Solr4.7源码分析-启动篇之Solr Cloud(一)

来源:互联网 发布:指标数据标准化 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 17:35

Solr启动时,涉及到Solr Cloud的地方不多,主要是通过zookeeper维护集群状态,主要有以下几个地方:

1. 加载solr.xml时,此时只有配置了系统属性设置了solr.solrxml.location=zookeeper时才会从zk中加载,否则还是通过本地磁盘加载。

2. CoreContainer.load时,通过ZkContainer来初始化zookeeper。

3. 多线程create core的时候,从zookeeper中加载配置文件。

4. 最后,如果判断是Solr Cloud,则在zk中注册core的状态信息。



  private ConfigSolr loadConfigSolr(SolrResourceLoader loader) {    String solrxmlLocation = System.getProperty("solr.solrxml.location", "solrhome");    // 没有配置solr.solrxml.location为zookeeper的,还是走本地加载    if (solrxmlLocation == null || "solrhome".equalsIgnoreCase(solrxmlLocation))      return ConfigSolr.fromSolrHome(loader, loader.getInstanceDir());    // 这里也没什么特殊,new了一个SolrZkClient,然后去zk里取data    if ("zookeeper".equalsIgnoreCase(solrxmlLocation)) {      String zkHost = System.getProperty("zkHost");"Trying to read solr.xml from " + zkHost);      if (StringUtils.isEmpty(zkHost))        throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,            "Could not load solr.xml from zookeeper: zkHost system property not set");      SolrZkClient zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost, 30000);      try {        if (!zkClient.exists("/solr.xml", true))          throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Could not load solr.xml from zookeeper: node not found");        byte[] data = zkClient.getData("/solr.xml", null, null, true);        return ConfigSolr.fromInputStream(loader, new ByteArrayInputStream(data));      } catch (Exception e) {        throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "Could not load solr.xml from zookeeper", e);      } finally {        zkClient.close();      }    }

  public void initZooKeeper(final CoreContainer cc, String solrHome, String zkHost, int zkClientTimeout, String hostPort,        String hostContext, String host, int leaderVoteWait, int leaderConflictResolveWait, boolean genericCoreNodeNames) {    ZkController zkController = null;       // if zkHost sys property is not set, we are not using ZooKeeper    String zookeeperHost;    if(zkHost == null) {      zookeeperHost = System.getProperty("zkHost");    } else {      zookeeperHost = zkHost;    }    String zkRun = System.getProperty("zkRun");       if (zkRun == null && zookeeperHost == null)        return;  // not in zk mode    // BEGIN: SOLR-4622: deprecated hardcoded defaults for hostPort & hostContext    if (null == hostPort) {      // throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,      //               "'hostPort' must be configured to run SolrCloud");      log.warn("Solr 'hostPort' has not be explicitly configured, using hardcoded default of " + DEFAULT_HOST_PORT + ".  This default has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Solr, please configure this value explicitly");      hostPort = DEFAULT_HOST_PORT;    }    if (null == hostContext) {      // throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,      //               "'hostContext' must be configured to run SolrCloud");      log.warn("Solr 'hostContext' has not be explicitly configured, using hardcoded default of " + DEFAULT_HOST_CONTEXT + ".  This default has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of Solr, please configure this value explicitly");      hostContext = DEFAULT_HOST_CONTEXT;    }    // END: SOLR-4622    // zookeeper in quorum mode currently causes a failure when trying to    // register log4j mbeans.  See SOLR-2369    // TODO: remove after updating to an slf4j based zookeeper    System.setProperty("zookeeper.jmx.log4j.disable", "true");    // zkRun不为空,通过SolrZkServer启动内嵌zk,start里面启动了一个守护线程    if (zkRun != null) {      String zkDataHome = System.getProperty("zkServerDataDir", solrHome + "zoo_data");      String zkConfHome = System.getProperty("zkServerConfDir", solrHome);      zkServer = new SolrZkServer(zkRun, zookeeperHost, zkDataHome, zkConfHome, hostPort);      zkServer.parseConfig();      zkServer.start();           // set client from server config if not already set      if (zookeeperHost == null) {        zookeeperHost = zkServer.getClientString();      }    }    int zkClientConnectTimeout = 30000;    if (zookeeperHost != null) {      // we are ZooKeeper enabled      try {        // If this is an ensemble, allow for a long connect time for other servers to come up        if (zkRun != null && zkServer.getServers().size() > 1) {          zkClientConnectTimeout = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;  // 1 day for embedded ensemble"Zookeeper client=" + zookeeperHost + "  Waiting for a quorum.");        } else {"Zookeeper client=" + zookeeperHost);                 }        String confDir = System.getProperty("bootstrap_confdir");        boolean boostrapConf = Boolean.getBoolean("bootstrap_conf");         // 通过zookeeperHost中是否含有“/”来判断是否是chroot,如果是,返回判断是否存在;需要创建时,返回是否创建成功        if(!ZkController.checkChrootPath(zookeeperHost, (confDir!