
来源:互联网 发布:海康威视网络监控远程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 00:16



<?phpclass cls_template{    var $template_dir   = '';    var $cache_dir      = '';    var $compile_dir    = '';    var $cache_lifetime = 3600; // 缓存更新时间, 默认 3600 秒    var $direct_output  = false;    var $caching        = false;    var $template       = array();    var $force_compile  = false;    var $_var           = array();    var $_echash        = '554fcae493e564ee0dc75bdf2ebf94ca';    var $_foreach       = array();    var $_current_file  = '';    var $_expires       = 0;    var $_errorlevel    = 0;    var $_nowtime       = null;    var $_checkfile     = true;    var $_foreachmark   = '';    var $_seterror      = 0;    var $_temp_key      = array();  // 临时存放 foreach 里 key 的数组    var $_temp_val      = array();  // 临时存放 foreach 里 item 的数组    function __construct()    {        $this->cls_template();    }    function cls_template()    {        $this->_errorlevel = error_reporting();        $this->_nowtime    = time();        if (defined('EC_CHARSET'))        {            $charset = EC_CHARSET;        }        else        {            $charset = 'utf-8';        }        header('Content-type: text/html; charset='.$charset);    }    /**     * 注册变量     *     * @access  public     * @param   mix      $tpl_var     * @param   mix      $value     *     * @return  void     */    function assign($tpl_var, $value = '')    {        if (is_array($tpl_var))        {            foreach ($tpl_var AS $key => $val)            {                if ($key != '')                {                    $this->_var[$key] = $val;                }            }        }        else        {            if ($tpl_var != '')            {                $this->_var[$tpl_var] = $value;            }        }    }    /**     * 显示页面函数     *     * @access  public     * @param   string      $filename     * @param   sting      $cache_id     *     * @return  void     */    function display($filename, $cache_id = '')    {        $this->_seterror++;        error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);        $this->_checkfile = false;        $out = $this->fetch($filename, $cache_id);        if (strpos($out, $this->_echash) !== false)        {            $k = explode($this->_echash, $out);            foreach ($k AS $key => $val)            {                if (($key % 2) == 1)                {                    $k[$key] = $this->insert_mod($val);                }            }            $out = implode('', $k);        }        error_reporting($this->_errorlevel);        $this->_seterror--;        echo $out;    }    /**     * 处理模板文件     *     * @access  public     * @param   string      $filename     * @param   sting      $cache_id     *     * @return  sring     */    function fetch($filename, $cache_id = '')    {        if (!$this->_seterror)        {            error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);        }        $this->_seterror++;        if (strncmp($filename,'str:', 4) == 0)        {            $out = $this->_eval($this->fetch_str(substr($filename, 4)));        }        else        {            if ($this->_checkfile)            {                if (!file_exists($filename))                {                    $filename = $this->template_dir . '/' . $filename;                }            }            else            {                $filename = $this->template_dir . '/' . $filename;            }            if ($this->direct_output)            {                $this->_current_file = $filename;                $out = $this->_eval($this->fetch_str(file_get_contents($filename)));            }            else            {                if ($cache_id && $this->caching)                {                    $out = $this->template_out;                }                else                {                    if (!in_array($filename, $this->template))                    {                        $this->template[] = $filename;                    }                    $out = $this->make_compiled($filename);                    if ($cache_id)                    {                        $cachename = basename($filename, strrchr($filename, '.')) . '_' . $cache_id;                        $data = serialize(array('template' => $this->template, 'expires' => $this->_nowtime + $this->cache_lifetime, 'maketime' => $this->_nowtime));                        $out = str_replace("\r", '', $out);                        while (strpos($out, "\n\n") !== false)                        {                            $out = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $out);                        }                        $hash_dir = $this->cache_dir . '/' . substr(md5($cachename), 0, 1);                        if (!is_dir($hash_dir))                        {                            mkdir($hash_dir);                        }                        if (file_put_contents($hash_dir . '/' . $cachename . '.php', '<?php exit;?