
来源:互联网 发布:win10安装外部软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 04:08

$objDb_Sql1=new Db_Sql();
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

function getdata_and_name3(data,name){
 var dataArray = data.split(",");
 var nameArray = name.split(",");
    var total1= new Array(nameArray,dataArray);

function table3(total,table_x,table_y,all_width,all_height,table_type)
 var tmdColor1 = new Array();
 tmdColor1[0] = "#d1ffd1";
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 tmdColor1[11] = "#3366cc";
 tmdColor1[12] = "#33cc33";
 tmdColor1[13] = "#ff9933";
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 tmdColor1[15] = "#99cc66";
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 tmdColor1[21] = "#173064";
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 tmdColor1[23] = "#974b00";
 tmdColor1[24] = "#78793c";
 tmdColor1[25] = "#557e27";
 tmdColor1[26] = "#009337";
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 tmdColor2[1] = "#ff0000";
 tmdColor2[2] = "#ff9900";
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 tmdColor2[5] = "#993300";
 tmdColor2[6] = "#99cc00";
 tmdColor2[7] = "#97bd00";
 tmdColor2[8] = "#009900";
 tmdColor2[9] = "#cc3300";
 tmdColor2[10] = "#ffcc00";
 tmdColor2[11] = "#3366cc";
 tmdColor2[12] = "#33cc33";
 tmdColor2[13] = "#ff9933";
 tmdColor2[14] = "#cccc99";
 tmdColor2[15] = "#99cc66";
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 tmdColor2[21] = "#173064";
 tmdColor2[22] = "#1a6a1a";
 tmdColor2[23] = "#974b00";
 tmdColor2[24] = "#78793c";
 tmdColor2[25] = "#557e27";
 tmdColor2[26] = "#009337";
 var tb_color = new Array(tmdColor1,tmdColor2);
 var tb_height = 30;
 var total_no = total[0].length;
 var totalpie = 0;
 for(var i=0;i<total_no;i++)
  totalpie += total[1][i];
 var PreAngle = 0;
 for(var i=0;i<total_no;i++)
  document.write("<v:shape id='_x0000_s1025' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:" + table_x + "px;top:" + table_y + "px;width:" + all_width + "px;height:" + all_height + "px;z-index:1' coordsize='1500,1400' o:spt='100' adj='0,,0' path='m750,700ae750,700,750,700," + parseInt(23592960*PreAngle) + "," + parseInt(23592960*total[1][i]/totalpie) + "xe' fillcolor='" + tb_color[0][i] + "' strokecolor='#FFFFFF'><v:fill color2='" + tb_color[1][i] + "' rotate='t' focus='100%' type='gradient'/><v:stroke joinstyle='round'/><v:formulas/><v:path o:connecttype='segments'/></v:shape>");
  PreAngle += total[1][i] / totalpie;
  document.write("<v:rect id='_x0000_s1025' style='position:absolute;left:" + (table_x + all_width + 20) + "px;top:" + (table_y + 20) + "px;width:100px;height:" + (total_no * tb_height + 20) + "px;z-index:1'/>");
  for(var i=0;i<total_no;i++)
