
来源:互联网 发布:手机gps软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 06:29
.ext-ux-clearbutton {    width: 12px;    height: 12px;    background-image: url(../images/clear-text-icon.gif);    background-position: 0 0;    background-repeat: no-repeat;    -moz-user-focus: ignore; /* https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-user-focus */    cursor: pointer;    position: absolute;    overflow:  hidden; /* IE 6 :-( */    margin-top: 4px;    background-color: white;}.ext-ux-clearbutton-mouse-over-input {    background-position: 0 -12px;}.ext-ux-clearbutton-mouse-over-button {    background-position: 0 -24px;}.ext-ux-clearbutton-mouse-down {    background-position: 0 -36px;}.ext-ux-clearbutton-on {    opacity: 1;    visibility: visible;    transition: opacity .35s linear;    -webkit-transition: opacity .35s linear;    -moz-transition: opacity .35s linear;    -o-transition: opacity .35s linear;    -ms-transition: opacity .35s linear;    -khtml-transition: opacity .35s linear;}.ext-ux-clearbutton-off {    opacity: 0;    visibility: hidden;    transition: opacity .35s linear, visibility .0s linear .35s;    -webkit-transition: opacity .35s linear, visibility .0s linear .35s;    -moz-transition: opacity .35s linear, visibility .0s linear .35s;    -o-transition: opacity .35s linear, visibility .0s linear .35s;    -ms-transition: opacity .35s linear, visibility .0s linear .35s;    -khtml-transition: opacity .35s linear, visibility .0s linear .35s;}
(function() {    /**     * @class Ext.ux.form.field.ClearButton     *     * Plugin for text components that shows a "clear" button over the text field.     * When the button is clicked the text field is set empty.     * Icon image and positioning can be controlled using CSS.     * Works with Ext.form.field.Text, Ext.form.field.TextArea, Ext.form.field.ComboBox and Ext.form.field.Date.     *     * Plugin alias is 'clearbutton' (use "plugins: 'clearbutton'" in GridPanel config).     *     * @author <a href="mailto:stephen.friedrich@fortis-it.de">Stephen Friedrich</a>     * @author <a href="mailto:fabian.urban@fortis-it.de">Fabian Urban</a>     *     * @copyright (c) 2011 Fortis IT Services GmbH     * @license Ext.ux.form.field.ClearButton is released under the     * <a target="_blank" href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">Apache License, Version 2.0</a>.     *     */    Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.field.ClearButton', {        alias: 'plugin.clearbutton',        /**         * @cfg {Boolean} Hide the clear button when the field is empty (default: true).         */        hideClearButtonWhenEmpty: true,        /**         * @cfg {Boolean} Hide the clear button until the mouse is over the field (default: true).         */        hideClearButtonWhenMouseOut: true,        /**         * @cfg {Boolean} When the clear buttons is hidden/shown, this will animate the button to its new state (using opacity) (default: true).         */        animateClearButton: true,        /**         * @cfg {Boolean} Empty the text field when ESC is pressed while the text field is focused.         */        clearOnEscape: true,        /**         * @cfg {String} CSS class used for the button div.         * Also used as a prefix for other classes (suffixes: '-mouse-over-input', '-mouse-over-button', '-mouse-down', '-on', '-off')         */        clearButtonCls: 'ext-ux-clearbutton',        /**         * The text field (or text area, combo box, date field) that we are attached to         */        textField: null,        /**         * Will be set to true if animateClearButton is true and the browser supports CSS 3 transitions         * @private         */        animateWithCss3: false,        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        //        // Set up and tear down        //        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        constructor: function(cfg) {            Ext.apply(this, cfg);            this.callParent(arguments);        },        /**         * Called by plug-in system to initialize the plugin for a specific text field (or text area, combo box, date field).         * Most all the setup is delayed until the component is rendered.         */        init: function(textField) {            this.textField = textField;            if (!textField.rendered) {                textField.on('afterrender', this.handleAfterRender, this);            }            else {                // probably an existing input element transformed to extjs field                this.handleAfterRender();            }        },        /**         * After the field has been rendered sets up the plugin (create the Element for the clear button, attach listeners).         * @private         */        handleAfterRender: function(textField) {            this.isTextArea = (this.textField.inputEl.dom.type.toLowerCase() == 'textarea');            this.createClearButtonEl();            this.addListeners();            this.repositionClearButton();            this.updateClearButtonVisibility();            this.addEscListener();        },        /**         * Creates the Element and DOM for the clear button         */        createClearButtonEl: function() {            var animateWithClass = this.animateClearButton && this.animateWithCss3;            this.clearButtonEl = this.textField.bodyEl.createChild({                tag: 'div',                cls: this.clearButtonCls            });            if(this.animateClearButton) {                this.animateWithCss3 = this.supportsCssTransition(this.clearButtonEl);            }            if(this.animateWithCss3) {                this.clearButtonEl.addCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-off');            }            else {                this.clearButtonEl.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');            }        },        /**         * Returns true iff the browser supports CSS 3 transitions         * @param el an element that is checked for support of the "transition" CSS property (considering any         *           vendor prefixes)         */        supportsCssTransition: function(el) {            var styles = ['transitionProperty', 'WebkitTransitionProperty', 'MozTransitionProperty',                          'OTransitionProperty', 'msTransitionProperty', 'KhtmlTransitionProperty'];            var style = el.dom.style;            for(var i = 0, length = styles.length; i < length; ++i) {                if(style[styles[i]] !