
来源:互联网 发布:python 应用领域 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 19:25
playerno int not null,
char(15) not null,
initials char(3) not null,
birth_date date,
sex char(1) not null,
joined smallint not null,
street varchar(30) not null,
houseno char(4) ,
postcode char(6) ,
town varchar(30) not null,
phoneno char(13),
leagueno char(4),
primary key(playerno)
CREATE TABLE players_xxl(
playerno int not null,
char(15) not null,
initials char(3) not null,
birth_date date,
sex char(1) not null,
joined smallint not null,
street varchar(30) not null,
houseno char(4) ,
postcode char(6) ,
town varchar(30) not null,
phoneno char(13),
leagueno char(4),
primary key(playerno)
create table teams(
teamno int not null,
playerno int not null,
division char(6) not null,
primary key (teamno)
create table matches(
matchno int not null,
teamno int not null,
playerno int not null,
won smallint not null,
lost smallint not null,
primary key(matchno)
create table matches_with_balance(
matchno int not null primary key,
teamno int not null,
playerno int not null,
won smallint not null,
lost smallint not null,
balances as abs(won-lost) /*不支持派生列*/
create table penalties(
paymentno int not null,
playerno int not null,
payment_date date not null,
amount decimal(7,2) not null,
primary key (paymentno)
create table penalties_with_comment(
paymentno int not null comment 'primary key of the orders',
playerno int not null comment 'playerno who has incurred the penality',
payment_date date not null comment'date on which the penality has been paid',
amount decimal(7,2) not null comment'amount of penalties in dollars'
select column_name , column_comment from information_schema.columns where table_name
= 'penalties_with_comment';
create table committee_members(
playerno int not null,
begin_date date not null,
end_date date ,
position char(20),
primary key (playerno,begin_date)
create table players_data(
playerno int not null ,
number_mat int,
sum_penalties decimal(7,2),
primary key(playerno)
insert into players values
(2,'everett' ,'R','1948-09-01','M',1977,'Haseltine Lane','43','3575NH','startford','070-237893','2
(6,'parmenter','R','1964-06-25','M',1977,'Haseltine Lane','80','1234KK','Stratford','070-47653
(7,'WIse' ,'GWS','1963-05-11','M',1981,'Edgecombe Way' ,'39','9758VB','Stratford','070-34768
(8,'newcastle','B','1962-07-08','F',1980,'Station Road' ,'4','6548RO','Inglewood','070-458458','2
(27,'Collins','DD','1964-12-28','F',1983,'Long Drive' ,'804','8457DK','Elthan','079-234857','251
(28,'Collins','C' ,'1963-06-22','F',1983,'Old Main Road' ,'10','1294QK','Midhurst','071-659599',nu
(39,'Bishop' ,'D' ,'1956-10-29','M',1980,'Eaton Square' ,'78','9629CD','Stratford','070-393435',n
(44,'Baker' ,'D' ,'1963-01-09','M',1980,'Lewis Street' ,'23','444LJ','Inglewood','070-368753','112
(57,'Brown' ,'M' ,'1971-08-17','M',1985,'Edgecombe Way' ,'16','4377CB','startford','070-45678
(83,'Hope' ,'PK' ,'1956-11-11','M',1982,'Magdalene Road','16A','1812up','startford','070-45631
(95,'Miller','P' ,'1963-05-14','M',1972,'High Street','33A','5764OP','douals','070-45683',null),
(100,'Parmenter','P','1963-02-28','M',1979,'Haseltine Lane','80','1234DF','Stratford','07065123
(104,'Moorman','D','1970-05-10','F',1984,'Stout Street','65','4567LK','eltham','046-564213','456
(112,'Bailey','IP','1963-10-01','F',1984,'Vixen Road','8','4781DK','Playmouth','010-456786','187
insert into teams values(1,6,'first'),(2,27,'second');
insert into matches values(1,1,6,3,1),
insert into penalties values
insert into committee_members values
create view users(username)as
select distinct upper(concat('''',user,'''@''',host,''''))
from mysql.user;
create view tables(table_creator,table_name,create_timesamp,comment)as
select upper(table_schema),upper(table_name),create_time,table_comment
from information_schema.tables
where table_type in('base table' , 'temporary');
create view columns(table_creator , table_name,column_name,column_no,data_type,char_lengt
h,presicion,scale , nullable,comment) as
select upper(table_schema),upper(table_name),upper(column_name),ordinal_position,upper(da
from information_schema.columns;
create view indexes(index_creator,index_name,create_timestamp,table_creator,table_name,uni
select distinct upper(i.index_schema),upper(i.index_name),t.create_time,upper(i.table_schema),
case when i.non_unique = 0 then 'yer' else 'no'
from information_schema.statistics as i,
information_schema.tables as t
where i.table_name = t.table_name
i.table_schema = t.table_schema;
create view database_auths(grantor,grantee,privilige,withgrantopt)as
select 'unkown' , upper(grantee),privilege_type , is_grantable
from information_schema.schema_privileges;
select playerno,
case sex when 'F' then 'Female'
else 'male' end as sex,
from players;
select playerno ,
case town
when 'Stratford' then