   document.write("<v:shape id='_x0000_s1025' type='#_x0000_t202' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:" + (table_x + all_width + 25) + "px;top:" + (table_y+30+(i)*tb_height) + "px;width:60px;height:" + tb_height + "px;z-index:1'>");
   document.write("<v:textbox inset='0px,0px,0px,0px'><table cellspacing='3' cellpadding='0' width='100%' height='100%'><tr><td align='left'>" + total[0][i] + "</td></tr></table></v:textbox></v:shape>");
   document.write("<v:rect id='_x0000_s1040' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:" + (table_x + all_width + 80) + "px;top:" + (table_y + 30 + (i)*tb_height+3) + "px;width:30px;height:20px;z-index:1' fillcolor='" + tb_color[0][i] + "'><v:fill color2='" + tb_color[1][i] + "' rotate='t' focus='100%' type='gradient'/></v:rect>");
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   document.write("<v:textbox inset='0px,0px,0px,0px'><table cellspacing='3' cellpadding='0' width='100%' height='100%'><tr><td align='left'>" + Math.round(parseFloat(total[1][i]*100/totalpie)*100)/100 + "%</td></tr></table></v:textbox></v:shape>");
 if(table_type == "B")
  var pie = 3.14159265358979;
  var TempPie = 0;
  for(var i=0;i<total_no;i++)
   var TempAngle = pie * 2 * (total[1][i] / (totalpie * 2) + TempPie);
   var x1 = table_x + all_width/2 + Math.cos(TempAngle) * all_width * 3/8;
   var y1 = table_y + all_height/2 - Math.sin(TempAngle) * all_height * 3/8;
   var x2 = table_x + all_width/2 + Math.cos(TempAngle) * all_width * 3/4;
   var y2 = table_y + all_height/2 - Math.sin(TempAngle) * all_height * 3/4;
   if(x2>table_x + all_width/2)
    x3 = x2 + 20;
    x4 = x3;
    x3 = x2 - 20;
    x4 = x3 - 100;
   document.write("<v:oval id='_x0000_s1027' style='position:absolute;left:" + (x1 - 2) + "px;top:" + (y1 - 2) + "px;width:4px;height:4px; z-index:2' fillcolor='#111111' strokecolor='#111111'/>");
   document.write("<v:line id='_x0000_s1025' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:0;text-align:left;top:0;z-index:1' from='" + x1 + "px," + y1 + "px' to='" + x2 + "px," + y2 + "px' coordsize='21600,21600' strokecolor='#111111' strokeweight='1px'></v:line>");
   document.write("<v:line id='_x0000_s1025' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:0;text-align:left;top:0;z-index:1' from='" + x2 + "px," + y2 + "px' to='" + x3 + "px," + y2 + "px' coordsize='21600,21600' strokecolor='#111111' strokeweight='1px'></v:line>");
   document.write("<v:shape id='_x0000_s1025' type='#_x0000_t202' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:" + x4 + "px;top:" + (y2 - 10) + "px;width:100px;height:20px;z-index:1'>");
   document.write("<v:textbox inset='0px,0px,0px,0px'><table cellspacing='3' cellpadding='0' width='100%' height='100%'><tr><td align='left'>" + total[0][i] + " " + Math.round(parseFloat(total[1][i] * 100/ totalpie)*100)/100 + "%</td></tr></table></v:textbox></v:shape>")
   TempPie += total[1][i]/totalpie; 