=null) || boostrapConf)) {          throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,              "A chroot was specified in ZkHost but the znode doesn't exist. ");        }        zkController = new ZkController(cc, zookeeperHost, zkClientTimeout,            zkClientConnectTimeout, host, hostPort, hostContext,            leaderVoteWait, leaderConflictResolveWait, genericCoreNodeNames,            new CurrentCoreDescriptorProvider() {              @Override              public List<CoreDescriptor> getCurrentDescriptors() {                List<CoreDescriptor> descriptors = new ArrayList<CoreDescriptor>(                    cc.getCoreNames().size());                Collection<SolrCore> cores = cc.getCores();                for (SolrCore core : cores) {                  descriptors.add(core.getCoreDescriptor());                }                return descriptors;              }            });        if (zkRun != null && zkServer.getServers().size() > 1 && confDir == null && boostrapConf == false) {          // we are part of an ensemble and we are not uploading the config - pause to give the config time          // to get up          Thread.sleep(10000);        }                // 对于配置了collection.configName参数的,将本地的配置文件上传到zk的指定目录        if(confDir != null) {          File dir = new File(confDir);          if(!dir.isDirectory()) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("bootstrap_confdir must be a directory of configuration files");          }          String confName = System.getProperty(ZkController.COLLECTION_PARAM_PREFIX+ZkController.CONFIGNAME_PROP, "configuration1");          zkController.uploadConfigDir(dir, confName);        }        // 如果配置了bootstrap_config参数,将把所有配置的cores的配置文件全上传到zk        if(boostrapConf) {          ZkController.bootstrapConf(zkController.getZkClient(), cc, solrHome);        }             } catch (InterruptedException e) {        // Restore the interrupted status        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();        log.error("", e);        throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,            "", e);      } catch (TimeoutException e) {        log.error("Could not connect to ZooKeeper", e);        throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,            "", e);      } catch (IOException e) {        log.error("", e);        throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,            "", e);      } catch (KeeperException e) {        log.error("", e);        throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,            "", e);      }         }    this.zkController = zkController;  }
  /**   * Validates if the chroot exists in zk (or if it is successfully created).   * Optionally, if create is set to true this method will create the path in   * case it doesn't exist   *    * @return true if the path exists or is created false if the path doesn't   *         exist and 'create' = false   */  public static boolean checkChrootPath(String zkHost, boolean create)      throws KeeperException, InterruptedException {    if (!containsChroot(zkHost)) {      return true;    }"zkHost includes chroot");    String chrootPath = zkHost.substring(zkHost.indexOf("/"), zkHost.length());    SolrZkClient tmpClient = new SolrZkClient(zkHost.substring(0,        zkHost.indexOf("/")), 60 * 1000);    boolean exists = tmpClient.exists(chrootPath, true);    if (!exists && create) {      tmpClient.makePath(chrootPath, false, true);      exists = true;    }    tmpClient.close();    return exists;  }
