
来源:互联网 发布:php 汉字验证码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 17:14







    周:<input type="text"   class="ywcalendar"  style="width:120px;height:20px;"></input>

/** * 年周选择插件 * 2014-07-18 */(function($) {    $.fn.ywcalendar = function(options, param) {        if (typeof options == 'string') {            return $.fn.ywcalendar.methods[options](this, param);        }        options = options || {};        return this.each(function() {            var target = $(this);            var state = $.data(this, 'ywcalendar');            if (state) {                $.extend(state.options, options);            }            else {                $.data(this, 'ywcalendar', {                    options: $.extend({}, $.fn.ywcalendar.defaults, {                        disabled: (target.attr('disabled') ? true : false),                        onchange: target[0].onchange                    }, options)                });                target[0].onchange = null;                target.removeAttr('disabled');            }            create(target);        });    };    $.fn.ywcalendar.defaults = {        disabled: false    };    $.fn.ywcalendar.methods = {        enable: function(jq) {            return jq.each(function() {                setDisabled(this, false);            });        },        disable: function(jq) {            return jq.each(function() {                setDisabled(this, true);            });        }    };    function create(target) {        var state = $.data(target[0], 'ywcalendar');        //注册keydown方法        target.keydown(function() {            return false;        });        //注册click方法        target.click(function() {            var year;            var flag = true;            var ywcalendar = $("<div class='ywcalendar-Div' style='left:" + target.offset().left + "px;top:" + (target.offset().top + target.height() + 4) + "px;width:270px;'></div>");            var tab = $("<table id='yw_table'></table>");            var tr = $("<tr></tr>");            var td = $("<td class='ywcalendar-text'><<</td>");            td.mousedown(function() {                flag = false;                var lastYear = parseInt(year.attr("year")) - 1;                year.attr("year", lastYear);                year.html(year.attr("year") + "年");                if (getNumOfWeeks(lastYear+"-12-28") == 53) {                    $("#yw_table").children().children().children().last().text(53);                } else {                    $("#yw_table").children().children().children().last().removeClass("ywcalendar-selected").text("");                }            });            td.mouseup(function() {                flag = true;                target[0].focus();            });            tr.append(td);            var y = new Date().getFullYear();            y = target.val() != "" ? target.val().split("-")[0] : y;            year = $("<td class='ywcalendar-text' year='" + y + "' colspan='7'>" + y + "年</td>");            tr.append(year);            td = $("<td class='ywcalendar-text'>>></td>");            td.mousedown(function() {                flag = false;                var nextYear = parseInt(year.attr("year")) + 1;                year.attr("year", nextYear);                year.html(year.attr("year") + "年");                //判断当前选择年份是否有53周                if (getNumOfWeeks(nextYear+"-12-28") == 53) {                    $("#yw_table").children().children().children().last().text(53);                } else {                    $("#yw_table").children().children().children().last().removeClass("ywcalendar-selected").text("");                }            });            td.mouseup(function() {                flag = true;                target[0].focus();            });            tr.append(td);            tab.append(tr);            var m = target.val() != "" ? Number(target.val().split("-")[1]) : 0;            for (var i = 0; i < 53; i++) {                if (i % 9 == 0) {                    tr = $("<tr></tr>");                    tab.append(tr);                }                var cls;                if (m == i + 1)                    cls = "ywcalendar-selected";                else                    cls = "ywcalendar-text";                //判断当前选择年份是否有53周                if (i == 52 && getNumOfWeeks(parseInt(year.attr("year"))+"-12-28") == 52) {                    td = $("<td class='" + cls + "'>" + "" + "</td>");                } else {                    td = $("<td class='" + cls + "'>" + (i + 1) + "</td>");                }                td.mousedown(function(e) {                    var week = $(this).html().replace("", "");                    //获取当前年份和年月然后判断其选择年月是否大于当前年月                    var currYear = new Date().getFullYear();                    var currWeek =getNumOfWeeks(getNowFormatDate());                    if (parseInt(year.attr("year")) > parseInt(currYear)) {                        e.preventDefault();                    } else if (parseInt(year.attr("year")) == parseInt(currYear) && parseInt(week) >parseInt(currWeek)) {                        e.preventDefault();                    } else {                        week = week.length == 1 ? "0" + week : week;                        var newval = year.attr("year") + week;                        if (target.val() != newval) {                            target.val(year.attr("year").replace("-", "") + "-" + week);                            if (state.options.onchange)                                state.options.onchange();                        }                    }                });                tr.append(td);            }            ywcalendar.append(tab);            tab.children().find("td").mouseover(function() {                var cls = $(this).attr("class");                $(this).removeAttr("class");                if (cls.indexOf("selected") > 0)                    $(this).addClass("ywcalendar-selected-over");                else                    $(this).addClass("ywcalendar-text-over");            });            tab.children().find("td").mouseout(function() {                var cls = $(this).attr("class");                $(this).removeAttr("class");                if (cls.indexOf("selected") > 0)                    $(this).addClass("ywcalendar-selected");                else                    $(this).addClass("ywcalendar-text");            });            year.unbind("mouseover");            year.unbind("mouseout");            $(document.body).append(ywcalendar);            target.attr("box", ywcalendar);            target.blur(function() {                if (flag) {                    ywcalendar.remove();                    target.attr("box", null);                }            });        });        if (state.options.disabled && !target.attr('disabled')) {            setDisabled(target[0], true);        }        else if (!state.options.disabled && target.attr('disabled')) {            setDisabled(target[0], false);        }    }    function setDisabled(target, disabled) {        var state = $.data(target, 'ywcalendar');        if (disabled) {            state.options.disabled = true;            if (target.onclick) {                state.onclick = target.onclick;                target.onclick = null;            }            $(target).attr('disabled', true);        }        else {            state.options.disabled = false;            if (state.onclick) {                target.onclick = state.onclick;            }            $(target).attr('disabled', false);        }        return false;    }})(jQuery);$(function() {    $(".ywcalendar").ywcalendar();});/** * 取当前日期周 * //每年的12-28号一定是在最后一周;所以取最后一周就取每年的12-28号 * */function getNumOfWeeks(date) {    var ddate = new Date(date.substr(0, 4), date.substr(5, 2) - 1, date.substr(8, 2));    var time, checkDate = new Date(ddate.getTime());    // Find Thursday of this week starting on Monday    checkDate.setDate(checkDate.getDate() + 4 - (checkDate.getDay() || 7));    time = checkDate.getTime();    checkDate.setMonth(0); // Compare with Jan 1    checkDate.setDate(1);    return Math.floor(Math.round((time - checkDate) / 86400000) / 7) + 1;}/** * 获取当前格式化后的时间字符串(xxxx-xx-xx) * */function getNowFormatDate() {    var day = new Date();    var Year = 0;    var Month = 0;    var Day = 0;    var CurrentDate = "";    //初始化时间    //Year= day.getYear();//有火狐下2008年显示108的bug    Year = day.getFullYear();//ie火狐下都可以    Month = day.getMonth() + 1;    Day = day.getDate();    CurrentDate += Year + "-";    if (Month >= 10)    {        CurrentDate += Month + "-";    }    else    {        CurrentDate += "0" + Month + "-";    }    if (Day >= 10)    {        CurrentDate += Day;    }    else    {        CurrentDate += "0" + Day;    }    return CurrentDate;}

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