dinamica changelog 3.4.3 (2014上半年) 3.4.1-3.4.3

来源:互联网 发布:linux matlab 启动 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:52
07/22/2014 v3.4.3* Adjustments to allow dinamica.SysInfo show the name of the Linux distribution  assuming that it supports / etc / issue, see for example this allows "Ubuntu 14.04 LTS" also  information that can be obtained via JMX (kernel version). A correction was also made  Tomcat to support 8 / action / test.  * Adjustment / action / script / function dinamica.js ajaxCall (...) now the formName parameter  can contain multiple names separated by forms ";" to cases where  capture data from multiple forms but need to be shipped as a single package on a POST.   The change is transparent to the existing code that does not use this option.* Adjustments dinamica.GenericTransaction classes and to allow dinamica.SimpleMail  connecting to mail servers using TLS protocol. New context parameter is used in web.xml  for these purposes:   <context-param><description> Requires TLS to connect to SMTP server (true | false) </ description><param-name> mail-tls </ param-name><param-value> true </ param-value></ Context-param>  * Updated security.zip (security layer) to correct errors in the NPE Admin   when doing a lookup and LDAP user name attribute is null because   have incomplete data.06/13/2014 v3.4.2* Optimizing dinamica.StringUtil.getResource () function used by all hyper  relevant Framework classes.* Improvements to streamline dinamica.SysInfo reading performance metrics, compatibility  with 2.x DBCP connection pool (if used in Tomcat 7 Tomcat default is 8), reading the detail  of the last run of Garbage Collectors, reading the request processors Tomcat code intonation.  All module / action / test was updated. Classes and dinamica.SysInfoEmail also dinamica.SysInfoPDF   were updated.* Improved dinamica.PDFGenericReport class method over-writable updateCell was added (...)  so that a subclass can modify the contents of a column to include compound content  that can not be offset by the value of a single field, such as a list of checkboxes for example, this   can incorporate small subreports in a column of a table. UpdateCellHeader (...) was also added  to modify a column header of a table. This allows to combine the declarative power of this class  with specific modifications provided by the developer with minimum effort.* Intonation in class dinamica.HGridOutput to minimize object creation* Intonation in dinamica.calendar.DefaultCalendar class to minimize the creation of objects, and for the   calendar date to return the textbox with 2 digit day and month.* Increased buffer to 128K in dinamica.AbstractPDFOutput and dinamica.AbstractExcelOutput* Increase the buffer to 64K for dinamica.TemplateEngine.replace StringBuilder (Recordset rs, nullValueExpr String, String repeatSectionTag)* Increased buffers in dinamica.TemplateEngine and dinamica.parser.FastTemplateEngine* Improved dinamica.xml.Document, use BufferedInputStream with 64K buffer in constructors  receiving an InputStream.* Improved dinamica.Controller.setRequestValues ​​() now supports reading the value of a context-parameter in web.xml  to post it as a request attribute, using the prefix "ctx". Example:    <set-request-attribute id="test" value="ctx:MyConfigParam"/>* Set in SysInfo.getDBPoolInfo () so you can read the JMX attributes DBCP pool although v2 is used instead of DBCP 1.4 with Tomcat 7* The IRecordsetProvider2 interface was added to overcome the limitations of IRecordsetProvider* The dinamica.GenericTransaction.createRecordsets () method was improved to support the use of classes that implement  IRecordsetProvider2 when source = "class" in config.xml <recordset> elements without breaking compatibility  with existing code that uses IRecordsetProvider. A provider should only implement one of these interfaces.* Improved the dinamica.GenericExcelOutput class to allow export an Excel you can  contain multiple recordsets on one sheet, one below another, balance sheet style, without breaking  comptabilidad classes that use earlier versions of this class, has a new configuration  optional use.* In / action / script / dinamica.js ajaxCall function () no longer tries to put the content-length header  Chrome because it considered unsafe and records in your JS console warning.* In / action / script / dinamica.js pickSelect function () now tries to invoke the onChange event  control serves to show the descriptive value of the selected item. Used to allow  clean other controls bound to this picklist when its value changes.if (document.getElementById (pickControl). onchange)document.getElementById (pickControl) onchange ().;* New filter dinamica.portal.HomePageFilter, Allows to use Action as welcome-page. Example:<filter>Allows to use <description> Action as welcome-page </ description><filter-name> HomePageFilter </ filter-name><filter-class> dinamica.portal.HomePageFilter </ filter-class><init-param><description> Defines the Action to use as welcome-page </ description><param-name> welcome-page </ param-name><param-value> / action / test </ param-value></ Init-param></ Filter> <filter-mapping><filter-name> HomePageFilter </ filter-name><url-pattern> * </ url-pattern></ Filter-mapping>It is useful for home pages that require such agencies to use the facilities of the framework.* Modifying dinamica.CaptchaOutput class, the internal buffer to 5K expanded to store the generated image.* Change in dinamica.ChartOutput 32K buffer for use when converting PNG image.* The dinamica.Recordset class now uses an ArrayList with initial capacity of 50.* Adjustment template webapp: / action / error / validation / ajax / validation.js* Set in webapp template: dinamica.js function Alertbox for compatibility with IE11 when the form is too long.* Set in webapp template: dinamica.js, showBox function -> boxdiv.style.position = 'fixed';  to improve the display when the page is long and focused picklist shown. * Adjustment template webapp:. / Action/error/403/403.htm -> change gif to png.* Update the repository with JARs to complement the WebApp template (JFreeChart 1.0.17)  http://martincordova.com/files/libs/lib-jars.zip* Updated Plugin Dynamics2014-01-16 v3.4.1* Correction dinamica.validators.ExcelFormatValidator to not let temporary file fails validation.* Correction dinamica.ImportExcel to not let temporary file. 
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