  public ZkController(final CoreContainer cc, String zkServerAddress, int zkClientTimeout, int zkClientConnectTimeout, String localHost, String locaHostPort,        String localHostContext, int leaderVoteWait, int leaderConflictResolveWait, boolean genericCoreNodeNames, final CurrentCoreDescriptorProvider registerOnReconnect)      throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException, IOException  {    if (cc == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("CoreContainer cannot be null."); = cc;    this.genericCoreNodeNames = genericCoreNodeNames;    // be forgiving and strip this off leading/trailing slashes    // this allows us to support users specifying hostContext="/" in     // solr.xml to indicate the root context, instead of hostContext=""     // which means the default of "solr"    localHostContext = trimLeadingAndTrailingSlashes(localHostContext);       this.zkServerAddress = zkServerAddress;    this.localHostPort = locaHostPort;    this.localHostContext = localHostContext;    this.hostName = normalizeHostName(localHost);    // 这个nodeName拼成:"$hostName:$hostPort_$hostContext"格式    this.nodeName = generateNodeName(this.hostName,                                     this.localHostPort,                                     this.localHostContext);    this.leaderVoteWait = leaderVoteWait;    this.leaderConflictResolveWait = leaderConflictResolveWait;       this.clientTimeout = zkClientTimeout;    zkClient = new SolrZkClient(zkServerAddress, zkClientTimeout,        zkClientConnectTimeout, new DefaultConnectionStrategy(),        // on reconnect, reload cloud info        new OnReconnect() {                   @Override          public void command() {            try {                           // this is troublesome - we dont want to kill anything the old              // leader accepted              // though I guess sync will likely get those updates back? But              // only if              // he is involved in the sync, and he certainly may not be              // ExecutorUtil.shutdownAndAwaitTermination(cc.getCmdDistribExecutor());              // we need to create all of our lost watches                           // seems we dont need to do this again...              // Overseer.createClientNodes(zkClient, getNodeName());                           cc.cancelCoreRecoveries();                           registerAllCoresAsDown(registerOnReconnect, false);                           ElectionContext context = new OverseerElectionContext(zkClient,                  overseer, getNodeName());                           ElectionContext prevContext = overseerElector.getContext();              if (prevContext != null) {                prevContext.cancelElection();              }              overseerElector.setup(context);              overseerElector.joinElection(context, true);              zkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate();                           // we have to register as live first to pick up docs in the buffer              createEphemeralLiveNode();                           List<CoreDescriptor> descriptors = registerOnReconnect                  .getCurrentDescriptors();              // re register all descriptors              if (descriptors != null) {                for (CoreDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) {                  // TODO: we need to think carefully about what happens when it                  // was                  // a leader that was expired - as well as what to do about                  // leaders/overseers                  // with connection loss                  try {                    register(descriptor.getName(), descriptor, true, true);                  } catch (Exception e) {                    SolrException.log(log, "Error registering SolrCore", e);                  }                }              }                         } catch (InterruptedException e) {              // Restore the interrupted status              Thread.currentThread().interrupt();              throw new ZooKeeperException(                  SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e);            } catch (Exception e) {              SolrException.log(log, "", e);              throw new ZooKeeperException(                  SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e);            }          }                 }, new BeforeReconnect() {                   @Override          public void command() {            try {              ZkController.this.overseer.close();            } catch (Exception e) {              log.error("Error trying to stop any Overseer threads", e);            }            markAllAsNotLeader(registerOnReconnect);          }        });        // 创建/overseer/queue    this.overseerJobQueue = Overseer.getInQueue(zkClient);    // 创建/overseer/collection-queue-work    this.overseerCollectionQueue = Overseer.getCollectionQueue(zkClient);    cmdExecutor = new ZkCmdExecutor(zkClientTimeout);    leaderElector = new LeaderElector(zkClient);    zkStateReader = new ZkStateReader(zkClient);       this.baseURL = zkStateReader.getBaseUrlForNodeName(this.nodeName);       init(registerOnReconnect);  }