== 'undefined') {                    // Supported property will result in empty string                    return true;                }            }            return false;        },        /**         * If config option "clearOnEscape" is true, then add a key listener that will clear this field         */        addEscListener: function() {            if (!this.clearOnEscape) {                return;            }            // Using a KeyMap did not work: ESC is swallowed by combo box and date field before it reaches our own KeyMap            this.textField.inputEl.on('keydown',                function(e) {                    if (e.getKey() == Ext.EventObject.ESC) {                        if (this.textField.isExpanded) {                            // Let combo box or date field first remove the popup                            return;                        }                        // No idea why the defer is necessary, but otherwise the call to setValue('') is ignored                        Ext.Function.defer(this.textField.setValue, 1, this.textField, ['']);                        e.stopEvent();                    }                },                this);        },        /**         * Adds listeners to the field, its input element and the clear button to handle resizing, mouse over/out events, click events etc.         */        addListeners: function() {            // listeners on input element (DOM/El level)            var textField = this.textField;            var bodyEl = textField.bodyEl;            bodyEl.on('mouseover', this.handleMouseOverInputField, this);            bodyEl.on('mouseout', this.handleMouseOutOfInputField, this);            // listeners on text field (component level)            textField.on('destroy', this.handleDestroy, this);            textField.on('resize', this.repositionClearButton, this);            textField.on('change', function() {                this.repositionClearButton();                this.updateClearButtonVisibility();            }, this);            // listeners on clear button (DOM/El level)            var clearButtonEl = this.clearButtonEl;            clearButtonEl.on('mouseover', this.handleMouseOverClearButton, this);            clearButtonEl.on('mouseout', this.handleMouseOutOfClearButton, this);            clearButtonEl.on('mousedown', this.handleMouseDownOnClearButton, this);            clearButtonEl.on('mouseup', this.handleMouseUpOnClearButton, this);            clearButtonEl.on('click', this.handleMouseClickOnClearButton, this);        },        /**         * When the field is destroyed, we also need to destroy the clear button Element to prevent memory leaks.         */        handleDestroy: function() {            this.clearButtonEl.destroy();        },        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        //        // Mouse event handlers        //        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        /**         * Tada - the real action: If user left clicked on the clear button, then empty the field         */        handleMouseClickOnClearButton: function(event, htmlElement, object) {            if (!this.isLeftButton(event)) {                return;            }            this.textField.setValue('');            this.textField.focus();        },        handleMouseOverInputField: function(event, htmlElement, object) {            this.clearButtonEl.addCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-over-input');            if (event.getRelatedTarget() == this.clearButtonEl.dom) {                // Moused moved to clear button and will generate another mouse event there.                // Handle it here to avoid duplicate updates (else animation will break)                this.clearButtonEl.removeCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-over-button');                this.clearButtonEl.removeCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-down');            }            this.updateClearButtonVisibility();        },        handleMouseOutOfInputField: function(event, htmlElement, object) {            this.clearButtonEl.removeCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-over-input');            if (event.getRelatedTarget() == this.clearButtonEl.dom) {                // Moused moved from clear button and will generate another mouse event there.                // Handle it here to avoid duplicate updates (else animation will break)                this.clearButtonEl.addCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-over-button');            }            this.updateClearButtonVisibility();        },        handleMouseOverClearButton: function(event, htmlElement, object) {            event.stopEvent();            if (this.textField.bodyEl.contains(event.getRelatedTarget())) {                // has been handled in handleMouseOutOfInputField() to prevent double update                return;            }            this.clearButtonEl.addCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-over-button');            this.updateClearButtonVisibility();        },        handleMouseOutOfClearButton: function(event, htmlElement, object) {            event.stopEvent();            if (this.textField.bodyEl.contains(event.getRelatedTarget())) {                // will be handled in handleMouseOverInputField() to prevent double update                return;            }            this.clearButtonEl.removeCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-over-button');            this.clearButtonEl.removeCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-down');            this.updateClearButtonVisibility();        },        handleMouseDownOnClearButton: function(event, htmlElement, object) {            if (!this.isLeftButton(event)) {                return;            }            this.clearButtonEl.addCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-down');        },        handleMouseUpOnClearButton: function(event, htmlElement, object) {            if (!this.isLeftButton(event)) {                return;            }            this.clearButtonEl.removeCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-down');        },        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        //        // Utility methods        //        /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////        /**         * Repositions the clear button element based on the textfield.inputEl element         * @private         */        repositionClearButton: function() {            var clearButtonEl = this.clearButtonEl;            if (!clearButtonEl) {                return;            }            var clearButtonPosition = this.calculateClearButtonPosition(this.textField);            clearButtonEl.dom.style.right = clearButtonPosition.right + 'px';            clearButtonEl.dom.style.top = clearButtonPosition.top + 'px';        },        /**         * Calculates the position of the clear button based on the textfield.inputEl element         * @private         */        calculateClearButtonPosition: function(textField) {            var positions = textField.inputEl.getBox(true, true);            var top = positions.y;            var right = positions.x;            if (this.fieldHasScrollBar()) {                right += Ext.getScrollBarWidth();            }            if (this.textField.triggerWrap) {                right += this.textField.getTriggerWidth();            }            return {                right: right,                top: top            };        },        /**         * Checks if the field we are attached to currently has a scrollbar         */        fieldHasScrollBar: function() {            if (!this.isTextArea) {                return false;            }            var inputEl = this.textField.inputEl;            var overflowY = inputEl.getStyle('overflow-y');            if (overflowY == 'hidden' || overflowY == 'visible') {                return false;            }            if (overflowY == 'scroll') {                return true;            }            //noinspection RedundantIfStatementJS            if (inputEl.dom.scrollHeight <= inputEl.dom.clientHeight) {                return false;            }            return true;        },        /**         * Small wrapper around clearButtonEl.isVisible() to handle setVisible animation that may still be in progress.         */        isButtonCurrentlyVisible: function() {            if (this.animateClearButton && this.animateWithCss3) {                return this.clearButtonEl.hasCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-on');            }            // This should not be necessary (see Element.setVisible/isVisible), but else there is confusion about visibility            // when moving the mouse out and _quickly_ over then input again.            var cachedVisible = Ext.core.Element.data(this.clearButtonEl.dom, 'isVisible');            if (typeof(cachedVisible) == 'boolean') {                return cachedVisible;            }            return this.clearButtonEl.isVisible();        },        /**         * Checks config options and current mouse status to determine if the clear button should be visible.         */        shouldButtonBeVisible: function() {            if (this.hideClearButtonWhenEmpty && Ext.isEmpty(this.textField.getValue())) {                return false;            }            var clearButtonEl = this.clearButtonEl;            //noinspection RedundantIfStatementJS            if (this.hideClearButtonWhenMouseOut                && !clearButtonEl.hasCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-over-button')                && !clearButtonEl.hasCls(this.clearButtonCls + '-mouse-over-input')) {                return false;            }            return true;        },        /**         * Called after any event that may influence the clear button visibility.         */        updateClearButtonVisibility: function() {            var oldVisible = this.isButtonCurrentlyVisible();            var newVisible = this.shouldButtonBeVisible();            var clearButtonEl = this.clearButtonEl;            if (oldVisible != newVisible) {                if(this.animateClearButton && this.animateWithCss3) {                    this.clearButtonEl.removeCls(this.clearButtonCls + (oldVisible ? '-on' : '-off'));                    clearButtonEl.addCls(this.clearButtonCls + (newVisible ? '-on' : '-off'));                }                else {                    clearButtonEl.stopAnimation();                    clearButtonEl.setVisible(newVisible, this.animateClearButton);                }                // Set background-color of clearButton to same as field's background-color (for those browsers/cases                // where the padding-right (see below) does not work)                clearButtonEl.setStyle('background-color', this.textField.inputEl.getStyle('background-color'));                // Adjust padding-right of the input tag to make room for the button                // IE (up to v9) just ignores this and Gecko handles padding incorrectly with  textarea scrollbars                if (!(this.isTextArea && Ext.isGecko) && !Ext.isIE) {                    // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157846                    var deltaPaddingRight = clearButtonEl.getWidth() - this.clearButtonEl.getMargin('l');                    var currentPaddingRight = this.textField.inputEl.getPadding('r');                    var factor = (newVisible ? +1 : -1);                    this.textField.inputEl.dom.style.paddingRight = (currentPaddingRight + factor * deltaPaddingRight) + 'px';                }            }        },        isLeftButton: function(event) {            return event.button === 0;        }    });})();
{                                   xtype: 'datefield',                                   fieldLabel: 'Best Before',                                   plugins: ['clearbutton'],                                   value: new Date()                               }

plugins: ['clearbutton']



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