
来源:互联网 发布:mysql blob 中文乱码 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:35
#include <stdio.h>  #include <stdlib.h>  #include <string.h>  #include <iostream>  #include <algorithm>  using namespace std;  int pieset[16][4][4]={0};//all pieces set,note piece#1 place 1111 piece#2 place 2222 no the problem says place 1111,piece#i place iii  int n=0;//per cases pieces number  int piesize[16][2]={0};//all pieces size m*n  int piecnt[16]={0};//piecnt[i] is piece#(i+1) 's sum !0 count  int puzzle[4][4]={0};//place the all piece to this matirx  int flag=0;//is solution possible flag  /*judge the block !0 and !0 is invalid*/  bool IsFit(int dest[][4])  {      int i=0,j=0;      for(i=0;i<=4-1;i++)      {          for(j=0;j<=4-1;j++)          {              if(dest[i][j]!=0&&puzzle[i][j]!=0)              {                  return(false);              }          }      }      return(true);  }  /*fit the piece to the puzzle*/  int FitPie(int dest[][4])  {      int i=0,j=0;      for(i=0;i<=4-1;i++)      {          for(j=0;j<=4-1;j++)          {              if(dest[i][j]!=0)              {                  puzzle[i][j]=dest[i][j];              }          }      }      return(0);  }  /*unfit the piece from the puzzle*/  int UnFitPie(int dest[][4])  {      int i=0,j=0;      for(i=0;i<=4-1;i++)      {          for(j=0;j<=4-1;j++)          {              if(dest[i][j]!=0)              {                  puzzle[i][j]=0;              }          }      }      return(0);  }  /*judge the matrix is filled with the piece*/  bool IsFilled()  {      int i=0,j=0;      for(i=0;i<=4-1;i++)      {          for(j=0;j<=4-1;j++)          {              if(puzzle[i][j]==0)              {                  return(false);              }          }      }      return(true);  }  /*DFS the piece,the cur is piece number, or index of now will place the piece*/  int DFS(int cur)  {      if(flag)      {          return(0);      }      if(cur>=n)      {          if(IsFilled())//judge the matrix is filled with the piece          {              flag=1;              return(0);          }      }      else      {          //translate the piece          int i=0,j=0;//i,j is increase of the coordinate          int t=0,r=0;//destination two dimension coordinate          int x=0,y=0;//source two dimension coordinate          for(i=-3;i<=3;i++)//can translate to - direction          {              for(j=-3;j<=3;j++)              {                  int dest[4][4]={0};//we can not destroyed the original data from the pieset,this is translate destination piece                  int destflag=0;//break is true flag = 1, then the dest is invalid                  for(x=0;x<=piesize[cur][0]-1;x++)                  {                      for(y=0;y<=piesize[cur][1]-1;y++)                      {                          if(pieset[cur][x][y]>0)//find the valid point                          {                              //translate                              t=x+i;                              r=y+j;                              if(t>=4||r>=4||t<0||r<0)//invalid translation                              {                                  destflag=1;                                  break;                              }                              dest[t][r]=pieset[cur][x][y];//translation                          }                      }                      if(destflag)                      {                          break;//invalid translation                      }                  }                  if(!destflag)//the translation is valid                  {                      if(IsFit(dest))//the piece[cur] is fit for now puzzle matrix                      {                          FitPie(dest);                          DFS(cur+1);                          if(flag)//prevent the answer puzzle matrix recover                          {                              return(0);                          }                          UnFitPie(dest);                      }                  }              }          }      }      return(0);  }  /*output the puzzle*/  int OutPuzzle()  {      int i=0,j=0;      for(i=0;i<=4-1;i++)      {          for(j=0;j<=4-1;j++)          {              printf("%d",puzzle[i][j] );          }          printf("\n");      }      return(0);  }  /*for test*/  int test()  {      return(0);  }  /*main process*/  int MainProc()  {      int t=0;      while(scanf("%d",&n)!=EOF&&n>0)      {          //fromat control          t++;          if(t>1)          {              printf("\n");          }          //init          memset(pieset,0,sizeof(pieset));          memset(piesize,0,sizeof(piesize));          memset(puzzle,0,sizeof(puzzle));          memset(piecnt,0,sizeof(piecnt));          flag=0;          int i=0,j=0,k=0;          int piececnt=0;          for(k=0;k<=n-1;k++)          {              scanf("%d%d",&piesize[k][0],&piesize[k][1]);              for(i=0;i<=piesize[k][0]-1;i++)              {                  for(j=0;j<=piesize[k][1]-1;j++)                  {                      int num=0;                      scanf("%1d",&num);//scanf format control                      if(num>0)                      {                          piececnt++;                          piecnt[k]++;                          pieset[k][i][j]=k+1;//piece#i place i                      }                  }              }          }          if(piececnt==16)//prune,the puzzle 0' count != left pieces !0's count then prune it          DFS(0);          if(flag)          {              OutPuzzle();          }          else          {              printf("No solution possible\n");          }      }      return(0);  }  int main(int argc, char const *argv[])  {      /* code */      MainProc();  printf("\n");    return 0;  }  

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