
来源:互联网 发布:网络拓扑结构图软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/09/21 09:24


Downloading a File

Using CFFTP is very similar to using CFHTTP because they are both based on CFStream. As with any other API that uses CFStream asynchronously, downloading a file with CFFTP requires that you create a read stream for the file, and a callback function for that read stream. When the read stream receives data, the callback function will be run and you will need to appropriately download the bytes. This procedure should normally be performed using two functions: one to set up the streams and one to act as the callback function.

Setting Up the FTP Streams

Begin by creating a read stream using the CFReadStreamCreateWithFTPURL function and passing it the URL string of the file to be downloaded on the remote server. An example of a URL string might be ftp://ftp.example.com/file.txt. Note that the string contains the server name, the path, and the file. Next, create a write stream for the local location where the file will be downloaded. This is accomplished using the CFWriteStreamCreateWithFile function, passing the path where the file will be downloaded.



if (self.fileStream == nil) {        self.fileStream = CFWriteStreamCreateWithFile(kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFURLRef)(url));        if (!CFWriteStreamOpen(self.fileStream)) {            //        CFStreamError myErr = CFWriteStreamGetError(myWriteStream); // An error has occurred.            NSLog(@"CFWriteStreamOpen error");            return;        }    }

With the write stream open, associate a callback function with the read stream. Call the function CFReadStreamSetClient and pass the read stream, the network events your callback function should receive, the callback function's name and the CFStreamClientContext object. By having earlier set the info field of the stream client context, your structure will now be sent to your callback function whenever it is run.


readStream = CFReadStreamCreateWithFTPURL(NULL, (__bridge CFURLRef)resourceUrl);    CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream, kCFStreamPropertyFTPFetchResourceInfo, kCFBooleanTrue);        CFStreamClientContext clientContext;    clientContext.version = 0;    clientContext.info = CFBridgingRetain(self) ;    clientContext.retain = nil;    clientContext.release = nil;    clientContext.copyDescription = nil;    if (CFReadStreamSetClient (readStream,                               kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted |                               kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable |                               kCFStreamEventCanAcceptBytes |                               kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred |                               kCFStreamEventEndEncountered,                               myGetSocketReadCallBack,                               &clientContext ) )    {        NSLog(@"Set read callBack Succeeded");        CFReadStreamScheduleWithRunLoop(readStream,                                        CFRunLoopGetCurrent(),                                        kCFRunLoopCommonModes);    }    else    {        NSLog(@"Set read callBack Failed");    }        BOOL success = CFReadStreamOpen(readStream);    if (!success) {        printf("stream open fail\n");        return;    }

Some FTP servers may require a user name, and some may also require a password. If the server you are accessing needs a user name for authentication, call theCFReadStreamSetProperty function and pass the read stream, kCFStreamPropertyFTPUserName for the property, and a reference to a CFString object containing the user name. In addition, if you need to set a password, set the kCFStreamPropertyFTPPassword property.



  • kCFStreamPropertyFTPUserName — user name to use to log in (settable and retrievable; do not set for anonymous FTP connections)

  • kCFStreamPropertyFTPPassword — password to use to log in (settable and retrievable; do not set for anonymous FTP connections)

//    user name to use to log in (settable and retrievable; do not set for anonymous FTP connections)    CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream ,  kCFStreamPropertyFTPUserName,  @"ftp");//    password to use to log in (settable and retrievable; do not set for anonymous FTP connections)    CFReadStreamSetProperty(readStream ,  kCFStreamPropertyFTPPassword,  @"");




#define BUFSIZE 32768void myGetSocketReadCallBack (CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStreamEventType event, void *myPtr){    JUNFTPGetRequest* request = (__bridge JUNFTPGetRequest *)myPtr;    CFNumberRef       cfSize;    UInt64            size;    switch(event)    {        case kCFStreamEventOpenCompleted:                        cfSize = CFReadStreamCopyProperty(stream, kCFStreamPropertyFTPResourceSize);            if (cfSize) {                if (CFNumberGetValue(cfSize, kCFNumberLongLongType, &size)) {                    printf("File size is %llu\n", size);                    request.bytesTotal = size;                }                CFRelease(cfSize);            } else {                printf("File size is unknown.\n");                            }                    break;        case kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable:        {            UInt8 recvBuffer[BUFSIZE];                        CFIndex bytesRead = CFReadStreamRead(stream, recvBuffer, BUFSIZE);                        printf("bytesRead:%ld\n",bytesRead);            if (bytesRead > 0)            {                NSInteger   bytesOffset = 0;                do                {                    CFIndex bytesWritten = CFWriteStreamWrite(request.fileStream, &recvBuffer[bytesOffset], bytesRead-bytesOffset );                    if (bytesWritten > 0) {                        bytesOffset += bytesWritten;                        request.bytesDownloaded +=bytesWritten;                        request.progressBlock((float)request.bytesDownloaded/(float)request.bytesTotal);                    }                    else if (bytesWritten == 0)                    {                        break;                    }                    else                    {                        request.failBlock();                        return;                    }                }while ((bytesRead-bytesOffset)>0);            }            else if(bytesRead == 0)            {                request.finishedBlock();                [request stop];            }            else            {                request.failBlock();            }        }            break;        case kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred:        {            CFStreamError error = CFReadStreamGetError(stream);            printf("kCFStreamEventErrorOccurred-%d\n",error.error);                        [request stop];            request.failBlock();        }           break;        case kCFStreamEventEndEncountered:            printf("request finished\n");            request.finishedBlock();            [request stop];            break;        default:            break;    }}


CFTypeRef CFReadStreamCopyProperty(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStringRef propertyName);CFTypeRef CFWriteStreamCopyProperty(CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStringRef propertyName);Boolean CFReadStreamSetProperty(CFReadStreamRef stream, CFStringRef propertyName, CFTypeRef propertyValue);Boolean CFWriteStreamSetProperty(CFWriteStreamRef stream, CFStringRef propertyName, CFTypeRef propertyValue);


  • kCFStreamPropertyFTPResourceSize — the expected size of an item that is being downloaded, if available (retrievable; available only for FTP read streams)

  • kCFStreamPropertyFTPFetchResourceInfo — whether to require that resource information, such as size, be required before starting a download (settable and retrievable); setting this property may impact performance


  • kCFStreamPropertyFTPFileTransferOffset — file offset at which to start a transfer (settable and retrievable)



  • kCFStreamPropertyFTPAttemptPersistentConnection —whether to try to reuse connections (settable and retrievable)




《CFNetwork Programming Guide:Working with FTP Servers》

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