>' . $data . $out, LOCK_EX) === false)                        {                            trigger_error('can\'t write:' . $hash_dir . '/' . $cachename . '.php');                        }                        $this->template = array();                    }                }            }        }        $this->_seterror--;        if (!$this->_seterror)        {            error_reporting($this->_errorlevel);        }        return $out; // 返回html数据    }    /**     * 编译模板函数     *     * @access  public     * @param   string      $filename     *     * @return  sring        编译后文件地址     */    function make_compiled($filename)    {        $name = $this->compile_dir . '/' . basename($filename) . '.php';        if ($this->_expires)        {            $expires = $this->_expires - $this->cache_lifetime;        }        else        {            $filestat = @stat($name);            $expires  = $filestat['mtime'];        }        $filestat = @stat($filename);        if ($filestat['mtime'] <= $expires && !$this->force_compile)        {            if (file_exists($name))            {                $source = $this->_require($name);                if ($source == '')                {                    $expires = 0;                }            }            else            {                $source = '';                $expires = 0;            }        }        if ($this->force_compile || $filestat['mtime'] > $expires)        {            $this->_current_file = $filename;            $source = $this->fetch_str(file_get_contents($filename));            if (file_put_contents($name, $source, LOCK_EX) === false)            {                trigger_error('can\'t write:' . $name);            }            $source = $this->_eval($source);        }        return $source;    }    /**     * 处理字符串函数     *     * @access  public     * @param   string     $source     *     * @return  sring     */    function fetch_str($source)    {        if (!defined('ECS_ADMIN'))        {            $source = $this->smarty_prefilter_preCompile($source);        }        return preg_replace("/{([^\}\{\n]*)}/e", "\$this->select('\\1');", $source);    }    /**     * 判断是否缓存     *     * @access  public     * @param   string     $filename     * @param   sting      $cache_id     *     * @return  bool     */    function is_cached($filename, $cache_id = '')    {        $cachename = basename($filename, strrchr($filename, '.')) . '_' . $cache_id;        if ($this->caching == true && $this->direct_output == false)        {            $hash_dir = $this->cache_dir . '/' . substr(md5($cachename), 0, 1);            if ($data = @file_get_contents($hash_dir . '/' . $cachename . '.php'))            {                $data = substr($data, 13);                $pos  = strpos($data, '<');                $paradata = substr($data, 0, $pos);                $para     = @unserialize($paradata);                if ($para === false || $this->_nowtime > $para['expires'])                {                    $this->caching = false;                    return false;                }                $this->_expires = $para['expires'];                $this->template_out = substr($data, $pos);                foreach ($para['template'] AS $val)                {                    $stat = @stat($val);                    if ($para['maketime'] < $stat['mtime'])                    {                        $this->caching = false;                        return false;                    }                }            }            else            {                $this->caching = false;                return false;            }            return true;        }        else        {            return false;        }    }    /**     * 处理{}标签     *     * @access  public     * @param   string      $tag     *     * @return  sring     */    function select($tag)    {        $tag = stripslashes(trim($tag));        if (empty($tag))        {            return '{}';        }        elseif ($tag{0} == '*' && substr($tag, -1) == '*') // 注释部分        {            return '';        }        elseif ($tag{0} == '$') // 变量        {            return '<?php echo ' . $this->get_val(substr($tag, 1)) . '; ?>';        }        elseif ($tag{0} == '/') // 结束 tag        {            switch (substr($tag, 1))            {                case 'if':                    return '<?php endif; ?>';                    break;                case 'foreach':                    if ($this->_foreachmark == 'foreachelse')                    {                        $output = '<?php endif; unset($_from); ?>';                    }                    else                    {                        array_pop($this->_patchstack);                        $output = '<?php endforeach; endif; unset($_from); ?>';                    }                    $output .= "<?php \$this->pop_vars();; ?