
来源:互联网 发布:天刀好看少女捏脸数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:55


A class for drawing datetime scales.

QwtDateScaleDraw displays values as datetime labels. The format of the labels depends on the alignment of the major tick labels.

The default format strings are:

Millisecond----------"hh:mm:ss:zzz\nddd dd MMM yyyy"
Second---------------"hh:mm:ss\nddd dd MMM yyyy"
Minute----------------"hh:mm\nddd dd MMM yyyy"
Hour------------------"hh:mm\nddd dd MMM yyyy"
Day-------------------"ddd dd MMM yyyy"
Week-----------------"Www yyyy"
Month----------------"MMM yyyy"
The format strings can be modified using setDateFormat() or individually for each tick label by overloading dateFormatOfDate(),
Usually QwtDateScaleDraw is used in combination with QwtDateScaleEngine, that calculates scales for datetime intervals.
See Also
QwtDateScaleEngine, QwtPlot::setAxisScaleDraw()




QwtDateScaleDraw *timeScale = new QwtDateScaleDraw(Qt::LocalTime);QwtPlot *plot = new QwtPlot();plot->setAxisScaleDraw(QwtPlot::xBottom, timeScale);delete plot;// 注意:当删除plot对象时,timeScale也会被自动删除。
void QwtPlot::setAxisScaleDraw(int axisId, QwtScaleDraw * scaleDraw )
By passing scaleDraw it is possible to extend QwtScaleDraw functionality and let it take place in QwtPlot. Please note that scaleDraw has to be created with new and will be deleted by the corresponding QwtScale member ( like a child object ).


    这就是在上述代码中,只需要delete plot,而不用再delete timeScale了。

    QwtDateScaleDraw允许开发人员对时间刻度的显示方式进行设置,下面的代码将设置在毫秒级别以“Sec 秒:毫秒”的方式显示,在秒及其以上级别以“时:分:秒\n年-月-日”的方式进行显示,其中“\n”表示换行。

QString *scaleFormat;scaleFormat = new QString("Sec ss:zzz");timeScale->setDateFormat(QwtDate::Millisecond, *scaleFormat);delete scaleFormat;scaleFormat = new QString("hh:mm:ss\nyy-MM-dd");timeScale->setDateFormat(QwtDate::Second, *scaleFormat);delete scaleFormat;




class QWT_EXPORT QwtDateScaleDraw: public QwtScaleDraw{public:    QwtDateScaleDraw( Qt::TimeSpec = Qt::LocalTime );// 构造函数    virtual ~QwtDateScaleDraw();// 析构函数    void setDateFormat( QwtDate::IntervalType, const QString & );//设置显示毫秒、秒、分、时、日、月、年等时的格式。    QString dateFormat( QwtDate::IntervalType ) const;// 获取日期时间格式    void setTimeSpec( Qt::TimeSpec );// 设置时间规范,可取值LocalTime、UTC、OffsetFromUTC、TimeZone    Qt::TimeSpec timeSpec() const;    void setUtcOffset( int seconds );    int utcOffset() const;    void setWeek0Type( QwtDate::Week0Type );    QwtDate::Week0Type week0Type() const;    virtual QwtText label( double ) const;    QDateTime toDateTime( double ) const;protected:    virtual QwtDate::IntervalType         intervalType( const QwtScaleDiv & ) const;    virtual QString dateFormatOfDate( const QDateTime &,        QwtDate::IntervalType ) const;private:    class PrivateData;    PrivateData *d_data;};
class QwtDateScaleDraw::PrivateData{public:    PrivateData( Qt::TimeSpec spec ):        timeSpec( spec ),        utcOffset( 0 ),        week0Type( QwtDate::FirstThursday )    {        dateFormats[ QwtDate::Millisecond ] = "hh:mm:ss:zzz\nddd dd MMM yyyy";        dateFormats[ QwtDate::Second ] = "hh:mm:ss\nddd dd MMM yyyy";        dateFormats[ QwtDate::Minute ] = "hh:mm\nddd dd MMM yyyy";        dateFormats[ QwtDate::Hour ] = "hh:mm\nddd dd MMM yyyy";        dateFormats[ QwtDate::Day ] = "ddd dd MMM yyyy";        dateFormats[ QwtDate::Week ] = "Www yyyy";        dateFormats[ QwtDate::Month ] = "MMM yyyy";        dateFormats[ QwtDate::Year ] = "yyyy";    }    Qt::TimeSpec timeSpec;// 时间规范,可取值LocalTime,UTC,OffsetFromUTC,TimeZone    int utcOffset;    QwtDate::Week0Type week0Type;// 表示一年中的第一个星期从哪天开始,是从第一个星期四开始,还是从一月一日开始    QString dateFormats[ QwtDate::Year + 1 ];};


