
来源:互联网 发布:python字节码反编译 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 10:18
一直在做人脸识别方向,想用一下Gabor滤波器做一下Gabor人脸。从网上看到Mian Zhou. Thesis. Gabor-Boosting Face Recognition的Gabor代码,也是基于Opencv的但是,代码是基于C结构的,用起来感觉不方便,就花一天的时间,修改成了C++结构的。
/*Copyright (C) 2014 by Fangqi SuReference: Mian Zhou. Thesis. Gabor-Boosting Face Recognition*/#ifndef GABORFLITER_H#define GABORFLITER_H#include<iostream>#include<opencv2\opencv.hpp>#include<highgui.h>#define CV_GABOR_REAL 1#define CV_GABOR_IMAG 2#define CV_GABOR_MAG 3#define CV_GABOR_PHASE 4using namespace cv;class Gabor{public:Gabor();Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma);Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF);Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu);Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma);Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF);Gabor(int iMu,int iNu);bool IsInit(); bool IsKernelCreate();long mask_width();void Init(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF);void Init(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF);void output_file(const char *filename,int Type);Mat get_matrix(int Type);Mat get_image(int Type);void show(int Type);void conv_img(Mat &src,Mat&dst,int Type);long Gabor::get_mask_width();protected:int KernelSize;double Sigma;    double F;    double Kmax;    double K;    double Phi;    bool bInitialised;    bool bKernel;    long Width;Mat Imag;Mat Real;private:void creat_kernel();};#endif
/*Copyright (C) 2014 by Fangqi SuReference: Mian Zhou. Thesis. Gabor-Boosting Face Recognition*/#include"GaborFliter.h"Gabor::Gabor(){}/*fn Gabor::Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma);Constuct a gaborParameters:iMuThe orientation iMu*PI/8,iNu The scale,dSigma The sigma value of Gabor,Create a gabor with a orientation iMu*PI/8, a scale iNu, and a sigma value dSigma. The spatial frequence (F) is set to sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.*/Gabor::Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma){F=sqrt(2.0);Init(iMu,iNu,dSigma,F);}/*!\fn Gabor::Gabor(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)Construct a gaborParameters:iMu    The orientation iMu*PI/8iNu The scaledSigma The sigma value of GabordF    The spatial frequency Returns:NoneCreate a gabor with a orientation iMu*PI/8, a scale iNu, a sigma value dSigma, and a spatial frequence dF. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.*/Gabor::Gabor(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF){Init(iMu,iNu,dSigma,dF);}/*!\fn Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi, int iNu)Construct a gaborParameters:dPhiThe orientation in arciNu The scaleReturns:NoneCreate a gabor with a orientation dPhi, and with a scale iNu. The sigma (Sigma) and the spatial frequence (F) are set to 2*PI and sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.*/Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu){Sigma=2*CV_PI;F=sqrt(2.0);Init(dPhi,iNu,Sigma,F);}/*!\fn Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma)Construct a gaborParameters:dPhiThe orientation in arciNu The scaledSigmaThe sigma value of GaborReturns:NoneCreate a gabor with a orientation dPhi, a scale iNu, and a sigma value dSigma. The spatial frequence (F) is set to sqrt(2) defaultly. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.*/Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma){   F=sqrt(2.0);   Init(dPhi,iNu,dSigma,F);}/*!\fn Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)Construct a gaborParameters:dPhiThe orientation in arciNu The scaledSigma The sigma value of GabordFThe spatial frequency Returns:NoneCreate a gabor with a orientation dPhi, a scale iNu, a sigma value dSigma, and a spatial frequence dF. It calls Init() to generate parameters and kernels.*/Gabor::Gabor(double dPhi,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF){Init(dPhi,iNu,dSigma,dF);}/*!