CSDN Summer of Code 2014 Report #1: About a interactive Command Line App

来源:互联网 发布:stc51系列单片机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 18:25

Design & Implement a command line app

For the past about 10 days, I'm working on designing & implementing the command line version of EasyTag. Design a CLI app is much easier than GUI apps. What I need to follow is some standards or old-school traditions. According to my personal use experience, I group CLI apps into three types according how user invoke them:

1. invoke with signal command, e.g. `ls` or `yum`, `git`

2. invoke interactively often keep waiting for user input, e.g. `kid3-cli`

3. advance command UI interface e.g.`cmus`

For the first type, we  have only to parsing program arguments, since I'm build the CLI app in C, I can parse it by myself, if the arguments is very simple, otherwise, it's better to use library functions like `getop` or `argp`。

About the interactive one, it's awesome to have editline and complemented. For now I still do not how to parse complex command or even determine what kind of command format that I should use.

what I have done

  • Implement the skeleton of easytag-cli
  • Support wavpack files
  • Create a basic command line interface

What next

  • Support more file type
  •  Add line edit support
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