>";                    return $output;                    break;                case 'literal':                    return '';                    break;                default:                    return '{'. $tag .'}';                    break;            }        }        else        {            $tag_sel = array_shift(explode(' ', $tag));            switch ($tag_sel)            {                case 'if':                    return $this->_compile_if_tag(substr($tag, 3));                    break;                case 'else':                    return '<?php else: ?>';                    break;                case 'elseif':                    return $this->_compile_if_tag(substr($tag, 7), true);                    break;                case 'foreachelse':                    $this->_foreachmark = 'foreachelse';                    return '<?php endforeach; else: ?>';                    break;                case 'foreach':                    $this->_foreachmark = 'foreach';                    if(!isset($this->_patchstack))                    {                        $this->_patchstack = array();                    }                    return $this->_compile_foreach_start(substr($tag, 8));                    break;                case 'assign':                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 7),0);                    if ($t['value']{0} == '$')                    {                        /* 如果传进来的值是变量,就不用用引号 */                        $tmp = '$this->assign(\'' . $t['var'] . '\',' . $t['value'] . ');';                    }                    else                    {                        $tmp = '$this->assign(\'' . $t['var'] . '\',\'' . addcslashes($t['value'], "'") . '\');';                    }                    // $tmp = $this->assign($t['var'], $t['value']);                    return '<?php ' . $tmp . ' ?>';                    break;                case 'include':                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 8), 0);                    return '<?php echo $this->fetch(' . "'$t[file]'" . '); ?>';                    break;                case 'insert_scripts':                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 15), 0);                    return '<?php echo $this->smarty_insert_scripts(' . $this->make_array($t) . '); ?>';                    break;                case 'create_pages':                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 13), 0);                    return '<?php echo $this->smarty_create_pages(' . $this->make_array($t) . '); ?>';                    break;                case 'insert' :                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 7), false);                    $out = "<?php \n" . '$k = ' . preg_replace("/(\'\\$[^,]+)/e" , "stripslashes(trim('\\1','\''));", var_export($t, true)) . ";\n";                    $out .= 'echo $this->_echash . $k[\'name\'] . \'|\' . serialize($k) . $this->_echash;' . "\n?>";                    return $out;                    break;                case 'literal':                    return '';                    break;                case 'cycle' :                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 6), 0);                    return '<?php echo $this->cycle(' . $this->make_array($t) . '); ?>';                    break;                case 'html_options':                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 13), 0);                    return '<?php echo $this->html_options(' . $this->make_array($t) . '); ?>';                    break;                case 'html_select_date':                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 17), 0);                    return '<?php echo $this->html_select_date(' . $this->make_array($t) . '); ?>';                    break;                case 'html_radios':                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 12), 0);                    return '<?php echo $this->html_radios(' . $this->make_array($t) . '); ?>';                    break;                case 'html_select_time':                    $t = $this->get_para(substr($tag, 12), 0);                    return '<?php echo $this->html_select_time(' . $this->make_array($t) . '); ?>';                    break;                default:                    return '{' . $tag . '}';                    break;            }        }    }    /**     * 处理smarty标签中的变量标签     *     * @access  public     * @param   string     $val     *     * @return  bool     */    function get_val($val)    {        if (strrpos($val, '[') !== false)        {            $val = preg_replace("/\[([^\[\]]*)\]/eis", "'.'.str_replace('$','\$','\\1')", $val);        }        if (strrpos($val, '|') !== false)        {            $moddb = explode('|', $val);            $val = array_shift($moddb);        }        if (empty($val))        {            return '';        }        if (strpos($val, '.$') !== false)        {            $all = explode('.