  public SolrZkClient(String zkServerAddress, int zkClientTimeout, int clientConnectTimeout,      ZkClientConnectionStrategy strat, final OnReconnect onReconnect, BeforeReconnect beforeReconnect) {    this.zkClientConnectionStrategy = strat;    this.zkClientTimeout = zkClientTimeout;    // we must retry at least as long as the session timeout    zkCmdExecutor = new ZkCmdExecutor(zkClientTimeout);    // 连接管理器    connManager = new ConnectionManager("ZooKeeperConnection Watcher:"        + zkServerAddress, this, zkServerAddress, strat, onReconnect, beforeReconnect);    try {      strat.connect(zkServerAddress, zkClientTimeout, connManager,          new ZkUpdate() {            @Override            public void update(SolrZooKeeper zooKeeper) {              SolrZooKeeper oldKeeper = keeper;              keeper = zooKeeper;              try {                closeKeeper(oldKeeper);              } finally {                if (isClosed) {                  // we may have been closed                  closeKeeper(SolrZkClient.this.keeper);                }              }            }          });    } catch (Exception e) {      connManager.close();      if (keeper != null) {        try {          keeper.close();        } catch (InterruptedException e1) {          Thread.currentThread().interrupt();        }      }      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e);    }       try {      connManager.waitForConnected(clientConnectTimeout);    } catch (Exception e) {      connManager.close();      try {        keeper.close();      } catch (InterruptedException e1) {        Thread.currentThread().interrupt();      }      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, e);    }    numOpens.incrementAndGet();  }

  private void init(CurrentCoreDescriptorProvider registerOnReconnect) {    try {      boolean createdWatchesAndUpdated = false;      // live_node如果存在,已经存在的/clusterState.json创建ClusterState      if (zkClient.exists(ZkStateReader.LIVE_NODES_ZKNODE, true)) {        // 创建ClusterState        zkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate();        createdWatchesAndUpdated = true;        publishAndWaitForDownStates();      }           // makes nodes zkNode      // 确认"/live_nodes"存在,不存在新创建      cmdExecutor.ensureExists(ZkStateReader.LIVE_NODES_ZKNODE, zkClient);      // 创建live node的临时节点,"/live_nodes/$nodeName”,如果存在,也会删了重建,是为了节点非正常关闭时遗留文件      createEphemeralLiveNode();      // 确认"/collections”存在,不存在创建      cmdExecutor.ensureExists(ZkStateReader.COLLECTIONS_ZKNODE, zkClient);      ShardHandler shardHandler;      String adminPath;      shardHandler = cc.getShardHandlerFactory().getShardHandler();      // 默认的adminPath: /admin/cores      adminPath = cc.getAdminPath();      // leader选举器      overseerElector = new LeaderElector(zkClient);      this.overseer = new Overseer(shardHandler, adminPath, zkStateReader);      ElectionContext context = new OverseerElectionContext(zkClient, overseer, getNodeName());      overseerElector.setup(context);      overseerElector.joinElection(context, false);            // 如果前边没创建,这里创建ClusterState      if (!createdWatchesAndUpdated) {        zkStateReader.createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate();      }         } catch (IOException e) {      log.error("", e);      throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,          "Can't create ZooKeeperController", e);    } catch (InterruptedException e) {      // Restore the interrupted status      Thread.currentThread().interrupt();      log.error("", e);      throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,          "", e);    } catch (KeeperException e) {      log.error("", e);      throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,          "", e);    }  }