case birth_date when '1964-06-25' then 'young stratford' else 'old stratford' end
when 'Inglewood' then
case birth_date when '1963-05-11' then 'young Inglewood' else 'old Inglewood' end
as town
from players;
select playerno from penalties where amount > cast(50 as decimal(7,2));
/*查询某个日间间隔的列,使用 interval */
select payment_date,amount from penalties where
-> payment_date >= '1980-12-08'
-> and
-> payment_date <= '1980-12-08' + interval 7 day;
create table matches_special(
matchno int not null,
teamno int not null,
playerno int not null,
won smallint not null,
lost smallint not null,
start_date date not null,
start_time time not null,
end_time time not null,
primary key (matchno)
insert into matches_special values(1,1,6,3,1,'2004-10-25' ,'14:10:12','16:50:09');
insert into matches_special values(2,1,44,3,2,'2004-10-25','17:00:00','17:55:48');
select matchno , start_time , addtime(start_time , '08:00:00') from matches_special;
/*使用 union 运算符,检索只罚款一次的运动员*/
select playerno from players
select playerno from penalties;
select players.playerno,name,amount
from players,penalties
where players.playerno = penalties.playerno
and birth_date > '1930-06-30';
select players.playerno,name,amount
from players inner join penalties on(players.playerno = penalties.playerno)
where birth_date > '1930-06-30';
select players.playerno , ,amount from players left outer join penalties on players.
playerno = penalties.playerno;
/*在 from 语句中添加筛选条件会出现的例外*/
select teams.palyerno ,teams.teamno,penalties.paymentno
from teams left outer join penalties on teams.palyerno = penalties.playerno
where division = 'second';
select teams.palyerno ,teams.teamno,penalties.paymentno
from teams left outer join penalties on teams.palyerno = penalties.playerno and division = 'sec
ond' /*sql 会确保左表的行均得到保留,所以不符合 division 的条件的行也会保留。*/
Charpter8 select 语句,where 从句
select 'ABC' < 'BCD';
select '1985-5-5' >'1958-6-5';
select (2,4) > (2,3)
equal to
select 2 >2 and 4 > 3;
/*子查询至多返回一个值用于条件筛选,如果没有子查询结果为空,则返回 null 值用于下一步的比较*/
/*带有 in 运算符的条件做如下处理*/
E1 in(E2,E3,E4) equal to E1 = E2 or E1 = E3 or E1 = E4;
/*exist 检查子查询返回结果(行)是否为空,可与 in 运算符相互转化 asAsz */
select * from players where exists(select * from penalties where penalties.playerno = players.
select * from players where players.playerno in (select playerno from penalties);
8.15 否定查询
select playerno from penalties where amount <>25;
/*这里面 playerno = 44 的队员出现了罚款金额等于 25 的情况,违背了查询目标设定。队员号 44 的罚款金
原因在于队员号 44 的行满足筛选条件。
select playerno
from players
where playerno not in(
select playerno from penalties where amount = 25);
9.7 聚合函数
select playerno , count(*) from players.`der5
select playerno , name (select count(*) from penalties where players.playerno=penalties.player
no) as number
from penalties;
select players.playerno , , sum(penalties.amount)
from players,penalties
/*可用 left join 代替*/
where players.playerno = penalties.playerno
group by penalties.playerno;
select count(matchno)
from matches
where won > lost
group by won,lost;
select won , lost , count(*)
from matches
where won > lost
group by won , lost
order by 1,2;
select begin_date,end_date,count(*)
from committee_members
where position = 'member'
group by begin_date,end_date;
select penalties.playerno , , T_inglewood.initials , count(*)
from penalties inner join
((select playerno , name , town ,initials from players where town = 'inglewood')
as T_inglewood)
group by playerno, name , initials;
/***********Every derived table must have its own alias***********/
select A.playerno , , A.initals , count(*)
from (select playerno , name , town from players where town = 'inglewood') as A;
/***********Every derived table must have its own alias***********/
select name , initials , count(*)
from players as P inner join penalties as Pen
on P.playerno = Pen.playerno
where town = 'inglewood'
group by playerno
order by P.playerno , name , initials;
select T.teamno,T.division,count(matchno)
inner join
(select teamno , division from teams) as T
where won > lost
group by won , lost;
select year(payment_date) as Year , count(*) from penalties group by Year order by Year;
select players.playerno , , count(*),teams.teamno
from players inner join
(penalties inner join teams using(playerno))
group by players.playerno;
select players.playerno , number_of_penalties , number_of_teams
from (select playerno , count(*) as number_of_penalties from penalties group by playerno )as n
umber_penalties ,
(select playerno , count(*) as number_of_teams from teams group by playerno) as number_t
where players.playerno = number_penalties.playerno
players.playerno = number_teams.playerno;
select T_attend.playerno , T_pen.counter_pen
(select playerno from matches group by playerno) as T_attend,
(select playerno , count(*) as counter_Pen from penalties group by playerno) as T_pen
where T_attend.playerno = T_pen.playerno;
/实现 amount 随订单号累加***********************************************************************