$', $val);            foreach ($all AS $key => $val)            {                $all[$key] = $key == 0 ? $this->make_var($val) : '['. $this->make_var($val) . ']';            }            $p = implode('', $all);        }        else        {            $p = $this->make_var($val);        }        if (!empty($moddb))        {            foreach ($moddb AS $key => $mod)            {                $s = explode(':', $mod);                switch ($s[0])                {                    case 'escape':                        $s[1] = trim($s[1], '"');                        if ($s[1] == 'html')                        {                            $p = 'htmlspecialchars(' . $p . ')';                        }                        elseif ($s[1] == 'url')                        {                            $p = 'urlencode(' . $p . ')';                        }                        elseif ($s[1] == 'decode_url')                        {                            $p = 'urldecode(' . $p . ')';                        }                        elseif ($s[1] == 'quotes')                        {                            $p = 'addslashes(' . $p . ')';                        }                        elseif ($s[1] == 'u8_url')                        {                            if (EC_CHARSET != 'utf-8')                            {                                $p = 'urlencode(ecs_iconv("' . EC_CHARSET . '", "utf-8",' . $p . '))';                            }                            else                            {                                $p = 'urlencode(' . $p . ')';                            }                        }                        else                        {                            $p = 'htmlspecialchars(' . $p . ')';                        }                        break;                    case 'nl2br':                        $p = 'nl2br(' . $p . ')';                        break;                    case 'default':                        $s[1] = $s[1]{0} == '$' ?  $this->get_val(substr($s[1], 1)) : "'$s[1]'";                        $p = 'empty(' . $p . ') ? ' . $s[1] . ' : ' . $p;                        break;                    case 'truncate':                        $p = 'sub_str(' . $p . ",$s[1])";                        break;                    case 'strip_tags':                        $p = 'strip_tags(' . $p . ')';                        break;                    default:                        # code...                        break;                }            }        }        return $p;    }    /**     * 处理去掉$的字符串     *     * @access  public     * @param   string     $val     *     * @return  bool     */    function make_var($val)    {        if (strrpos($val, '.') === false)        {            if (isset($this->_var[$val]) && isset($this->_patchstack[$val]))            {                $val = $this->_patchstack[$val];            }            $p = '$this->_var[\'' . $val . '\']';        }        else        {            $t = explode('.', $val);            $_var_name = array_shift($t);            if (isset($this->_var[$_var_name]) && isset($this->_patchstack[$_var_name]))            {                $_var_name = $this->_patchstack[$_var_name];            }            if ($_var_name == 'smarty')            {                 $p = $this->_compile_smarty_ref($t);            }            else            {                $p = '$this->_var[\'' . $_var_name . '\']';            }            foreach ($t AS $val)            {                $p.= '[\'' . $val . '\']';            }        }        return $p;    }    /**     * 处理insert外部函数/需要include运行的函数的调用数据     *     * @access  public     * @param   string     $val     * @param   int         $type     *     * @return  array     */    function get_para($val, $type = 1) // 处理insert外部函数/需要include运行的函数的调用数据    {        $pa = $this->str_trim($val);        foreach ($pa AS $value)        {            if (strrpos($value, '='))            {                list($a, $b) = explode('=', str_replace(array(' ', '"', "'", '"'), '', $value));                if ($b{0} == '$')                {                    if ($type)                    {                        eval('$para[\'' . $a . '\']=' . $this->get_val(substr($b, 1)) . ';');                    }                    else                    {                        $para[$a] = $this->get_val(substr($b, 1));                    }                }                else                {                    $para[$a] = $b;                }            }        }        return $para;    }    /**     * 判断变量是否被注册并返回值     *     * @access  public     * @param   string     $name     *     * @return  mix     */    function &get_template_vars($name = null)    {        if (empty($name))        {            return $this->_var;        }        elseif (!empty($this->_var[$name]))        {            return $this->_var[$name];        }        else        {            $_tmp = null;            return $_tmp;        }    }    /**     * 处理if标签     *     * @access  public     * @param   string     $tag_args     * @param   bool       $elseif     *     * @return  string     */    function _compile_if_tag($tag_args, $elseif = false)    {        preg_match_all('/\-?