<script language=javascript>
function getdata_and_name2(data,name){
 var dataArray2 = new Array()
 var dataArray =data.split(",");
 var nameArray =name.split(",");
 for(var i=1;i<=dataArray.length-1;i++){
 var total =new Array(nameArray,dataArray2);
function table2(total,table_x,table_y,all_width,all_height,line_no)
//作者:龚鸣(Passwordgm) QQ:25968152
//版本1.0 最后修改日期 2003-8-11
//    本代码经原作者同意,由 awaysrain(绝对零度)修改为javascript。
//    最后修改日期 2003-9-22,测试环境为IE 6.0.2500.1106
//    因本人水平有限,修改中难免有错误,请大家及时指正。 
var line_color = "#69f";
var left_width = 70;
var total_no = total[1].length
var temp1,temp2,temp3
temp1 = 0;
for(var i=1;i<total_no;i++)
 for(var j=1;j<=line_no;j++)
   temp1 = total[j][i];
temp1 = parseInt(temp1);
 temp2 = temp1.toString().substr(1,1);
  temp3 = (parseInt(temp1/(Math.pow(10,(temp1.toString().length-1))))+1)*Math.pow(10,(temp1.toString().length-1));
  temp3 = (praseInt(temp1/(Math.pow(10,(temp1.toString().length-1))))+0.5)*Math.pow(10,(temp1.toString().length-1))
  emp3 = 10;
  temp3 = 5;
temp4 = temp3;
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 document.write("<v:textbox inset='0px,0px,0px,0px'><table cellspacing='3' cellpadding='0' width='100%' height='100%'><tr><td align='right'>" + temp4 + "</td></tr></table></v:textbox></v:shape>");
 temp4 = temp4 - temp3/5;
document.write("<v:line id='_x0000_s1027' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:0;text-align:left;top:0;flip:y;z-index:-1' from='" + (table_x + left_width) + "px," + (table_y + all_height) + "px' to='" + (table_x + all_width + left_width) + "px," + (table_y + all_height) + "px'/>");
document.write("<v:line id='_x0000_s1027' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:0;text-align:left;top:0;flip:y;z-index:-1' from='" + (table_x + left_width) + "px," + table_y + "px' to='" + (table_x + left_width) + "px," + (table_y + all_height) + "px'/>");
var tmpStr = ""
 var re  = /,/g;
 tmpStr += ",[/"" + total[i][0].replace(re,"/",/"") + "/"]"
tmpStr = tmpStr.substr(1,tmpStr.length-1)
var line_code = eval("new Array(" + tmpStr + ")")
for(var j=1;j<=line_no;j++)
 for(var i=1;i<total_no-1;i++)
  var x1 = table_x + left_width + all_width * (i - 1)/(total_no-1)
  var y1 = table_y + (temp3 - total[j][i]) * (all_height/temp3)
  var x2 = table_x + left_width + all_width * i/(total_no-1)
  var y2 = table_y + (temp3 - total[j][i+1]) * (all_height/temp3)
  document.write("<v:line id='_x0000_s1025' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:0;text-align:left;top:0;z-index:1' from='" + x1 + "px," + y1 + "px' to='" + x2 + "px," + y2 + "px' coordsize='21600,21600' strokecolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "' strokeweight='" + line_code[j-1][1] + "'>");
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   case 1:
   case 2:
    document.write("<v:stroke dashstyle='1 1'/>");
   case 3:
    document.write("<v:stroke dashstyle='dash'/>");
   case 4:
    document.write("<v:stroke dashstyle='dashDot'/>");
   case 5:
    document.write("<v:stroke dashstyle='longDash'/>");
   case 6:
    document.write("<v:stroke dashstyle='longDashDot'/>");
   case 7:
    document.write("<v:stroke dashstyle='longDashDotDot'/>");
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   case 1:
   case 2:
    document.write("<v:rect id='_x0000_s1027' style='position:absolute;left:" + (x1 - 2) + "px;top:" + (y1 - 2) + "px;width:4px;height:4px; z-index:2' fillcolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "' strokecolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "'/>");
   case 3:
    document.write("<v:oval id='_x0000_s1026' style='position:absolute;left:" + (x1 - 2) + "px;top:" + (y1 - 2) + "px;width:4px;height:4px;z-index:1' fillcolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "' strokecolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "'/>");
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   case 1:
   case 2:
    document.write("<v:rect id='_x0000_s1027' style='position:absolute;left:" + (x2 - 2) + "px;top:" + (y2 - 2) + "px;width:4px;height:4px; z-index:2' fillcolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "' strokecolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "'/>");
   case 3:
    document.write("<v:oval id='_x0000_s1026' style='position:absolute;left:" + (x2 - 2) + "px;top:" + (y2 - 2) + "px;width:4px;height:4px;z-index:1' fillcolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "' strokecolor='" + line_code[j-1][0] + "'/>");
for(var i=0;i<total_no-1;i++)
 document.write("<v:line id='_x0000_s1027' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:0;text-align:left;top:0;flip:y;z-index:-1' from='" + (table_x + left_width + all_width * (i)/(total_no-1)) + "px," + (table_y + all_height) + "px' to='" + (table_x + left_width + all_width * (i)/(total_no-1)) + "px," + (table_y + all_height + 15) + "px'/>");
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 document.write("<v:textbox inset='0px,0px,0px,0px'><table cellspacing='3' cellpadding='0' width='100%' height='100%'><tr><td align='left'>" + total[0][i] + "</td></tr></table></v:textbox></v:shape>");
var tb_height = 30
document.write("<v:rect id='_x0000_s1025' style='position:absolute;left:" + (table_x + all_width + 20) + "px;top:" + table_y + "px;width:100px;height:" + (line_no * tb_height + 20) + "px;z-index:1'/>");
for(var i=0;i<line_no;i++)
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 document.write("<v:textbox inset='0px,0px,0px,0px'><table cellspacing='3' cellpadding='0' width='100%' height='100%'><tr><td align='left'>" + line_code[i][4] + "</td></tr></table></v:textbox></v:shape>");
 document.write("<v:rect id='_x0000_s1040' alt='' style='position:absolute;left:" + (table_x + all_width + 80) + "px;top:" + (table_y + 10+(i) * tb_height + 4) + "px;width:30px;height:20px;z-index:1' fillcolor='" + line_code[i][0] + "'><v:fill color2='" + line_code[i][0] + "' rotate='t' focus='100%' type='gradient'/></v:rect>");