  public synchronized void createClusterStateWatchersAndUpdate() throws KeeperException,      InterruptedException {    // We need to fetch the current cluster state and the set of live nodes       synchronized (getUpdateLock()) {      // 检验或创建"/clusterstate.json"      cmdExecutor.ensureExists(CLUSTER_STATE, zkClient);      // 检验或创建”/aliases.json"      cmdExecutor.ensureExists(ALIASES, zkClient); "Updating cluster state from ZooKeeper... ");            // 在"/clusterstate.json”上注册一个exists的watcher,触发时,根据zk中的新clusterstate.json文件更新ZkStateReader的clusterState      zkClient.exists(CLUSTER_STATE, new Watcher() {               @Override        public void process(WatchedEvent event) {          // session events are not change events,          // and do not remove the watcher          if (EventType.None.equals(event.getType())) {            return;          }"A cluster state change: {}, has occurred - updating... (live nodes size: {})", (event) , ZkStateReader.this.clusterState == null ? 0 : ZkStateReader.this.clusterState.getLiveNodes().size());          try {                       // delayed approach            // ZkStateReader.this.updateClusterState(false, false);            synchronized (ZkStateReader.this.getUpdateLock()) {              // remake watch              final Watcher thisWatch = this;              Stat stat = new Stat();              // 这里变成了注册getData的watcher              byte[] data = zkClient.getData(CLUSTER_STATE, thisWatch, stat ,                  true);              Set<String> ln = ZkStateReader.this.clusterState.getLiveNodes();              ClusterState clusterState = ClusterState.load(stat.getVersion(), data, ln,ZkStateReader.this);              // update volatile              ZkStateReader.this.clusterState = clusterState;            }          } catch (KeeperException e) {            if (e.code() == KeeperException.Code.SESSIONEXPIRED                || e.code() == KeeperException.Code.CONNECTIONLOSS) {              log.warn("ZooKeeper watch triggered, but Solr cannot talk to ZK");              return;            }            log.error("", e);            throw new ZooKeeperException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR,                "", e);          } catch (InterruptedException e) {            // Restore the interrupted status            Thread.currentThread().interrupt();            log.warn("", e);            return;          }        }             }, true);    }      // 在"/live_node”上注册getChildren的watcher,触发时,用"/live_node”的children属性更新clusterState    synchronized (ZkStateReader.this.getUpdateLock()) {      List<String> liveNodes = zkClient.getChildren(LIVE_NODES_ZKNODE,          new Watcher() {                       @Override            public void process(WatchedEvent event) {              // session events are not change events,              // and do not remove the watcher              if (EventType.None.equals(event.getType())) {                return;              }              try {                // delayed approach                // ZkStateReader.this.updateClusterState(false, true);                synchronized (ZkStateReader.this.getUpdateLock()) {                  List<String> liveNodes = zkClient.getChildren(                      LIVE_NODES_ZKNODE, this, true);        "Updating live nodes... ({})", liveNodes.size());                  Set<String> liveNodesSet = new HashSet<String>();                  liveNodesSet.addAll(liveNodes);                  ClusterState clusterState = new ClusterState(                      ZkStateReader.this.clusterState.getZkClusterStateVersion(),                      liveNodesSet, ZkStateReader.this.clusterState                          .getCollectionStates());                  ZkStateReader.this.clusterState = clusterState;                }              } catch (KeeperException e) {                if (e.code() == KeeperException.Code.SESSIONEXPIRED                    || e.code() == KeeperException.Code.CONNECTIONLOSS) {                  log.warn("ZooKeeper watch triggered, but Solr cannot talk to ZK");                  return;                }                log.error("", e);                throw new ZooKeeperException(                    SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e);              } catch (InterruptedException e) {                // Restore the interrupted status                Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                log.warn("", e);                return;              }            }                     }, true);          // load一个新的ClusterState      Set<String> liveNodeSet = new HashSet<String>();      liveNodeSet.addAll(liveNodes);      // 这里依旧使用在zk中存在的clusterState.json中的值创建,不再注册watcher,      ClusterState clusterState = ClusterState.load(zkClient, liveNodeSet, ZkStateReader.this);      this.clusterState = clusterState;            // 对“/aliases.json”注册exist的watcher,触发时,根据“/aliases.json”中的新数据更新ZkStateReader中的aliases      zkClient.exists(ALIASES,          new Watcher() {                       @Override            public void process(WatchedEvent