\d+[\.\d]+|\'[^\'|\s]*\'|"[^"|\s]*"|[\$\w\.]+|!==|===|==|!=|<>|<<|>>|<=|>=|&&|\|\||\(|\)|,|\!|\^|=|&|<|>|~|\||\%|\+|\-|\/|\*|\@|\S/', $tag_args, $match);        $tokens = $match[0];        // make sure we have balanced parenthesis        $token_count = array_count_values($tokens);        if (!empty($token_count['(']) && $token_count['('] != $token_count[')'])        {            // $this->_syntax_error('unbalanced parenthesis in if statement', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);        }        for ($i = 0, $count = count($tokens); $i < $count; $i++)        {            $token = &$tokens[$i];            switch (strtolower($token))            {                case 'eq':                    $token = '==';                    break;                case 'ne':                case 'neq':                    $token = '!=';                    break;                case 'lt':                    $token = '<';                    break;                case 'le':                case 'lte':                    $token = '<=';                    break;                case 'gt':                    $token = '>';                    break;                case 'ge':                case 'gte':                    $token = '>=';                    break;                case 'and':                    $token = '&&';                    break;                case 'or':                    $token = '||';                    break;                case 'not':                    $token = '!';                    break;                case 'mod':                    $token = '%';                    break;                default:                    if ($token[0] == '$')                    {                        $token = $this->get_val(substr($token, 1));                    }                    break;            }        }        if ($elseif)        {            return '<?php elseif (' . implode(' ', $tokens) . '): ?>';        }        else        {            return '<?php if (' . implode(' ', $tokens) . '): ?>';        }    }    /**     * 处理foreach标签     *     * @access  public     * @param   string     $tag_args     *     * @return  string     */    function _compile_foreach_start($tag_args)    {        $attrs = $this->get_para($tag_args, 0);        $arg_list = array();        $from = $attrs['from'];        if(isset($this->_var[$attrs['item']]) && !isset($this->_patchstack[$attrs['item']]))        {            $this->_patchstack[$attrs['item']] = $attrs['item'] . '_' . str_replace(array(' ', '.'), '_', microtime());            $attrs['item'] = $this->_patchstack[$attrs['item']];        }        else        {            $this->_patchstack[$attrs['item']] = $attrs['item'];        }        $item = $this->get_val($attrs['item']);        if (!empty($attrs['key']))        {            $key = $attrs['key'];            $key_part = $this->get_val($key).' => ';        }        else        {            $key = null;            $key_part = '';        }        if (!empty($attrs['name']))        {            $name = $attrs['name'];        }        else        {            $name = null;        }        $output = '<?php ';        $output .= "\$_from = $from; if (!is_array(\$_from) && !is_object(\$_from)) { settype(\$_from, 'array'); }; \$this->push_vars('$attrs[key]', '$attrs[item]');";        if (!empty($name))        {            $foreach_props = "\$this->_foreach['$name']";            $output .= "{$foreach_props} = array('total' => count(\$_from), 'iteration' => 0);\n";            $output .= "if ({$foreach_props}['total'] > 0):\n";            $output .= "    foreach (\$_from AS $key_part$item):\n";            $output .= "        {$foreach_props}['iteration']++;\n";        }        else        {            $output .= "if (count(\$_from)):\n";            $output .= "    foreach (\$_from AS $key_part$item):\n";        }        return $output . '?>';    }    /**     * 将 foreach 的 key, item 放入临时数组     *     * @param  mixed    $key     * @param  mixed    $val     *     * @return  void     */    function push_vars($key, $val)    {        if (!empty($key))        {            array_push($this->_temp_key, "\$this->_vars['$key']='" .$this->_vars[$key] . "';");        }        if (!empty($val))        {            array_push($this->_temp_val, "\$this->_vars['$val']='" .