perf.c 阅读笔记

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝买手办从哪进货 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 02:52

 // Assign default values

    memset((void*)filename, 0, sizeof(filename));    memset((void*)dg_info, 0, sizeof(dg_info));

// If daperf is entered without any options, print the usage page

    if (argc == 1) {        printf("%s", DAPERF_USAGE);        exit(0);    }

// Loop through all the command-line options

while (1) {        res_getopt = getopt_long_only(argc, argv, "-h", long_options, &option_index);        if (res_getopt == -1)            break;        switch (res_getopt) {        }}
end while

    // Assign the default for points (60 for long-term, 100 for short-term)    if (points_flg == 0)        points = (longterm_flg != 0) ? MAX_ELEMENTS : CIRC_BUFFER_ELEMENT_CNT - 1;    // If the user specified the number of points, check if valid    else {        // Long-term points should be 1-60        if (longterm_flg != 0) {            if ((points < 1) || (points > MAX_ELEMENTS)) {                printf("Error: The points (%d) are out of range [1-%d] for long-term data.\n",                         points, MAX_ELEMENTS);                exit(DAPERF_INVALID_POINTS);            }        }        // Short-term points should be 1-100        else {            if ((points < 1) || (points > (CIRC_BUFFER_ELEMENT_CNT - 1))) {                printf("Error: The specified points (%d) are out of range [1-%d].\n",                               points, CIRC_BUFFER_ELEMENT_CNT-1);                exit(DAPERF_INVALID_POINTS);            }        }    }

    action_cnt = datarate_flg + readrate_flg + writerate_flg +                  comptime_flg + readcomptime_flg + writecomptime_flg +                 lba_flg + readlba_flg + writelba_flg +                 iscsibusy_flg + readiscsibusy_flg + writeiscsibusy_flg +                 alert_range.datarate_range_flg + alert_range.readrate_range_flg +                 alert_range.writerate_range_flg + alert_range.comptime_range_flg +                 alert_range.lba_range_flg + alert_range.iscsibusy_range_flg;    // If user wants to see VD data, the number of -vd options must match the number of -dg options.    // The user must also specify an action.    if (vd_cnt != 0) {        if (vd_option_cnt != dg_cnt) {            printf("Error: The number of -vd options (%d) and -dg options (%d) do not agree.\n",                vd_option_cnt, dg_cnt);            exit(DAPERF_VD_OPTION_MISMATCH);        }        if (action_cnt == 0) {            printf("Error: The option list does not include an action, such as -readrate.\n");            exit(DAPERF_DGVD_NO_ACTION);        }        // Only allow one VD for long-term data because each VD may not have the same timestamps,        // so a separate time column would have to be printed for each VD.        if ((longterm_flg != 0) && (vd_cnt > 1)) {            printf("Error: Only one vd may be specified for long-term data.\n");            exit(DAPERF_LONGTERM_VDCNT_ERR);        }    }    // If the user wants to see DG data, then the user must specify an action.    else if (dg_cnt != 0) {        if (action_cnt == 0) {            printf("Error: The option list does not include an action, such as -readrate.\n");            exit(DAPERF_DGVD_NO_ACTION);        }

    // Start perfd on local controller (and remote if it exists) and update the perfd status files    if (start_flg != 0) {        rc = handle_start(writing_interval, remote_id, remote_present, longterm_flg);        exit(rc);    }    // Stop perfd on local controller (and remote if it exists) and update the perfd status files    if (stop_flg != 0) {        rc = handle_stop(remote_id, remote_present);        exit(rc);    }

    // Start local perfd if local status file says it should be running. Called by bootup script on    // controller that comes up first.    if (slfl_flg != 0) {        rc = handle_start_local_from_local();        exit(rc);    }    // Start local perfd if remote status file says it should be running. Called by bootup script on    // controller that comes up last, so that it agrees with the other controller.    if (slfr_flg != 0) {        rc = handle_start_local_from_remote(remote_id, remote_present);        exit(rc);    }

    // Read and display the writing interval    if (showinterval_flg != 0) {        rc = handle_showinterval(remote_id, remote_present);        exit(rc);    }    // Copy the alert config file from the remote controller to the local    if (syncalertconfig_flg != 0) {        rc = handle_sync_alert_config(remote_id);        exit(rc);    }    // Remove the VD and DG entries in the alert config file for VDs and DGs that    // do not exist in the interface file    if (cleanup_flg != 0) {        rc = cleanup_alert_file(remote_id, remote_present);        exit(rc);    }