\fn Gabor::IsInit()Determine the gabor is initilised or notParameters:NoneReturns:a boolean value, TRUE is initilised or FALSE is non-initilised.Determine whether the gabor has been initlized - variables F, K, Kmax, Phi, Sigma are filled.*/bool Gabor::IsInit(){return bInitialised;}/*!\fn Gabor::mask_width()Give out the width of the maskParameters:NoneReturns:The long type show the width.Return the width of mask (should be NxN) by the value of Sigma and iNu.*/long Gabor::mask_width(){long lWidth;if(IsInit()==false){perror("Error:Error: The Object has not been initilised in mask_width()!\n");return 0;}else {double dModSigma=Sigma/K;double dWidth=cvRound(dModSigma*6+1);if(fmod(dWidth,2.0)==0.0)dWidth++;lWidth=(long)dWidth;return lWidth;}}/*!\fn Gabor::creat_kernel()Create gabor kernelParameters:NoneReturns:NoneCreate 2 gabor kernels - REAL and IMAG, with an orientation and a scale */void Gabor::creat_kernel(){if (IsInit() == false) {perror("Error: The Object has not been initilised in creat_kernel()!\n");}else {Mat mReal(Width,Width,CV_32F),mImag(Width,Width,CV_32F);/**************************** Gabor Function ****************************/ int x,y;double dReal;double dImag;double dTemp1,dTemp2,dTemp3;for(int i=0;i<Width;i++){for(int j=0;j<Width;j++){x=i-(Width-1)/2;y=j-(Width-1)/2;dTemp1 = (pow(K,2)/pow(Sigma,2))*exp(-(pow((double)x,2)+pow((double)y,2))*pow(K,2)/(2*pow(Sigma,2)));dTemp2 = cos(K*cos(Phi)*x + K*sin(Phi)*y) - exp(-(pow(Sigma,2)/2));dTemp3 = sin(K*cos(Phi)*x + K*sin(Phi)*y);dReal = dTemp1*dTemp2;dImag = dTemp1*dTemp3; mReal.at<float>(i,j)=dReal;mImag.at<float>(i,j)=dImag;}}/**************************** Gabor Function ****************************/bKernel=true;mReal.copyTo(Real);mImag.copyTo(Imag);}}/*!\fn Gabor::get_image(int Type)Get the speific type of image of GaborParameters:TypeThe Type of gabor kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASE   Returns:Pointer to image structure, or NULL on failureReturn an Image (gandalf image class) with a specific Type   "REAL""IMAG" "MAG" "PHASE"  */Mat Gabor::get_image(int Type){if(IsKernelCreate() == false){ perror("Error: the Gabor kernel has not been created in get_image()!\n");return Mat();}Mat pImage(Width,Width,CV_32F,1);Mat newimage(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);Mat kernel(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);Mat re(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);Mat im(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);Mat ve;int rows=kernel.rows;int cols=kernel.cols;switch (Type){case 1://realReal.copyTo(kernel);kernel.copyTo(pImage);pImage=pImage.t();break;case 2://ImagImag.copyTo(kernel);kernel.copyTo(pImage);pImage=pImage.t();break;case 3://MagnitudeReal.copyTo(re);Imag.copyTo(im);pow(re,2,re);pow(im,2,im);pow(im+re,0.5,ve);ve.copyTo(pImage);pImage=pImage.t();break;default:break;}normalize(pImage,pImage,0,255,CV_MINMAX,NULL);pImage.convertTo(pImage,CV_8U);convertScaleAbs(pImage,newimage,1,0);newimage.convertTo(newimage,CV_8U);return newimage;}/*!\fn Gabor::IsKernelCreate()Determine the gabor kernel is created or notParameters:NoneReturns:a boolean value, TRUE is created or FALSE is non-created.Determine whether a gabor kernel is created.*/bool Gabor::IsKernelCreate(){return bKernel;}/*!\fn Gabor::get_mask_width()Reads the width of MaskParameters:NoneReturns:Pointer to long type width of mask.*/long Gabor::get_mask_width(){return Width;}/*!\fn Gabor::Init(int iMu, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)Initilize the.gaborParameters:iMu The orientations which is iMu*PI.8iNu The scale can be from -5 to infinitdSigma The Sigma value of gabor, Normally set to 2*PIdF The spatial frequence , normally is sqrt(2)Returns:Initilize the.gabor with the orientation iMu, the scale iNu, the sigma dSigma, the frequency dF, it will call the function creat_kernel(); So a gabor is created.