$this->_vars[$val] ."';");        }    }    /**     * 弹出临时数组的最后一个     *     * @return  void     */    function pop_vars()    {        $key = array_pop($this->_temp_key);        $val = array_pop($this->_temp_val);        if (!empty($key))        {            eval($key);        }    }    /**     * 处理smarty开头的预定义变量     *     * @access  public     * @param   array   $indexes     *     * @return  string     */    function _compile_smarty_ref(&$indexes)    {        /* Extract the reference name. */        $_ref = $indexes[0];        switch ($_ref)        {            case 'now':                $compiled_ref = 'time()';                break;            case 'foreach':                array_shift($indexes);                $_var = $indexes[0];                $_propname = $indexes[1];                switch ($_propname)                {                    case 'index':                        array_shift($indexes);                        $compiled_ref = "(\$this->_foreach['$_var']['iteration'] - 1)";                        break;                    case 'first':                        array_shift($indexes);                        $compiled_ref = "(\$this->_foreach['$_var']['iteration'] <= 1)";                        break;                    case 'last':                        array_shift($indexes);                        $compiled_ref = "(\$this->_foreach['$_var']['iteration'] == \$this->_foreach['$_var']['total'])";                        break;                    case 'show':                        array_shift($indexes);                        $compiled_ref = "(\$this->_foreach['$_var']['total'] > 0)";                        break;                    default:                        $compiled_ref = "\$this->_foreach['$_var']";                        break;                }                break;            case 'get':                $compiled_ref = '$_GET';                break;            case 'post':                $compiled_ref = '$_POST';                break;            case 'cookies':                $compiled_ref = '$_COOKIE';                break;            case 'env':                $compiled_ref = '$_ENV';                break;            case 'server':                $compiled_ref = '$_SERVER';                break;            case 'request':                $compiled_ref = '$_REQUEST';                break;            case 'session':                $compiled_ref = '$_SESSION';                break;            default:                // $this->_syntax_error('$smarty.' . $_ref . ' is an unknown reference', E_USER_ERROR, __FILE__, __LINE__);                break;        }        array_shift($indexes);        return $compiled_ref;    }    function smarty_insert_scripts($args)    {        static $scripts = array();        $arr = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $args['files']));        $str = '';        foreach ($arr AS $val)        {            if (in_array($val, $scripts) == false)            {                $scripts[] = $val;                if ($val{0} == '.')                {                    $str .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $val . '"></script>';                }                else                {                    $str .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="js/' . $val . '"></script>';                }            }        }        return $str;    }    function smarty_prefilter_preCompile($source)    {        $file_type = strtolower(strrchr($this->_current_file, '.'));        $tmp_dir   = 'themes/' . $GLOBALS['_CFG']['template'] . '/'; // 模板所在路径        /**         * 处理模板文件         */        if ($file_type == '.dwt')        {            /* 将模板中所有library替换为链接 */            $pattern     = '/<!--\s#BeginLibraryItem\s\"\/(.*?)\"\s-->.*?<!--\s#EndLibraryItem\s-->/se';            $replacement = "'{include file='.strtolower('\\1'). '}'";            $source      = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $source);            /* 检查有无动态库文件,如果有为其赋值 */            $dyna_libs = get_dyna_libs($GLOBALS['_CFG']['template'], $this->_current_file);            if ($dyna_libs)            {                foreach ($dyna_libs AS $region => $libs)                {                    $pattern = '/<!--\\s*TemplateBeginEditable\\sname="'. $region .'"\\s*-->(.*?)<!--\\s*TemplateEndEditable\\s*-->/s';                    if (preg_match($pattern, $source, $reg_match))                    {                        $reg_content = $reg_match[1];                        /* 生成匹配字串 */                        $keys = array_keys($libs);                        $lib_pattern = '';                        foreach ($keys AS $lib)                        {                            $lib_pattern .= '|' . str_replace('/', '\/', substr($lib, 1));                        }                        $lib_pattern = '/{include\sfile=(' . substr($lib_pattern, 1) . ')}/';                        /* 修改$reg_content中的内容 */                        $GLOBALS['libs'] = $libs;                        $reg_content = preg_replace_callback($lib_pattern, 'dyna_libs_replace', $reg_content);                        /* 用修改过的内容替换原来当前区域中内容 */                        $source = preg_replace($pattern, $reg_content, $source);                    }                }            }            /* 在头部加入版本信息 */            //$source = preg_replace('/<head>/i', "<head>\r\n<meta name=\"Generator\" content=\"" . APPNAME .' ' . VERSION . "\" />",  $source);            /* 修正css路径 */            $source = preg_replace('/(<link\shref=["|\'])(?:\.