    // Handle a single range parameter, such as -cpuidle_range 5-95    if (single_range_flg != 0) {#ifndef USE_LONGTERM_DG_DATA        if ((vd_cnt == 0) && (dg_cnt != 0)) {            printf("Error: The system does not allow ranges for dg data.\n");            exit(DAPERF_DG_RANGE_ERR);        }#endif        rc = handle_single_range(remote_present, remote_id, &alert_range,                                 local_id, vd_cnt, dg_cnt, dg_info);        exit(rc);    }

    // For operations below this point, the perfd and idled daemons must be running. It would    // be nice to check the remote daemons as well, but this will require additional rssh calls,    // which will lead to additional TCP connections in the TIME_WAIT state, which will limit    // the number of simultaneous web-browser connections. Therefore, only check the local    // daemons.    perfd_local_is_running = check_local_perfd();    idled_local_is_running = check_local_idled();
//show function # 
int32_t check_local_perfd(void){    char cmd[200];    sprintf(cmd, "/sbin/pidof perfd 1> /dev/null 2>&1");    if (WEXITSTATUS(system(cmd)) == 0)        return(1);    return(0);}

int32_t start_perfd_local(int32_t writing_interval){    char cmd[200];    sprintf(cmd, "/usr/sbin/perfd %d < /dev/null 1> /dev/null 2>&1 &", writing_interval);    if (WEXITSTATUS(system(cmd)) != 0) {        printf("Error: Unable to start the local perfd daemon to capture performance data.\n");        return(PERFD_LOCAL_START_ERROR);    }    return(0);}

int32_t stop_perfd_local(void){    char cmd[200];    sprintf(cmd, "/usr/bin/pkill perfd 1> /dev/null 2>&1");    if (WEXITSTATUS(system(cmd)) != 0) {        printf("Error: Unable to stop the local perfd daemon.\n");        return(PERFD_LOCAL_STOP_ERROR);    }    return(0);}

int32_t check_local_idled(void){    char cmd[200];    sprintf(cmd, "/sbin/pidof -x idled 1> /dev/null 2>&1");    if (WEXITSTATUS(system(cmd)) == 0)        return(1);    return(0);}

//end for show

    // Return if both perfd and idled are not running locally    if ((perfd_local_is_running == 0) && (idled_local_is_running == 0)) {        printf("Error: The performance daemons are not running.  Please run daperf -start.\n");        exit(PERFD_BOTH_STOPPED_ERROR);    }    // Return if either perfd or idled is not running locally    if ((perfd_local_is_running == 0) || (idled_local_is_running == 0)) {        printf("Error: The performance daemons are not running.  Please stop and then start.\n");        exit(PERFD_LOCAL_STOPPED_ERROR);    }

    // Assign flag indicating local access of circular buffers, remote access, or both    rc = assign_local_remote_flg(bothctlr_flg, c0_flg, c1_flg, local_id, remote_present, &local_remote_flg);    if (rc != 0)        exit(rc);

    // Assign components of params structure to help with parameter passing    memset(¶ms, 0, sizeof(params));    params.datatype = 0;    params.points = points;    params.local_remote_flg = local_remote_flg;    params.local_id = local_id;    params.remote_id = remote_id;    params.filename = filename;    params.noheader_flg = noheader_flg;    params.longterm_flg = longterm_flg;    params.time_flg = time_flg;    params.time_str = time_str;    params.increment = increment;    if ((owneronly_flg == 0) && (otheronly_flg == 0))        params.owner_other_flg = ACCESS_OWNER | ACCESS_OTHER;    else {        params.owner_other_flg = 0;        if (owneronly_flg != 0)            params.owner_other_flg = ACCESS_OWNER;        if (otheronly_flg != 0)            params.owner_other_flg = params.owner_other_flg | ACCESS_OTHER;    }

    // Assign a default timestamp, if necessary, for long-term data. The timestamp is way in    // the future (1/1/2199), so that when the user does not enter a timestamp, the most recent data    // will be accessed. In addition, the user can still enter a negative increment and access    // data further in the past.    if (longterm_flg != 0) {        if (params.time_flg == 0) {            memset(params.time_str, 0, sizeof(params.time_str));            //sprintf(params.time_str, "20140101_010101");            sprintf(params.time_str, "21990101_010101");        }    }

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