OpenGL: An OpenGL GUI Library

来源:互联网 发布:如何删除旧版windows 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/01 06:30




  • Dialog box
  • Editable text box
  • Group box
  • Check box
  • Button
  • Radio button
  • Slider
  • Progress bar
  • 3d viewport component
  • List box (3 different flavors)
  • Drop-down list box
  • Image box
  • A menu system
  • Font engine built around FreeType for anti-aliased font rendering



## This is the default stylesheet for beGUI#class Button {style std_old {image face_up = 410,32,505,58, widgets.bmpcolor main_color = 255,255,255rect resizable_area = 13,13,69,13int default_height = 26}style std {image face_up = 1,209,92,232, gui2_widgets.png#image face_hover = 1,63,100,98, widgets2.pngrect active_area = 0, 0, 90, 22color main_color = 255,255,255rect resizable_area = 5,5,85,17int default_height = 23}style scroller_btn_down {image face_up = 144,76,163,96, gui2_widgets.pngrect active_area = 2,2,16,18rect resizable_area = 10,10,11,11}style scroller_btn_up {image face_up = 144,53,163,73, gui2_widgets.pngrect active_area = 2,2,16,18rect resizable_area = 10,10,11,11}style scroller_btn_left {image face_up = 30,198,61,230, widgets2.pngrect resizable_area = 0,0,0,0}style scroller_btn_right {image face_up = 30,231,61,263, widgets2.pngrect resizable_area = 0,0,0,0}style scroller_slider {image face_up = 144,1,163,51, gui2_widgets.pngrect active_area = 3,1,16,42rect resizable_area = 5,5,12,39}# Styles of the standard buttons for a main window captionstyle std_wnd_close_btn {image face_up = 60,1,81,22, gui2_wnd_texture.pngrect active_area = 3, 3, 18, 18color main_color = 255,255,255rect resizable_area = 10,10,11,11int default_width = 21int default_height = 21}style std_wnd_max_btn {image face_up = 82,1,103,22, gui2_wnd_texture.pngrect active_area = 3, 3, 18, 18color main_color = 255,255,255rect resizable_area = 10,10,11,11int default_width = 21int default_height = 21}style std_wnd_min_btn {image face_up = 104,1,125,22, gui2_wnd_texture.pngrect active_area = 3, 3, 18, 18color main_color = 255,255,255rect resizable_area = 10,10,11,11int default_width = 21int default_height = 21}}




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