\/|\.\.\/)?(css\/)?([a-z0-9A-Z_]+\.css["|\']\srel=["|\']stylesheet["|\']\stype=["|\']text\/css["|\'])/i','\1' . $tmp_dir . '\2\3', $source);            /* 修正js目录下js的路径 */            $source = preg_replace('/(<script\s(?:type|language)=["|\']text\/javascript["|\']\ssrc=["|\'])(?:\.\/|\.\.\/)?(js\/[a-z0-9A-Z_\-\.]+\.(?:js|vbs)["|\']><\/script>)/', '\1' . $tmp_dir . '\2', $source);            /* 更换编译模板的编码类型 */            $source = preg_replace('/<meta\shttp-equiv=["|\']Content-Type["|\']\scontent=["|\']text\/html;\scharset=(?:.*?)["|\'][^>]*?>\r?\n?/i', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=' . EC_CHARSET . '" />' . "\n", $source);        }        /**         * 处理库文件         */         elseif ($file_type == '.lbi')         {            /* 去除meta */            $source = preg_replace('/<meta\shttp-equiv=["|\']Content-Type["|\']\scontent=["|\']text\/html;\scharset=(?:.*?)["|\']>\r?\n?/i', '', $source);         }        /* 替换文件编码头部 */        if (strpos($source, "\xEF\xBB\xBF") !== FALSE)        {            $source = str_replace("\xEF\xBB\xBF", '', $source);        }        $pattern = array(            '/<!--[^>|\n]*?({.+?})[^<|{|\n]*?-->/', // 替换smarty注释            '/<!--[^<|>|{|\n]*?-->/',               // 替换不换行的html注释            '/(href=["|\'])\.\.\/(.*?)(["|\'])/i',  // 替换相对链接            '/((?:background|src)\s*=\s*["|\'])(?:\.\/|\.\.\/)?(images\/.*?["|\'])/is', // 在images前加上 $tmp_dir            '/((?:background|background-image):\s*?url\()(?:\.\/|\.\.\/)?(images\/)/is', // 在images前加上 $tmp_dir            '/([\'|"])\.\.\//is', // 以../开头的路径全部修正为空            );        $replace = array(            '\1',            '',            '\1\2\3',            '\1' . $tmp_dir . '\2',            '\1' . $tmp_dir . '\2',            '\1'            );        return preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $source);    }    function insert_mod($name) // 处理动态内容    {        list($fun, $para) = explode('|', $name);        $para = unserialize($para);        $fun = 'insert_' . $fun;        return $fun($para);    }    function str_trim($str)    {        /* 处理'a=b c=d k = f '类字符串,返回数组 */        while (strpos($str, '= ') != 0)        {            $str = str_replace('= ', '=', $str);        }        while (strpos($str, ' =') != 0)        {            $str = str_replace(' =', '=', $str);        }        return explode(' ', trim($str));    }    function _eval($content)    {        ob_start();        eval('?' . '>' . trim($content));        $content = ob_get_contents();        ob_end_clean();        return $content;    }    function _require($filename)    {        ob_start();        include $filename;        $content = ob_get_contents();        ob_end_clean();        return $content;    }    function html_options($arr)    {        $selected = $arr['selected'];        if ($arr['options'])        {            $options = (array)$arr['options'];        }        elseif ($arr['output'])        {            if ($arr['values'])            {                foreach ($arr['output'] AS $key => $val)                {                    $options["{$arr[values][$key]}"] = $val;                }            }            else            {                $options = array_values((array)$arr['output']);            }        }        if ($options)        {            foreach ($options AS $key => $val)            {                $out .= $key == $selected ? "<option value=\"$key\" selected>$val</option>" : "<option value=\"$key\">$val</option>";            }        }        return $out;    }    function html_select_date($arr)    {        $pre = $arr['prefix'];        if (isset($arr['time']))        {            if (intval($arr['time']) > 10000)            {                $arr['time'] = gmdate('Y-m-d', $arr['time'] + 8*3600);            }            $t     = explode('-', $arr['time']);            $year  = strval($t[0]);            $month = strval($t[1]);            $day   = strval($t[2]);        }        $now = gmdate('Y', $this->_nowtime);        if (isset($arr['start_year']))        {            if (abs($arr['start_year']) == $arr['start_year'])            {                $startyear = $arr['start_year'];            }            else            {                $startyear = $arr['start_year'] + $now;            }        }        else        {            $startyear = $now - 3;        }        if (isset($arr['end_year']))        {            if (strlen(abs($arr['end_year'])) == strlen($arr['end_year']))            {                $endyear = $arr['end_year'];            }            else            {                $endyear = $arr['end_year'] + $now;            }        }        else        {            $endyear = $now + 3;        }        $out = "<select name=\"{$pre}Year\">";        for ($i = $startyear; $i <= $endyear; $i++)        {            $out .