within a session that has resumable mode enabled.

Resumable space allocation is enabled for a session when the ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE statement is executed, and the RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT initialization parameter is set to a non-zero value for the session. When the RESUMABLE_TIMEOUT initialization parameter is set at the system level, it is the default for anALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE statement that does not specify a timeout value. When an ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE statement specifies a timeout value, it overrides the system default.

Resumable space allocation is disabled for a session in all of the following cases when the ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE statement is executed

  • The session does not execute an ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE statement.

  • The session executes an ALTER SESSION DISABLE RESUMABLE statement.

  • The session executes an ALTER SESSION ENABLE RESUMABLE statement, and the timeout value is zero.


Because suspended statements can hold up some system resources, users must be granted the RESUMABLE system privilege before they are allowed to enable resumable space allocation and execute resumable statements.


Using Views to Obtain Information About Suspended Statements

The following views can be queried to obtain information about the status of resumable statements:



These views contain rows for all currently executing or suspended resumable statements. They can be used by a DBA,AFTER SUSPEND trigger, or another session to monitor the progress of, or obtain specific information about, resumable statements.V$SESSION_WAITWhen a statement is suspended the session invoking the statement is put into a wait state. A row is inserted into this view for the session with the EVENT column containing "statement suspended, wait error to be cleared".

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