
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝新3c怎么认证 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 18:48



/** @file calssStruct.cpp *//** Member Functions for Class point */#include <cmath> // for sqrt and atanusing namespace  std;struct point{  point()  : x_(0.0), y_(0.0)  {}  point(double x, double y)  : x_(x), y_(y)  {}  point(point const& pt)  : x_(pt.x_), y_(pt.y_)  {}  /// Distance to the origin.  double distance()  {    return std::sqrt(x*x + y*y);  }  /// Angle relative to x-axis.  double angle()  {    return std::atan2(y, x);  }  /// Add an offset to x and y.  void offset(double off)  {    offset(off, off);  }  /// Add an offset to x and an offset to y  void offset(double  xoff, double yoff)  {    x = x + xoff;    y = y + yoff;  }  /// Scale x and y.  void scale(double mult)  {    this->scale(mult, mult);  }  /// Scale x and y.  void scale(double xmult, double ymult)  {    this->x = this->x * xmult;    this->y = this->y * ymult;  }  double x_;  double y_;};








/** @file constructFun.cpp *//** Visual Constructors */#include <iostream>#include <ostream>using namespace std;struct demo{  demo()      : x_(0) { std::cout << "default constructor\n"; }  demo(int x) : x_(x) { std::cout << "constructor(" << x << ")\n"; }  demo(demo const& that)  : x_(that.x_)  {    std::cout << "copy constructor(" << x_ << ")\n";  }  int x_;};demo addone(demo d){  ++d.x_;  return d;}int main(){  demo d1;  demo d2(d1);  demo d3(42);  demo d4(addone(d3));}



/** @file Test_Construct.cpp *//** Mystery Program */#include <iostream>#include <ostream>using namespace std;struct point{  point()  : x_(0.0), y_(0.0)  {    cout << "default constructor\n";  }  point(double x, double y)  : x_(x), y_(y)  {    cout << "constructor(" << x << ", " << y << ")\n";  }  double x_;  double y_;};int main(){  point pt();}

你认为这个编译后会输出什么呢?是default constructor么?




是 point pt;即是不带括号这个时候调用了默认的无参数构造函数初始化.






/** @file BMI_Again.cpp *//** New BMI Program */#include <algorithm>#include <cstdlib>#include <iomanip>#include <ios>#include <iostream>#include <istream>#include <limits>#include <locale>#include <ostream>#include <string>#include <vector>using namespace std;/// Compute body-mass index from height in centimeters and weight in kilograms.int compute_bmi(int height, int weight){   return static_cast<int>(weight * 10000 / (height * height) + 0.5);}/// Skip the rest of the input line.void skip_line(istream& in){  in.ignore(numeric_limits<int>::max(), '\n');}/// Represent one person’s record, storing the person’s name, height, weight,/// sex, and body-mass index (BMI), which is computed from the height and weight.struct record{  record() : height_(0), weight_(0), bmi_(0), sex_('?'), name_()  {}  /// Get this record, overwriting the data members.  /// Error-checking omitted for brevity.  /// @return true for success or false for eof or input failure  bool read(istream& in, int num)  {    cout << "Name " << num << ": ";    string name;    if (not getline(in, name))      return false;    cout << "Height (cm): ";    int height;    if (not (in >> height))      return false;    skip_line(in);    cout << "Weight (kg): ";    int weight;    if (not (in >> weight))      return false;    skip_line(in);    cout << "Sex (M or F): ";    char sex;    if (not (in >> sex))      return false;    skip_line(in);    sex = toupper(sex, locale());    // Store information into data members only after reading    // everything successfully.    name_ = name;    height_ = height;    weight_ = weight;    sex_ = sex;    bmi_ = compute_bmi(height_, weight_);    return true;  }  /// Print this record to @p out.  void print(ostream& out, int threshold)  {    out << setw(6) << height_        << setw(7) << weight_        << setw(3) << sex_        << setw(6) << bmi_;    if (bmi_ >= threshold)      out << '*';    else      out << ' ';    out << ' ' << name_ << '\n';  }  int height_;       ///< height in centimeters  int weight_;       ///< weight in kilograms  int bmi_;          ///< Body-mass index  char sex_;         ///< 'M' for male or 'F' for female  string name_; ///< Person’s name};/** Print a table. * Print a table of height, weight, sex, BMI, and name. * Print only records for which sex matches @p sex. * At the end of each table, print the mean and median BMI. */void print_table(char sex, vector<record>& records, int threshold){  cout << "Ht(cm) Wt(kg) Sex  BMI  Name\n";  float bmi_sum(0);  long int bmi_count(0);  vector<int> tmpbmis; // store only the BMIs that are printed                            // in order to compute the median  for (vector<record>::iterator iter(records.begin());       iter != records.end();       ++iter)  {    if (iter->sex_ == sex)    {      bmi_sum = bmi_sum + iter->bmi_;      ++bmi_count;      tmpbmis.push_back(iter->bmi_);      iter->print(cout, threshold);    }  }  // If the vectors are not empty, print basic statistics.  if (bmi_count != 0)  {    cout << "Mean BMI = "              << setprecision(1) << fixed << bmi_sum / bmi_count              << '\n';    // Median BMI is trickier. The easy way is to sort the    // vector and pick out the middle item or items.    sort(tmpbmis.begin(), tmpbmis.end());    cout << "Median BMI = ";    // Index of median item.    int i(tmpbmis.size() / 2);    if (tmpbmis.size() % 2 == 0)      cout << (tmpbmis.at(i) + tmpbmis.at(i-1)) / 2.0 << '\n';    else      cout << tmpbmis.at(i) << '\n';  }}/** Main program to compute BMI. */int main(){  locale::global(locale(""));  cout.imbue(locale());  cin.imbue(locale());  vector<record> records;  int threshold;  cout << "Enter threshold BMI: ";  if (not (cin >> threshold))    return EXIT_FAILURE;  skip_line(cin);  cout << "Enter name, height (in cm),"               " and weight (in kg) for each person:\n";  record rec;  while (rec.read(cin, records.size()+1))  {    records.push_back(rec);    cout << "BMI = " << rec.bmi_ << '\n';  }  // Print the data.  cout << "\n\nMale data\n";  print_table('M', records, threshold);  cout << "\nFemale data\n";  print_table('F', records, threshold);}






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