*/void Gabor::Init(int iMu,int iNu,double dSigma,double dF){bInitialised=false;bKernel=false;F=dF;Sigma=dSigma;Kmax=CV_PI/2;// Absolute value of KK = Kmax / pow(F, (double)iNu);Phi = CV_PI*iMu/8;bInitialised = true;Width = mask_width();Real = Mat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);Imag = Mat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);creat_kernel();  }/*!\fn CvGabor::CvGabor(int iMu, int iNu)*/Gabor::Gabor(int iMu, int iNu){double dSigma = 2*CV_PI; F = sqrt(2.0);Init(iMu, iNu, dSigma, F);}/*!\fn Gabor::Init(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF)Initilize the.gaborParameters:dPhi The orientations iNu The scale can be from -5 to infinitdSigma The Sigma value of gabor, Normally set to 2*PIdF The spatial frequence , normally is sqrt(2)Returns:NoneInitilize the.gabor with the orientation dPhi, the scale iNu, the sigma dSigma, the frequency dF, it will call the function creat_kernel(); So a gabor is created.filename The name of the image filefile_format The format of the file, e.g. GAN_PNG_FORMATimage The image structure to be written to the fileoctrlstr Format-dependent control structure*/void Gabor::Init(double dPhi, int iNu, double dSigma, double dF){bInitialised = false;bKernel = false;Sigma = dSigma;F = dF;Kmax =CV_PI/2;// Absolute value of KK = Kmax / pow(F, (double)iNu);Phi = dPhi;bInitialised = true;Width = mask_width();Real = Mat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);Imag = Mat( Width, Width, CV_32FC1);creat_kernel();  }/*!\fn Gabor::get_matrix(int Type)Get a matrix by the type of kernelParameters:TypeThe type of kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASEReturns:Pointer to matrix structure, or NULL on failure.Return the gabor kernel.*/Mat Gabor::get_matrix(int Type){if (!IsKernelCreate()) {perror("Error: the gabor kernel has not been created!\n"); return Mat();}switch (Type){case CV_GABOR_REAL:return Real;break;case CV_GABOR_IMAG:return Imag;break;case CV_GABOR_MAG:return Mat();break;case CV_GABOR_PHASE:return Mat();break;}}/*!\fn Gabor::output_file(const char *filename, Gan_ImageFileFormat file_format, int Type)Writes a gabor kernel as an image file.Parameters:filename The name of the image filefile_format The format of the file, e.g. GAN_PNG_FORMATTypeThe Type of gabor kernel, e.g. REAL, IMAG, MAG, PHASE   Returns:NoneWrites an image from the provided image structure into the given file and the type of gabor kernel.*/void Gabor::output_file(const char *filename, int Type){Mat pImage;pImage = get_image(Type);if(pImage .data!= NULL){if( imwrite(filename, pImage )) printf("%s has been written successfully!\n", filename);else printf("Error: writting %s has failed!\n", filename);}else perror("Error: the image is empty in output_file()!\n"); }/*!\fn CvGabor::conv_img_a(IplImage *src, IplImage *dst, int Type)*/void Gabor::conv_img(Mat &src, Mat &dst, int Type){Mat mat;src.copyTo(mat);mat.convertTo(mat,CV_32FC1);mat=mat.t();Mat temp;Mat rmat(src.rows,src.cols,CV_32FC1);Mat imat(src.rows,src.cols,CV_32FC1);Mat kernel(Width,Width,CV_32FC1);switch (Type){case CV_GABOR_REAL:Real.copyTo(kernel);filter2D( mat, mat,mat.depth(),kernel, Point( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));break;case CV_GABOR_IMAG:Imag.copyTo(kernel);filter2D( mat, mat,mat.depth(),kernel, Point( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));break;case CV_GABOR_MAG:/* Real Response */Real.copyTo(kernel);filter2D( mat, rmat,rmat.depth(),kernel, Point( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));/* Imag Response */Imag.copyTo(kernel);filter2D( mat, imat,imat.depth(),kernel, Point( (Width-1)/2, (Width-1)/2));/* Magnitude response is the square root of the sum of the square of real response and imaginary response */pow(rmat,2,rmat);pow(imat,2,imat);add(rmat,imat,temp);pow(temp,0.5,temp);temp.copyTo(mat);break;case CV_GABOR_PHASE:break;}normalize(mat,mat,0,255,CV_MINMAX,NULL);mat.convertTo(mat,CV_8U);mat=mat.t();mat.copyTo(dst);}

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