黑马程序员- NSString和点圆的设计作业

来源:互联网 发布:java soa架构是什么 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 11:00
---------------------- ASP.Net+Unity开发、.Net培训、期待与您交流! ----------------------




#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Person : NSObject


       //char *_name;

       NSString *_name;







int main()



       NSString *str = @"itcast";

       char *name = "itcast";




       int age = 10;

       int no = 5;




       NSString *name = @"jack";


       int size = [name length];



       NSString *newStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"My age is %d and no is %d and name is


       NSLog(@"- - -%@",newStr);


       NSLog(@"--%d",[newStr length]);

/*有个警告要求改成%ld,上面的int size已经将length转化成int类型,而下面的[newStr length]直接放在下面了。所以有个警告。*/

       return 0;




2. 在等号左右两边分别有个空格,这是要求必须的。







1> 属性

* double x

* double y


2> 方法

* 属性相应的setget方法

* 设计一个对象方法同时设置xy

* 设计一个对象方法计算跟其他点的距离

* 设计一个类方法计算两个点之间的距离


3> 提示

* C语言的math.h中有个函数:double pow(double n, double m);计算nm次方

* C语言的math.h中有个函数:double sqrt(double n);计算根号n的值(对n进行开根)



#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <math.h>


@interface Point2D : NSObject


double _x; // x

double _y; // y



// x值得setget方法

- (void)setX:(double)x;

- (double)x;


// y值得setget方法

- (void)setY:(double)y;

- (double)y;


// 设计一个对象方法同时设置xy

- (void)setX:(double)x andY:(double)y;



- (double)DistanceWithOtherPoint:(Point2D *);



+ (double)DistanceBetweenPoint1(Point2D *)p1 andPoint2:(Point2D *)p2;




@implementation Point2D


// x值得setget方法

- (void)setX:(double)x


       //if(x>0) x = 1;

       _x = x;


- (double)x


       return _x;



// y值得setget方法

- (void)setY:(double)y


       _y = y;


- (double)y


       return _y;



// 设计一个对象方法同时设置xy

- (void)setX:(double)x andY:(double)y


       _x = x;

       _y = y;


       self->_x = x;

       self->_y = y;


       [self setX:x];//有时候需要过滤,直接调用set方法,set方法里的注释部分

       [self setY:y];




- (double)DistanceWithOtherPoint:(Point2D *)



       return [Point2D DistanceBetweenPoint1:self andPoint2:other];



       double xDelta = _x - [other x];



       double xDeltaPF = double pow(xDelta,2);



       double yDelta = _y - [other y];//_y其实就是[self y]


       double yDeltaPF = double pow(yDelta,2);



       return sqrt(xDeltaPF + yDeltaPF);






+ (double)DistanceBetweenPoint1(Point2D *)p1 andPoint2:(Point2D *)p2



       double xDelta = [p1 x] - [p2 x];


       double xDeltaPF = double pow(xDelta,2);



       double yDelta = [p1 y] - [p2 y];


       double yDeltaPF = double pow(yDelta,2);



       return sqrt(xDeltaPF + yDeltaPF);


       //return [p1 DistanceWithOther:p2];





1> 属性

* double _radius (半径)

* Point2D *_point (圆心)


2> 方法

* 属性相应的setget方法

* 设计一个对象判断跟其他圆是否重叠(重叠返回YES,否则返回NO

* 设计一个类方法判断两个圆是否重叠(重叠返回YES,否则返回NO




@interface Circle : NSObject


       double _radius;

       Point2D *_point;//默认是NULLnil


- (void)setRadius;

- (double)radius;


- (void)setPoint:(Point2D *)point;//(Point2D *);

- (Point2D *)point;


// 设计一个对象判断跟其他圆是否重叠(重叠返回YES,否则返回NO

// 返回值是BOOL类型,方法名一般都以is开头

-  (BOOL)isInteractWithOther:(Cicle *)other;

+  (BOOL)isInteractBetweenCicle1:(Cicle *)c1 andCicle2:(Cicle *)c2;



@implementation Circle



- (void)setRadius:(double)radius


       _radius = radius;


- (double)radius


       return _radius;



- (void)setPoint:(Point2D *)point;//(Point2D *)类型


       //[_point setX:[point x]];

       //[_point setY:[point y]];这样写不行,因为_point是空值null


       _point = point;


- (Point2D *)point


       return point;


- (BOOL)isInteractWithOther:(Cicle *)other


       Point2D *p1 = [self point];

       Point2D *p2 = [self point];


       double distance = [p1 DistanceWithOther:p2];

       double radiusSum = [self radius]+ [other radius];


       if (distance < radiusSum)


              return YES;




              reurn NO;



       if (distance < radiusSum)


              return 1;




              reurn 0;



       return distance < radiusSum;


+ (BOOL)isInteractBetweenCicle1:(Cicle *)c1 andCicle2:(Cicle *)c2









int main()


       Point2D *p1 = [Point2D new];      

       [p1 setX: 10andY:15];

       Point2D *p2 = [Point2D new];

       [p2 setX13andY:19];


       double d1 = [p1 DistanceWithOther:p2];


       double d2 = [Point2D DistanceBetweenPoint1:p1 andPoint2:p2];


       NSLog(@"%f", d1);//d1前有个空格


       Circle *c1 = [Circle new];

       //[[c1 point] setx:10]; [c1 point]为空,没有任何意义。所以要先设置圆心


       Point2D *p = [Point new];

       [p1 setX:10 andY:15];


       [c1 setPoint:p1];//p1地址交给 _point


       [[c1 point] setx:10]; //现在的point对象是存在的可以进行赋值操作。


       // 圆对象

       Circle *c2 = [Circle new];

       // 设置圆半径

       [c2 setRadius];



       Point2D *p2 = [Point2D new];

       [p2 setX:12 andY:19];

       [c2 setPoint:p2];


       return 0;



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