Why my UIScreen mainScreen bounds size return 480

来源:互联网 发布:优阅网络下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 01:01

Why my UIScreen mainScreen bounds size return 480 in ios6

8down vote

You have to add the iPhone 5 Launch image (Default-568h@2x.png) to your project.

The 568 point tall launch image tells iOS to launch your app in 4" mode. If you don't have this image, your app is treated as a 3.5" app. Even if it is 4" compatible.

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+1000 for the answer.. I spent 4 hours but was unsuccessful.. changed Default.png to Default-568h@2x.png.. worked like a charm.. thanks a lot –  Ali Mar 17 at 15:40

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