    enum TimeSpec {        LocalTime,        UTC,        OffsetFromUTC,        TimeZone    };
    /*!       Classification of an time interval      Time intervals needs to be classified to decide how to      align and divide it.     */    enum IntervalType    {        //! The interval is related to milliseconds        Millisecond,        //! The interval is related to seconds        Second,        //! The interval is related to minutes        Minute,        //! The interval is related to hours        Hour,        //! The interval is related to days        Day,        //! The interval is related to weeks        Week,        //! The interval is related to months        Month,        //! The interval is related to years        Year    };
    /*!        How to identify the first week of year differs between       countries.      */    enum Week0Type    {        /*!           According to ISO 8601 the first week of a year is defined           as "the week with the year's first Thursday in it".           FirstThursday corresponds to the numbering that is           implemented in QDate::weekNumber().        */        FirstThursday,        /*!            "The week with January 1.1 in it."                       In the U.S. this definition is more common than            FirstThursday.        */        FirstDay    };
/*!  Set the offset in seconds from Coordinated Universal Time  \param seconds Offset in seconds  \note The offset has no effect beside for the time specification        Qt::OffsetFromUTC.  \sa QDate::utcOffset(), setTimeSpec(), toDateTime() */void QwtDateScaleDraw::setUtcOffset( int seconds ){    d_data->utcOffset = seconds;}
/*!  Sets how to identify the first week of a year.  \param week0Type Mode how to identify the first week of a year  \sa week0Type().  \note week0Type has no effect beside for intervals classified as        QwtDate::Week.  */void QwtDateScaleDraw::setWeek0Type( QwtDate::Week0Type week0Type ){    d_data->week0Type = week0Type;}
/*!  Set the default format string for an datetime interval type  \param intervalType Interval type  \param format Default format string  \sa dateFormat(), dateFormatOfDate(), QwtDate::toString() */void QwtDateScaleDraw::setDateFormat(     QwtDate::IntervalType intervalType, const QString &format ){    if ( intervalType >= QwtDate::Millisecond &&         intervalType <= QwtDate::Year )    {// 首先检查输入参数intervalType的合法性        d_data->dateFormats[ intervalType ] = format;    }}


/*!  Format string for the representation of a datetime  dateFormatOfDate() is intended to be overloaded for  situations, where formats are individual for specific  datetime values.  The default setting ignores dateTime and return  the default format for the interval type.  \param dateTime Datetime value  \param intervalType Interval type  \return Format string  \sa setDateFormat(), QwtDate::toString() */QString QwtDateScaleDraw::dateFormatOfDate( const QDateTime &dateTime,    QwtDate::IntervalType intervalType ) const{    Q_UNUSED( dateTime )    if ( intervalType >= QwtDate::Millisecond &&         intervalType <= QwtDate::Year )    {        return d_data->dateFormats[ intervalType ];    }    return d_data->dateFormats[ QwtDate::Second ];}
/*!  \brief Convert a value into its representing label  The value is converted to a datetime value using toDateTime()  and converted to a plain text using QwtDate::toString().  \param value Value  \return Label string.  \sa dateFormatOfDate()*/QwtText QwtDateScaleDraw::label( double value ) const{    const QDateTime dt = toDateTime( value );    const QString fmt = dateFormatOfDate(         dt, intervalType( scaleDiv() ) );    return QwtDate::toString( dt, fmt, d_data->week0Type );}
/*!  Find the less detailed datetime unit, where no rounding  errors happen.  \param scaleDiv Scale division  \return Interval type  \sa dateFormatOfDate() */QwtDate::IntervalType QwtDateScaleDraw::intervalType(     const QwtScaleDiv &scaleDiv ) const{    int intvType = QwtDate::Year;    bool alignedToWeeks = true;    const QList<double> ticks = scaleDiv.ticks( QwtScaleDiv::MajorTick );    for ( int i = 0; i < ticks.size(); i++ )    {        const QDateTime dt = toDateTime( ticks[i] );        for ( int j = QwtDate::Second; j <= intvType; j++ )        {            const QDateTime dt0 = QwtDate::floor( dt,                 static_cast<QwtDate::IntervalType>( j ) );            if ( dt0 != dt )            {                if ( j == QwtDate::Week )                {                    alignedToWeeks = false;                }                else                {                    intvType = j - 1;                    break;                }            }        }        if ( intvType == QwtDate::Millisecond )            break;    }    if ( intvType == QwtDate::Week && !alignedToWeeks )        intvType = QwtDate::Day;    return static_cast<QwtDate::IntervalType>( intvType );}
/*!  Translate a double value into a QDateTime object.  \return QDateTime object initialized with timeSpec() and utcOffset().  \sa timeSpec(), utcOffset(), QwtDate::toDateTime() */QDateTime QwtDateScaleDraw::toDateTime( double value ) const{    QDateTime dt = QwtDate::toDateTime( value, d_data->timeSpec );    if ( d_data->timeSpec == Qt::OffsetFromUTC )    {        dt = dt.addSecs( d_data->utcOffset );        dt.setUtcOffset( d_data->utcOffset );    }    return dt;}
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