
来源:互联网 发布:爱普生m10清零软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 16:55





MACRO(TRAP_ENTRY, Trap, Flags)    EXTERN @&Trap&Handler@4 :PROC    PUBLIC _&Trap    .PROC _&Trap        /* Generate proper debugging symbols */        FPO 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, FRAME_TRAP        /* Common code to create the trap frame */        KiEnterTrap Flags        /* Call the C handler */        KiCallHandler @&Trap&Handler@4    .ENDPENDM

VOIDFASTCALLHalpClockInterruptHandler(IN PKTRAP_FRAME TrapFrame){    ULONG LastIncrement;    KIRQL Irql;    /* Enter trap */    KiEnterInterruptTrap(TrapFrame);    /* Start the interrupt */    if (!HalBeginSystemInterrupt(CLOCK_LEVEL, HalpClockVector, &Irql))    {        /* Spurious, just end the interrupt */        KiEoiHelper(TrapFrame);    }    /* Read register C, so that the next interrupt can happen */    HalpReadCmos(RTC_REGISTER_C);;    /* Save increment */    LastIncrement = HalpCurrentTimeIncrement;    /* Check if someone changed the time rate */    if (HalpClockSetMSRate)    {        /* Set new clock rate */        RtcSetClockRate(HalpCurrentRate);        /* We're done */        HalpClockSetMSRate = FALSE;    }    /* Update the system time -- on x86 the kernel will exit this trap  */    KeUpdateSystemTime(TrapFrame, LastIncrement, Irql);}


VOIDFASTCALLHalRequestSoftwareInterrupt(IN KIRQL Irql){    ULONG EFlags;    PKPCR Pcr = KeGetPcr();    KIRQL PendingIrql;        /* Save EFlags and disable interrupts */    EFlags = __readeflags();    _disable();        /* Mask out the requested bit */    Pcr->IRR |= (1 << Irql);    /* Check for pending software interrupts and compare with current IRQL */    PendingIrql = SWInterruptLookUpTable[Pcr->IRR & 3];    if (PendingIrql > Pcr->Irql) SWInterruptHandlerTable[PendingIrql]();        /* Restore interrupt state */    __writeeflags(EFlags);}


VOIDHalpDispatchInterrupt2(VOID){    ULONG PendingIrqlMask, PendingIrql;    KIRQL OldIrql;    PIC_MASK Mask;    PKPCR Pcr = KeGetPcr();    /* Do the work */    OldIrql = _HalpDispatchInterruptHandler();        /* Restore IRQL */    Pcr->Irql = OldIrql;    /* Check for pending software interrupts and compare with current IRQL */    PendingIrqlMask = Pcr->IRR & FindHigherIrqlMask[OldIrql];    if (PendingIrqlMask)    {        /* Check if pending IRQL affects hardware state */        BitScanReverse(&PendingIrql, PendingIrqlMask);        if (PendingIrql > DISPATCH_LEVEL)        {            /* Set new PIC mask */            Mask.Both = Pcr->IDR & 0xFFFF;            __outbyte(PIC1_DATA_PORT, Mask.Master);            __outbyte(PIC2_DATA_PORT, Mask.Slave);                        /* Clear IRR bit */            Pcr->IRR ^= (1 << PendingIrql);        }        /* Now handle pending interrupt */        SWInterruptHandlerTable[PendingIrql]();    }}