event) {              // session events are not change events,              // and do not remove the watcher              if (EventType.None.equals(event.getType())) {                return;              }              try {                synchronized (ZkStateReader.this.getUpdateLock()) {        "Updating aliases... ");                  // remake watch                  final Watcher thisWatch = this;                  Stat stat = new Stat();                  byte[] data = zkClient.getData(ALIASES, thisWatch, stat ,                      true);                  Aliases aliases = ClusterState.load(data);                  ZkStateReader.this.aliases = aliases;                }              } catch (KeeperException e) {                if (e.code() == KeeperException.Code.SESSIONEXPIRED                    || e.code() == KeeperException.Code.CONNECTIONLOSS) {                  log.warn("ZooKeeper watch triggered, but Solr cannot talk to ZK");                  return;                }                log.error("", e);                throw new ZooKeeperException(                    SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, "", e);              } catch (InterruptedException e) {                // Restore the interrupted status                Thread.currentThread().interrupt();                log.warn("", e);                return;              }            }                     }, true);    }    updateAliases();  }
  public void publishAndWaitForDownStates() throws KeeperException,      InterruptedException {       ClusterState clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState();    // 返回不可变keySet()    Set<String> collections = clusterState.getCollections();    List<String> updatedNodes = new ArrayList<String>();    for (String collectionName : collections) {      DocCollection collection = clusterState.getCollection(collectionName);      Collection<Slice> slices = collection.getSlices();      for (Slice slice : slices) {        Collection<Replica> replicas = slice.getReplicas();        for (Replica replica : replicas) {          if (replica.getNodeName().equals(getNodeName())              && !(replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.STATE_PROP)                  .equals(ZkStateReader.DOWN))) {            ZkNodeProps m = new ZkNodeProps(Overseer.QUEUE_OPERATION, "state",                ZkStateReader.STATE_PROP, ZkStateReader.DOWN,                ZkStateReader.BASE_URL_PROP, getBaseUrl(),                ZkStateReader.CORE_NAME_PROP,                replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.CORE_NAME_PROP),                ZkStateReader.ROLES_PROP,                replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.ROLES_PROP),                ZkStateReader.NODE_NAME_PROP, getNodeName(),                ZkStateReader.SHARD_ID_PROP,                replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.SHARD_ID_PROP),                ZkStateReader.COLLECTION_PROP, collectionName,                ZkStateReader.CORE_NODE_NAME_PROP, replica.getName());            updatedNodes.add(replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.CORE_NAME_PROP));            overseerJobQueue.offer(ZkStateReader.toJSON(m));          }        }      }    }       // now wait till the updates are in our state    long now = System.nanoTime();    long timeout = now + TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);    boolean foundStates = false;    while (System.nanoTime() < timeout) {      clusterState = zkStateReader.getClusterState();      collections = clusterState.getCollections();      for (String collectionName : collections) {        DocCollection collection = clusterState.getCollection(collectionName);        Collection<Slice> slices = collection.getSlices();        for (Slice slice : slices) {          Collection<Replica> replicas = slice.getReplicas();          for (Replica replica : replicas) {            if (replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.STATE_PROP).equals(                ZkStateReader.DOWN)) {              updatedNodes.remove(replica.getStr(ZkStateReader.CORE_NAME_PROP));                         }          }        }      }           if (updatedNodes.size() == 0) {        foundStates = true;        Thread.sleep(1000);        break;      }      Thread.sleep(1000);    }    if (!foundStates) {      log.warn("Timed out waiting to see all nodes published as DOWN in our cluster state.");    }     }


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