UVa 340 Master-Mind Hints

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上买宠物狗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 11:49

 Master-Mind Hints 

MasterMind is a game for two players. One of them, Designer, selects a secret code. The other,Breaker, tries to break it. A code is no more than a row of colored dots. At the beginning of a game, the players agree upon the length N that a code must have and upon the colors that may occur in a code.

In order to break the code, Breaker makes a number of guesses, each guess itself being a code. After each guess Designer gives a hint, stating to what extent the guess matches his secret code.

In this problem you will be given a secret code tex2html_wrap_inline35 and a guess tex2html_wrap_inline37 , and are to determine the hint. A hint consists of a pair of numbers determined as follows.

match is a pair (i,j), tex2html_wrap_inline41 and tex2html_wrap_inline43 , such that tex2html_wrap_inline45 . Match (i,j) is called strongwhen i = j, and is called weak otherwise. Two matches (i,j) and (p,q) are called independent wheni = p if and only if j = q. A set of matches is called independent when all of its members are pairwise independent.

Designer chooses an independent set M of matches for which the total number of matches and the number of strong matches are both maximal. The hint then consists of the number of strong followed by the number of weak matches in M. Note that these numbers are uniquely determined by the secret code and the guess. If the hint turns out to be (n,0), then the guess is identical to the secret code.


The input will consist of data for a number of games. The input for each game begins with an integer specifying N (the length of the code). Following these will be the secret code, represented as N integers, which we will limit to the range 1 to 9. There will then follow an arbitrary number of guesses, each also represented as N integers, each in the range 1 to 9. Following the last guess in each game will be N zeroes; these zeroes are not to be considered as a guess.

Following the data for the first game will appear data for the second game (if any) beginning with a new value for N. The last game in the input will be followed by a single zero (when a value forN would normally be specified). The maximum value for N will be 1000.


The output for each game should list the hints that would be generated for each guess, in order, one hint per line. Each hint should be represented as a pair of integers enclosed in parentheses and separated by a comma. The entire list of hints for each game should be prefixed by a heading indicating the game number; games are numbered sequentially starting with 1. Look at the samples below for the exact format.

Sample Input

41 3 5 51 1 2 34 3 3 56 5 5 16 1 3 51 3 5 50 0 0 0101 2 2 2 4 5 6 6 6 91 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 51 2 1 3 1 5 1 6 1 91 2 2 5 5 5 6 6 6 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

Sample Output

Game 1:    (1,1)    (2,0)    (1,2)    (1,2)    (4,0)Game 2:    (2,4)    (3,2)    (5,0)    (7,0)

猜数字游戏的提示  统计猜的数字有多少个数字位置正确  有多少个数字在答案中出现但是位置不正确  每个字符只能匹配一次

#include<cstdio>#include<algorithm>#include<map>using namespace std;const int N = 1005;int  a[N], b[N], c, d;int main(){    int n, cas = 0;    while (scanf ("%d", &n), n)    {        map<int, int> aa;        printf ("Game %d:\n", ++cas);        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)        {            scanf ("%d", &a[i]);            ++aa[a[i]];        }        while (1)        {            map<int, int> bb;            for (int i = c = d = 0; i < n; ++i)            {                scanf ("%d", &b[i]);                ++bb[b[i]];                if (a[i] == b[i]) c++;            }            if (!b[0]) break;            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; ++i)                d += min (aa[i], bb[i]);            printf ("    (%d,%d)\n", c, d - c);        }    }    return 0;}

2 0
热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 3个月婴儿流口水怎么办 beats耳机被偷了怎么办 beats X耳机丢了怎么办 头戴耳机戴着热怎么办 长时间戴耳机耳朵疼怎么办 手表秒针走得声音很大怎么办 顾客总找老板剪头发怎么办 马来西亚国籍想去中国怎么办 有限元学位课挂了怎么办 五百丁简历导出后不一样怎么办 面试早到了1小时怎么办 头顶头发会越来越少怎么办 vr游戏过后想吐怎么办 win10电脑不能打汉字怎么办 手机看vr特别烫怎么办 苹果手机浏览器横屏怎么办 苹果笔记本浏览器没有了怎么办 剑与家园魔镜带错兵怎么办 橙子vr上下反了怎么办 我的恐龙手机不支持ar怎么办 被小人陷害又无计可施怎么办 蚂蚁借呗2万逾期怎么办 蚂蚁借呗还款金额受限怎么办 蚂蚁借呗不能借钱了怎么办 美柚手机号换了怎么办 美柚他他圈被禁言了怎么办? 被蝎子蜇了屁股怎么办 被蝎子蛰了该怎么办 孕妇让蝎子蛰了怎么办 脸被蝎子蛰了怎么办 皮肤看着有点老怎么办 王者铭文被卖了怎么办 游戏cp送我皮肤怎么办 消防改革武警学院的学员怎么办 几把毛掉的厉害怎么办 从公务员调入事业单位的怎么办 电车被城管扣了怎么办 超变战陀发射器绳坏了怎么办 家里人总打击我怎么办干啥都要骂 欧陆风云4破产后怎么办 车被别人喷了漆怎么办