select P1.paymentno , P1.amount , sum(P2.amount)
penalties as P1,
penalties as P2
where P1.paymentno >= P2.paymentno
group by P1.paymentno
order by P1.paymentno
select P1.paymentno , P1.amount , (P1.amount/sum(P2.amount)) as amount_persent
from penalties P1 , penalties P2
order by P1.paymentno;
/*进行笛卡尔乘积后,sum(P2.amount)的意思已不再是计算一张表的 amount 的总值,P2.amount 指代的
select P1.paymentno , P1.amount , sum(P2.amount) as amount_persent from penalties P1 , pen
alties P2;
select P1.paymentno , P1.amount , sum(P2.amount) as amount_persent from penalties P1 , pen
alties P2 group by P1.paymentno;
select teams.teamno , teams.division , T_num.num
from teams,
(select teamno , count(*) as num from matches group by teamno) as T_num
where T_num.teamno = teams.teamno;
select players.playerno , , , teams.teamno
from players ,
(select playerno , sum(amount) as total from penalties group by playerno) as pen,
where players.playerno = pen.playerno
players.playerno = teams.playerno
teams.division = 'first';
select win_player.teamno , sum(win_player.num)
from players ,
(select playerno , teamno , count(distinct playerno) as num from matches where won > lost
group by playerno , teamno) as win_player
where players.playerno = win_player.playerno
and = 'stratford';
select P1.playerno , , P1.joined , P1.joined - P2.avg_joined
from players as P1,
(select avg(joined) as avg_joined from players) as P2;
select penalties.playerno , sum(amount)
from penalties inner join teams using(playerno)
group by playerno
having sum(amount) > 80;
select T1.playerno , max(T1.each_high)
(select playerno , max(amount) as each_high from penalties group by playerno) as T1;
select playerno , count(paymentno) from penalties group by playerno
having count(paymentno) = (select count(paymentno) from penalties where playerno = 6 grou
p by playerno)
select playerno , amount , avg(amount)
from penalties
group by playerno
order by avg(amount);
select playerno , amount
from penalties P1
order by (select avg(amount) from penalties as P2 where P1.playerno = P2.playerno);
(select playerno from penalties)
(select playerno from teams);
select playerno
from penalties inner join teams using(playerno)
equal to
select playerno from penalties
select playerno from teams;
mysql-5.5.25 没有 intersect , except 操作。
insert into players_data
select playerno , count(matchno) , sum(amount)
from (players left join matches using(playerno)) left join penalties using(playerno)
group by playerno;
equal to
insert into players_data(playerno) select playerno from players;
update players_data PD set number_mat = (select count(matches) from matches where PD.pla
yerno = matches.playerno group by playerno),
set sum_penalties = (select sum(amount) from penalties where PD.playerno = p
enalties.playerno group by playerno);
delete from players
where joined >
(select avg(joined) from players where town = 'stratford');
以上语句在 5.25 版本中被禁止 “ You can't specify target table 'players' for update in FROM clause”
创建 temporary table 会在用户下线后 drop 掉。
create table table_structure like players;
create table table_content as (select * from players);
create table team_cop(playerno int not null,comment varchar(8)) as (select * from teams);
create temporary table penalties_temp as (select * from penalties);
update penalties as PD set amount = (select year(payment_date) * 10 from penalties_temp wh
ere PD.paymentno = penalties_temp.paymentno);
alter table mathes add balance as abs(won-lost);
alter table matches add foreign key(teamno) references teams(teamno) , add foreign key(playe
rno) references players(playerno);
create procedure fill_players_xxl(in number_players int)
declare counter int;
truncate table players_xxl;
commit work;
set counter = 1;
while counter <=number_players do
insert into players_xxl values(
concat('name' , cast(counter as char(10))),
case mod(counter,2) when 0 then 'v11' else 'v12' end,
date('1960-01-01') + interval (mod(counter,300))month,
case mod(counter , 20) when 0 then 'f' else 'm' end,
1980 + mod(counter , 20),
concat('street' , cast(counter /10 as unsigned integer)),
cast(cast(counter /10 as unsigned integer) + 1 as char(4)),
concat('p' , mod(counter,50)),
concat('town' , mod(counter,10)),
case mod(counter ,3) when 0 then '0' else counter end);
if mod(counter , 1000) = 0 then commit work; end if;
set counter = counter + 1;
end while;
commit work;
update players_xxl set leagueno = null where leagueno = '0';
commit work;
count(*) for initals='v11' , postcode = 'p25' , street = 'street164'
with index/without index
time :(0.04,0.07)
/*多表索引*/create index play_mat on players(playerno),matches(matchno);
/*散列索引*/create hash index players_hash on players(playerno) with pages =100;
/*虚拟列索引*/create index mat_balance on matches(won - lost);
CREATE temporary TABLE t (qty INT, price INT);
SELECT qty, price, qty*price AS value FROM t;
0 0