<script language=javascript>

function getdata_and_name1(data,name){
    var dataArray =data.split(",");
 var nameArray =name.split(",");
 var total =new Array(dataArray,nameArray);

function table1(total,table_x,table_y,thickness,table_width,all_width,all_height,table_type){
//作者:龚鸣(Passwordgm) QQ:25968152
//版本2.0 最后修改日期 2003-7-22
//    本代码经原作者同意,由 awaysrain(绝对零度)修改为javascript。
//    最后修改日期 2003-9-22,测试环境为IE 6.0.2500.1106
//    因本人水平有限,修改中难免有错误,请大家及时指正。 
var tmdColor1 = new Array();
tmdColor1[0] = "#d1ffd1";
tmdColor1[1] = "#ffbbbb";
tmdColor1[2] = "#ffe3bb";
tmdColor1[3] = "#cff4f3";
tmdColor1[4] = "#d9d9e5";
tmdColor1[5] = "#ffc7ab";
tmdColor1[6] = "#ecffb7";
 tmdColor1[7] = "#97bd00";
 tmdColor1[8] = "#009900";
 tmdColor1[9] = "#cc3300";
 tmdColor1[10] = "#ffcc00";
 tmdColor1[11] = "#3366cc";
 tmdColor1[12] = "#33cc33";
 tmdColor1[13] = "#ff9933";
 tmdColor1[14] = "#cccc99";
 tmdColor1[15] = "#99cc66";
 tmdColor1[16] = "#66ff99";
 tmdColor1[17] = "#4f6600";
 tmdColor1[18] = "#481000";
 tmdColor1[19] = "#7d6400";
 tmdColor1[20] = "#173064";
 tmdColor1[21] = "#173064";
 tmdColor1[22] = "#1a6a1a";
 tmdColor1[23] = "#974b00";
 tmdColor1[24] = "#78793c";
 tmdColor1[25] = "#557e27";
 tmdColor1[26] = "#009337";
var tmdColor2 = new Array();
tmdColor2[0] = "#00ff00";
tmdColor2[1] = "#ff0000";
tmdColor2[2] = "#ff9900";
tmdColor2[3] = "#33cccc";
tmdColor2[4] = "#666699";
tmdColor2[5] = "#993300";
tmdColor2[6] = "#99cc00";
tmdColor2[7] = "#97bd00";
tmdColor2[8] = "#009900";
tmdColor2[9] = "#cc3300";
tmdColor2[10] = "#ffcc00";
 tmdColor2[11] = "#3366cc";
 tmdColor2[12] = "#33cc33";
 tmdColor2[13] = "#ff9933";
 tmdColor2[14] = "#cccc99";
 tmdColor2[15] = "#99cc66";
 tmdColor2[16] = "#66ff99";
 tmdColor2[17] = "#4f6600";
 tmdColor2[18] = "#481000";
 tmdColor2[19] = "#7d6400";
 tmdColor2[20] = "#173064";
 tmdColor2[21] = "#173064";
 tmdColor2[22] = "#1a6a1a";
 tmdColor2[23] = "#974b00";
 tmdColor2[24] = "#78793c";
 tmdColor2[25] = "#557e27";
 tmdColor2[26] = "#009337";
var tb_color = new Array(tmdColor1,tmdColor2);
var line_color = "#69f";
var left_width = 70;
var length = thickness/2;
var total_no = total[0].length;
var temp1 = 0;
var temp2,temp4,temp4;
for(var i = 0;i<total_no;i++)
  temp1 = total[0][i];
temp1 = parseInt(temp1.toString());

 temp2 = temp1.toString().substr(1,1)
  temp3 = (parseInt((temp1/(Math.pow(10,(temp1.toString().length-1)))).toString())+1)*Math.pow(10,(temp1.toString().length-1));
  temp3 = (parseInt((temp1/(Math.pow(10,(temp1.toString().length-1)))).toString())+0.5)*Math.pow(10,(temp1.toString().length-1));
  temp3 = 10;
  temp3 = 5;
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switch (table_type)
 case "A":
 var table_space = (all_width-table_width*total_no)/total_no;
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<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function viewYear()
 var url;
 var objDropYear = document.getElementById('drop_year3');
function viewDepartment()
 var url;
 var objDropYearStart = document.getElementById('drop_year1_start');
 var objDropYearEnd = document.getElementById('drop_year1_end');
 var objDropMonthStart = document.getElementById('drop_month1_start');
 var objDropMonthEnd = document.getElementById('drop_month1_end');
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<div style="position:absolute;left:140px;top:150px;width:804px;text-align:center;" class="td_tableheader" >信息与网络中心信息管理部服务统计</div>
   <!--                  统计开始                          -->
$strStartYear = "2006";
$strEndYear = date("Y");
$strStartMonth = "12";
$strEndMonth = date("m");

