C++ 复合类型

来源:互联网 发布:孤岛惊魂2的画面优化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 05:28

struct Student{    std::string name;    int age;};//定义Student1的时候创建变量std1struct Student1{    std::string name;    int age;}std1;//定义无名机构体的时候创建变量std0struct{    std::string name;    int age;}std0;struct _student{    std::string name;    int age;    _student(std::string _name,int _age)    {        name = _name;        age = _age;    }};

int num[3];    num[0] = 1;    num[1] = 2;    num[2] = 3;    for(int i : num)    {        log("This is %d", i);    }        int arr[3] = {4, 5, 6};    log("Size of int is %lu", sizeof(int));//4    log("Size of arr is %lu", sizeof(arr));//12        int arr1[] = {7,8,9};//编译器会帮你算个数的,但是不推荐。        int arr2[100] = {0};//只要显示的初始化第一个元素,编译器就会把其他的元素都初始化为0                //c++11新特性    int c11_1[3] {5, 2, 0};//可以省略等于号    int c11_2[3] {};//可以不在括号里写任何东西,这将把所有元素都设置为0            std::string love {"zhouyunxuan"};            //struct    std1.name = "yunxuan";    std1.age = 21;        Student stu2 =    {        "zhouyunxuan",        21    };        Student stu3 {"yunxuan", 21};                //创建动态数组    int idx = 10;    int* p  = new int[idx];    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)    {        p[i] = i*100;    }    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)    {        log("this is %d", p[i]);    }            _student ss("YUNXUAN", 21);    log("my name is %s", ss.name.c_str());

//结构体函数typedef struct _student{    std::string name;    int age;    _student(const char * _name):name(_name){        printf("%s\n", name.c_str());    }}Student;

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