VOIDNTAPIKiDispatchInterrupt(VOID){    PKIPCR Pcr = (PKIPCR)KeGetPcr();    PKPRCB Prcb = &Pcr->PrcbData;    PVOID OldHandler;    PKTHREAD NewThread, OldThread;    /* Disable interrupts */    _disable();    /* Check for pending timers, pending DPCs, or pending ready threads */    if ((Prcb->DpcData[0].DpcQueueDepth) ||        (Prcb->TimerRequest) ||        (Prcb->DeferredReadyListHead.Next))    {        /* Switch to safe execution context */        OldHandler = Pcr->NtTib.ExceptionList;        Pcr->NtTib.ExceptionList = EXCEPTION_CHAIN_END;        /* Retire DPCs while under the DPC stack */        KiRetireDpcListInDpcStack(Prcb, Prcb->DpcStack);        /* Restore context */        Pcr->NtTib.ExceptionList = OldHandler;    }    /* Re-enable interrupts */    _enable();    /* Check for quantum end */    if (Prcb->QuantumEnd)    {        /* Handle quantum end */        Prcb->QuantumEnd = FALSE;        KiQuantumEnd();    }    else if (Prcb->NextThread)    {               OldThread = Prcb->CurrentThread;        NewThread = Prcb->NextThread;        Prcb->NextThread = NULL;        Prcb->CurrentThread = NewThread;        NewThread->State = Running;        OldThread->WaitReason = WrDispatchInt;        KxQueueReadyThread(OldThread, Prcb);        KiSwapContext(APC_LEVEL, OldThread);    }}
VOIDFASTCALLKiSwapContextEntry(IN PKSWITCHFRAME SwitchFrame,                   IN ULONG_PTR OldThreadAndApcFlag){    PKIPCR Pcr = (PKIPCR)KeGetPcr();    PKTHREAD OldThread, NewThread;    ULONG Cr0, NewCr0;    /* Save APC bypass disable */    SwitchFrame->ApcBypassDisable = OldThreadAndApcFlag & 3;    SwitchFrame->ExceptionList = Pcr->NtTib.ExceptionList;    /* Increase context switch count and check if tracing is enabled */    Pcr->ContextSwitches++;    if (Pcr->PerfGlobalGroupMask)    {        /* We don't support this yet on x86 either */        DPRINT1("WMI Tracing not supported\n");        ASSERT(FALSE);    }    /* Get thread pointers */    OldThread = (PKTHREAD)(OldThreadAndApcFlag & ~3);    NewThread = Pcr->PrcbData.CurrentThread;    /* Get the old thread and set its kernel stack */    OldThread->KernelStack = SwitchFrame;    /* ISRs can change FPU state, so disable interrupts while checking */    _disable();    /* Get current and new CR0 and check if they've changed */    Cr0 = __readcr0();    NewCr0 = NewThread->NpxState |             (Cr0 & ~(CR0_MP | CR0_EM | CR0_TS)) |             KiGetThreadNpxArea(NewThread)->Cr0NpxState;    if (Cr0 != NewCr0)  __writecr0(NewCr0);    /* Now enable interrupts and do the switch */    _enable();    KiSwitchThreads(OldThread, NewThread->KernelStack);}


BOOLEANFASTCALLKiSwapContextExit(IN PKTHREAD OldThread,                  IN PKSWITCHFRAME SwitchFrame){    PKIPCR Pcr = (PKIPCR)KeGetPcr();    PKPROCESS OldProcess, NewProcess;    PKGDTENTRY GdtEntry;    PKTHREAD NewThread;    /* We are on the new thread stack now */    NewThread = Pcr->PrcbData.CurrentThread;    /* Now we are the new thread. Check if it's in a new process */    OldProcess = OldThread->ApcState.Process;    NewProcess = NewThread->ApcState.Process;    if (OldProcess != NewProcess)    {        /* Check if there is a different LDT */        if (*(PULONGLONG)&OldProcess->LdtDescriptor != *(PULONGLONG)&NewProcess->LdtDescriptor)        {            DPRINT1("LDT switch not implemented\n");            ASSERT(FALSE);                    }        /* Switch address space and flush TLB */        __writecr3(NewProcess->DirectoryTableBase[0]);    }    /* Clear GS */    Ke386SetGs(0);    /* Set the TEB */    Pcr->NtTib.Self = (PVOID)NewThread->Teb;    GdtEntry = &Pcr->GDT[KGDT_R3_TEB / sizeof(KGDTENTRY)];    GdtEntry->BaseLow = (USHORT)((ULONG_PTR)NewThread->Teb & 0xFFFF);    GdtEntry->HighWord.Bytes.BaseMid = (UCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)NewThread->Teb >> 16);    GdtEntry->HighWord.Bytes.BaseHi = (UCHAR)((ULONG_PTR)NewThread->Teb >> 24);    /* Set new TSS fields */    Pcr->TSS->Esp0 = (ULONG_PTR)NewThread->InitialStack;    if (!((KeGetTrapFrame(NewThread))->EFlags & EFLAGS_V86_MASK))    {        Pcr->TSS->Esp0 -= (FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, V86Gs) - FIELD_OFFSET(KTRAP_FRAME, HardwareSegSs));    }    Pcr->TSS->Esp0 -= NPX_FRAME_LENGTH;    Pcr->TSS->IoMapBase = NewProcess->IopmOffset;    /* Increase thread context switches */    NewThread->ContextSwitches++;    /* Load data from switch frame */    Pcr->NtTib.ExceptionList = SwitchFrame->ExceptionList;    /* DPCs shouldn't be active */    if (Pcr->PrcbData.DpcRoutineActive)    {        /* Crash the machine */        KeBugCheckEx(ATTEMPTED_SWITCH_FROM_DPC,                     (ULONG_PTR)OldThread,                     (ULONG_PTR)NewThread,                     (ULONG_PTR)OldThread->InitialStack,                     0);    }    /* Kernel APCs may be pending */    if (NewThread->ApcState.KernelApcPending)    {        /* Are APCs enabled? */        if (!NewThread->SpecialApcDisable)        {            /* Request APC delivery */            if (SwitchFrame->ApcBypassDisable)                HalRequestSoftwareInterrupt(APC_LEVEL);            else                return TRUE;        }    }    /* Return stating that no kernel APCs are pending*/    return FALSE;}

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