if($_GET["c"] = "d" && !empty($_GET["s"]) && !empty($_GET["e"]))
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if($strStartYear.$strStartMonth > date("Ym") || $strStartYear.$strStartMonth > $strEndYear.$strEndMonth)
 echo '<div style="color:red;">对不起,您选择的开始年月或结束年月不合理,请重新选择</div>';
 $strStartYear = "2006";
 $strEndYear = date("Y");
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  echo " selected";
 echo '>'.$year.'</option>';
<select size="1" name="drop_month1_start" id="drop_month1_start">
for($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++)
 $strMonthValue = $month < 10 ? "0".$month : $month; 
 echo '<option value="'.$strMonthValue.'"';
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  echo " selected";
 echo '>'.$month.'</option>';
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  for($year = 2006; $year <= date("Y"); $year++)
   echo '<option value="'.$year.'"';
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  echo " selected";
 echo '>'.$year.'</option>';
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for($month = 1; $month <= 12; $month++)
 $strMonthValue = $month < 10 ? "0".$month : $month; 
 echo '<option value="'.$strMonthValue.'"';
 if($month == $strEndMonth)
  echo " selected";
 echo '>'.$month.'</option>';
</select>月&nbsp;服务统计&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" onclick="viewDepartment()" value="查看" />
<br />
<!--              年度统计               -->
<div style="font-size:16px;color:red;text-align:center;position:absolute;left:430px;top:930px;">
<select size="1" name="drop_year3" id="drop_year3">
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  for($year = 2006; $year <= date("Y"); $year++)
   echo '<option value="'.$year.'"';
 if($year == $strViewYear)
  echo " selected";
 echo '>'.$year.'</option>';
</select>年年度统计&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" onclick="viewYear()" value="查看" />

<!--     柱状图(按报修部门统计)            -->

$arrDepartmentIDName = MakeNameValueArray($cfg_mysql_database,$tbl_department,"id","name");
$strQuery = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_department." ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1";
$intMaxDepartmentId = $objDb_Sql1->f("id");
for($intCount = 1; $intCount <= $intMaxDepartmentId; $intCount++)
 $strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$tbl_baoxiu." WHERE request_department_id='".$intCount."' AND add_time>='".$strStartYear."-".$strStartMonth."-01 00:00:00' AND add_time<='".$strEndYear."-".$strEndMonth."-31 23:59:59'";
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  $dataArray .= $objDb_Sql1->f(0).",";
  $nameArray .= $arrDepartmentIDName[$intCount].",";
$dataArray = substr($dataArray,0,strlen($dataArray)-1);
$nameArray = substr($nameArray,0,strlen($nameArray)-1);
echo "<script>getdata_and_name1('".$dataArray."','".$nameArray."');</script>";

<!--     饼状图(按问题类型统计)     -->

$arrTroubleIDName = MakeNameValueArray($cfg_mysql_database,$tbl_trouble,"id","name");
$strQuery = "SELECT * FROM ".$tbl_department." ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0,1";
$intMaxTroubleId = $objDb_Sql1->f("id");

for($intCount = 1; $intCount <= $intMaxTroubleId; $intCount++)
 $strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$tbl_baoxiu." WHERE trouble_code like '%".$intCount.",%' AND add_time>='".$strStartYear."-".$strStartMonth."-01 00:00:00' AND add_time<='".$strEndYear."-".$strEndMonth."-31 23:59:59'";
 if($objDb_Sql1->f(0) != 0)
  $dataArray .= $objDb_Sql1->f(0).",";
  $nameArray .= $arrTroubleIDName[$intCount].",";
$strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$tbl_baoxiu." WHERE has_other_trouble='1'";

$dataArray .= $objDb_Sql1->f(0).",";
$nameArray .= "其它,";
$dataArray = substr($dataArray,0,strlen($dataArray)-1);
$nameArray = substr($nameArray,0,strlen($nameArray)-1);
echo "<script>getdata_and_name3('".$dataArray."','".$nameArray."');</script>";
<!--     折线图(按年度统计)           -->
$dataArray  = "";
$nameArray  = "";
for($intCount = 1; $intCount <= 12; $intCount++)
 $strMonth = $intCount;
 if($intCount < 10)
  $strMonth = "0".$intCount;
 $strQuery = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$tbl_baoxiu." WHERE id like '".$strViewYear.$strMonth."%'";
 if($objDb_Sql1->f(0) != 0)
  $dataArray .= $objDb_Sql1->f(0).",";
  $nameArray .= $intCount."月,";
$dataArray =$strViewYear.",".$dataArray;
$dataArray = substr($dataArray,0,strlen($dataArray)-1);
$nameArray = substr($nameArray,0,strlen($nameArray)-1);
echo "<script>getdata_and_name2('".$dataArray."','".$nameArray."');</script>";

<!--                   统计结束                        -->
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