opencv 2.x学习笔记(五)关于Mat

来源:互联网 发布:会计代理记账软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 16:16



        在OpenCV 1.x版本中,OpenCV是基于C语言接口而建。为了在内存中存放图像,在OpenCV中使用了名为IplImage的结构体。在大名鼎鼎的《Learning OpenCV》一书中就对IplImage结构做了详细的讲解。但是,使用C语言结构的结构体,就意味着我们需要手动的去管理内存。当我们在写一个程序时,尤其是当代码的规模越来越大时,这种缺陷也就暴漏的更为严重。

        众所周知,在C++中,有着类的概念,也正因为C++的出现让我们自动的内存管理成为可能。为此,在OpenCV 2.0版本中,OpenCV引入了一个新的C++接口,利用自动内存管理给出了解决问题的新方法。使用这个方法,我们不在纠结与管理内存上面,而着力的解决自己的开发目标。





class CV_EXPORTS Mat{public:    // ... a lot of methods ...    ...    /*! includes several bit-fields:         - the magic signature         - continuity flag         - depth         - number of channels     */    int flags;    //! the array dimensionality, >= 2    int dims;    //! the number of rows and columns or (-1, -1) when the array has more than 2 dimensions    int rows, cols;    //! pointer to the data    uchar* data;    //! pointer to the reference counter;    // when array points to user-allocated data, the pointer is NULL    int* refcount;    // other members    ...};


    //! constructs 2D matrix of the specified size and type    // (_type is CV_8UC1, CV_64FC3, CV_32SC(12) etc.)    Mat(int rows, int cols, int type);    Mat(Size size, int type);    //! constucts 2D matrix and fills it with the specified value _s.    Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar& s);    Mat(Size size, int type, const Scalar& s);    //! constructs n-dimensional matrix    Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type);    Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type, const Scalar& s);    //! allocates new matrix data unless the matrix already has specified size and type.    // previous data is unreferenced if needed.    void create(int rows, int cols, int type);    void create(Size size, int type);    void create(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type);


// make a 7x7 complex matrix filled with 1+3j.Mat M(7,7,CV_32FC2,Scalar(1,3));// and now turn M to a 100x60 15-channel 8-bit matrix.// The old content will be deallocatedM.create(100,60,CV_8UC(15));// create a 100x100x100 8-bit arrayint sz[] = {100, 100, 100};Mat bigCube(3, sz, CV_8U, Scalar::all(0));


    //! special versions for 2D arrays (especially convenient for referencing image pixels)    template<typename _Tp> _Tp& at(Point pt);    template<typename _Tp> const _Tp& at(Point pt) const;    //! template methods for iteration over matrix elements.    // the iterators take care of skipping gaps in the end of rows (if any)    template<typename _Tp> MatIterator_<_Tp> begin();    template<typename _Tp> MatIterator_<_Tp> end();    template<typename _Tp> MatConstIterator_<_Tp> begin() const;    template<typename _Tp> MatConstIterator_<_Tp> end() const;



#include <cv.h>#include <highgui.h>#include <iostream>using namespace std;using namespace cv;int main(){uchar a[][3] = {1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6,                7, 8, 9};Mat M(3, 3, CV_8U, Scalar::all(0)); = a[0];cout << "初始M =" << endl << M << endl;M.row(1) = M.row(1) + 2 * M.row(0);cout << "M的第二行加上二倍的第一行后M = " << endl << M << endl;M.col(0) = M.col(2) - M.col(1);cout << "M的第一列为第三列减去第二列M = " << endl << M << endl;Mat M1 = M.col(1);cout << "M1为M的第二列 M1 = " << endl << M1 << endl;Mat M2 = M.t();cout << "M2为M的转置 M2 = " << endl << M2 << endl;<uchar>(1, 1) = 3;cout << "M2的第二行第二列元素改为3 M2 = " << endl << M2 << endl;M = M + M2;cout << "M为M加上M2 M = " << endl << M << endl;return 0;}


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