
来源:互联网 发布:大数据时代 社会学 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 08:07

查到的资料支持 macbook的为 Prolific(PL2303) 和 keyspan


rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions/XXXX.kext rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.kextcache rm -rf /System/Library/Extensions.mkext kextcache -k /System/Library/Extensions
这些指令需要管理员权限,建议使用root用户或者sudo -s。其中XXXX.kext就是驱动的名字,比如这里的两种USB-Serial驱动分别是Prolific和FDTI打头的。


screen /dev/tty.usbserial 9600
嵌入式开发的话 波特率一般为115200

USB Serial with screen
Main article: GNU screen

The GNU screen program is included with Mac OS X, and can be used from the terminal command line to connect to the serial console. To do this, simply get to a shell prompt in the terminal and invoke screen as follows:
% screen /dev/tty.usbmodem00000001
You should find yourself at the U-boot serial console prompt. To get out, type control+a followed by control+backslash.

USB Serial with minicom
Possible Mac OS X .pkg download: Dr. Jeffrey T. Frey: Minicom download and info; at the bottom
PL2303 USB serial driver (untested): PL2303 USB to Serial Driver for Mac OS X
The minicom program from the MacPorts collection can be used to access the USB serial port /dev/cu.usbmodem00000001 (numbering may vary.)
First install the program (assuming you already have MacPorts installed):
sudo port install minicom
Then launch it in configuration mode (the -s flag):
sudo minicom -s
Under "Serial Port Setup", set the Device to "/dev/cu.usbmodem00000001" and set Bps to "115200 8N1". Under "Modem and Dialing", enter empty strings for "Init string", "Reset string", and "Hang-up string". Save the setup as default ("dfl") then Exit.
You should now be able to access the bootloader console. You should exit from Minicom before disconnecting the smartphone, or else you will get an error about unplugging a USB device while it is in use.

USB Serial with Terminal
The built in Mac Terminal application can be used to access the USB serial port /dev/tty.usbmodem00000001 (numbering may vary.)
An easy way to do this is to configure the terminal with Script Editor, as described in the short article, Use '(GNU) screen' as a serial terminal emulator( Then,
Press and hold Template:Aux and then press and hold POWER for 5 seconds
Press Template:Aux to select Set console to USB in the U-Boot menu, and POWER to execute it
Start the serial terminal application. You should see a U-Boot command line prompt, such as
In:    usbtty
Out:   usbtty
Err:   usbtty
Enabling automatic fast charge
GTA01Bv4 #
When you boot Linux on the smartphone, or if the smartphone powers down, Mac OS X will show a USB Device Unplug Notice, "The USB device has been unplugged while an application was still active. This can result in loss of data." This error is probably harmless.

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