= $i == $year ? "<option value=\"$i\" selected>$i</option>" : "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>";        }        if ($arr['display_months'] != 'false')        {            $out .= "</select> <select name=\"{$pre}Month\">";            for ($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++)            {                $out .= $i == $month ? "<option value=\"$i\" selected>" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>" : "<option value=\"$i\">" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>";            }        }        if ($arr['display_days'] != 'false')        {            $out .= "</select> <select name=\"{$pre}Day\">";            for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++)            {                $out .= $i == $day ? "<option value=\"$i\" selected>" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>" : "<option value=\"$i\">" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>";            }        }        return $out . '</select>';    }    function html_radios($arr)    {        $name    = $arr['name'];        $checked = $arr['checked'];        $options = $arr['options'];        $out = '';        foreach ($options AS $key => $val)        {            $out .= $key == $checked ? "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$key\" checked> {$val} "                : "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"$name\" value=\"$key\"> {$val} ";        }        return $out;    }    function html_select_time($arr)    {        $pre = $arr['prefix'];        if (isset($arr['time']))        {            $arr['time'] = gmdate('H-i-s', $arr['time'] + 8*3600);            $t     = explode('-', $arr['time']);            $hour  = strval($t[0]);            $minute = strval($t[1]);            $second   = strval($t[2]);        }        $out = '';        if (!isset($arr['display_hours']))        {            $out .= "<select name=\"{$pre}Hour\">";            for ($i = 0; $i <= 23; $i++)            {                $out .= $i == $hour ? "<option value=\"$i\" selected>" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>" : "<option value=\"$i\">" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>";            }            $out .= "</select> ";        }        if (!isset($arr['display_minutes']))        {            $out .= "<select name=\"{$pre}Minute\">";            for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i++)            {                $out .= $i == $minute ? "<option value=\"$i\" selected>" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>" : "<option value=\"$i\">" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>";            }            $out .= "</select> ";        }        if (!isset($arr['display_seconds']))        {            $out .= "<select name=\"{$pre}Second\">";            for ($i = 0; $i <= 59; $i++)            {                $out .= $i == $second ? "<option value=\"$i\" selected>" . str_pad($i, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . "</option>" : "<option value=\"$i\">$i</option>";            }            $out .= "</select> ";        }        return $out;    }    function cycle($arr)    {        static $k, $old;        $value = explode(',', $arr['values']);        if ($old != $value)        {            $old = $value;            $k = 0;        }        else        {            $k++;            if (!isset($old[$k]))            {                $k = 0;            }        }        echo $old[$k];    }    function make_array($arr)    {        $out = '';        foreach ($arr AS $key => $val)        {            if ($val{0} == '$')            {                $out .= $out ? ",'$key'=>$val" : "array('$key'=>$val";            }            else            {                $out .= $out ? ",'$key'=>'$val'" : "array('$key'=>'$val'";            }        }        return $out . ')';    }    function smarty_create_pages($params)    {        extract($params);        if (empty($page))        {            $page = 1;        }        if (!empty($count))        {            $str = "<option value='1'>1</option>";            $min = min($count - 1, $page + 3);            for ($i = $page - 3 ; $i <= $min ; $i++)            {                if ($i < 2)                {                    continue;                }                $str .= "<option value='$i'";                $str .= $page == $i ? " selected='true'" : '';                $str .= ">$i</option>";            }            if ($count > 1)            {                $str .= "<option value='$count'";                $str .= $page == $count ? " selected='true'" : '';                $str .= ">$count</option>";            }        }        else        {            $str = '';        }        return $str;    }}?>

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