[Java][Android][Process] Process 创建+控制+分析 经验浅谈

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相关:[Android] ProcessBuilder与Runtime.getRuntime().exec分别创建进程的区别,[Android] [Java] 分享 Process 执行命令行封装类


单线程:PING 百度 TTL=1 =》 得到IP,PING IP 得到延迟丢包,改变TTL,进行下一次PING,直到所得到的IP与目标(百度)一样时停止。按照上面的思路一次需要创建两个子进程,一般到百度时TTL大约为12跳左右,所以就是2*12=24个子进程;如果是在单线程下简单明了,但是速度慢,整个过程大约需要1分钟左右。







/** * Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */package java.lang;import java.io.File;import java.io.FileDescriptor;import java.io.FileInputStream;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.logging.Logger;import java.util.logging.Level;/*** * Manages child processes. * * <p>Harmony's native implementation (for comparison purposes): * http://tinyurl.com/3ytwuq */final class ProcessManager {    /***     * constant communicated from native code indicating that a     * child died, but it was unable to determine the status     */    private static final int WAIT_STATUS_UNKNOWN = -1;    /***     * constant communicated from native code indicating that there     * are currently no children to wait for     */    private static final int WAIT_STATUS_NO_CHILDREN = -2;    /***     * constant communicated from native code indicating that a wait()     * call returned -1 and set an undocumented (and hence unexpected) errno     */    private static final int WAIT_STATUS_STRANGE_ERRNO = -3;    /***     * Initializes native static state.     */    static native void staticInitialize();    static {        staticInitialize();    }    /***     * Map from pid to Process. We keep weak references to the Process objects     * and clean up the entries when no more external references are left. The     * process objects themselves don't require much memory, but file     * descriptors (associated with stdin/out/err in this case) can be     * a scarce resource.     */    private final Map<Integer, ProcessReference> processReferences            = new HashMap<Integer, ProcessReference>();    /*** Keeps track of garbage-collected Processes. */    private final ProcessReferenceQueue referenceQueue            = new ProcessReferenceQueue();    private ProcessManager() {        // Spawn a thread to listen for signals from child processes.        Thread processThread = new Thread(ProcessManager.class.getName()) {            @Override            public void run() {                watchChildren();            }        };        processThread.setDaemon(true);        processThread.start();    }    /***     * Kills the process with the given ID.     *     * @parm pid ID of process to kill     */    private static native void kill(int pid) throws IOException;    /***     * Cleans up after garbage collected processes. Requires the lock on the     * map.     */    void cleanUp() {        ProcessReference reference;        while ((reference = referenceQueue.poll()) != null) {            synchronized (processReferences) {                processReferences.remove(reference.processId);            }        }    }    /***     * Listens for signals from processes and calls back to     * {@link #onExit(int,int)}.     */    native void watchChildren();    /***     * Called by {@link #watchChildren()} when a child process exits.     *     * @param pid ID of process that exited     * @param exitValue value the process returned upon exit     */    void onExit(int pid, int exitValue) {        ProcessReference processReference = null;        synchronized (processReferences) {            cleanUp();            if (pid >= 0) {                processReference = processReferences.remove(pid);            } else if (exitValue == WAIT_STATUS_NO_CHILDREN) {                if (processReferences.isEmpty()) {                    /**                     * There are no eligible children; wait for one to be                     * added. The wait() will return due to the                     * notifyAll() call below.                     */                    try {                        processReferences.wait();                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {                        // This should never happen.                        throw new AssertionError("unexpected interrupt");                    }                } else {                    /**                     * A new child was spawned just before we entered                     * the synchronized block. We can just fall through                     * without doing anything special and land back in                     * the native wait().                     */                }            } else {                // Something weird is happening; abort!                throw new AssertionError("unexpected wait() behavior");            }        }        if (processReference != null) {            ProcessImpl process = processReference.get();            if (process != null) {                process.setExitValue(exitValue);            }        }    }    /***     * Executes a native process. Fills in in, out, and err and returns the     * new process ID upon success.     */    static native int exec(String[] command, String[] environment,            String workingDirectory, FileDescriptor in, FileDescriptor out,            FileDescriptor err, boolean redirectErrorStream) throws IOException;    /***     * Executes a process and returns an object representing it.     */    Process exec(String[] taintedCommand, String[] taintedEnvironment, File workingDirectory,            boolean redirectErrorStream) throws IOException {        // Make sure we throw the same exceptions as the RI.        if (taintedCommand == null) {            throw new NullPointerException();        }        if (taintedCommand.length == 0) {            throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();        }        // Handle security and safety by copying mutable inputs and checking them.        String[] command = taintedCommand.clone();        String[] environment = taintedEnvironment != null ? taintedEnvironment.clone() : null;        SecurityManager securityManager = System.getSecurityManager();        if (securityManager != null) {            securityManager.checkExec(command[0]);        }        // Check we're not passing null Strings to the native exec.        for (String arg : command) {            if (arg == null) {                throw new NullPointerException();            }        }        // The environment is allowed to be null or empty, but no element may be null.        if (environment != null) {            for (String env : environment) {                if (env == null) {                    throw new NullPointerException();                }            }        }        FileDescriptor in = new FileDescriptor();        FileDescriptor out = new FileDescriptor();        FileDescriptor err = new FileDescriptor();        String workingPath = (workingDirectory == null)                ? null                : workingDirectory.getPath();        // Ensure onExit() doesn't access the process map before we add our        // entry.        synchronized (processReferences) {            int pid;            try {                pid = exec(command, environment, workingPath, in, out, err, redirectErrorStream);            } catch (IOException e) {                IOException wrapper = new IOException("Error running exec()."                         + " Command: " + Arrays.toString(command)                        + " Working Directory: " + workingDirectory                        + " Environment: " + Arrays.toString(environment));                wrapper.initCause(e);                throw wrapper;            }            ProcessImpl process = new ProcessImpl(pid, in, out, err);            ProcessReference processReference                    = new ProcessReference(process, referenceQueue);            processReferences.put(pid, processReference);            /**             * This will wake up the child monitor thread in case there             * weren't previously any children to wait on.             */            processReferences.notifyAll();            return process;        }    }    static class ProcessImpl extends Process {        /*** Process ID. */        final int id;        final InputStream errorStream;        /*** Reads output from process. */        final InputStream inputStream;        /*** Sends output to process. */        final OutputStream outputStream;        /*** The process's exit value. */        Integer exitValue = null;        final Object exitValueMutex = new Object();        ProcessImpl(int id, FileDescriptor in, FileDescriptor out,                FileDescriptor err) {            this.id = id;            this.errorStream = new ProcessInputStream(err);            this.inputStream = new ProcessInputStream(in);            this.outputStream = new ProcessOutputStream(out);        }        public void destroy() {            try {                kill(this.id);            } catch (IOException e) {                Logger.getLogger(Runtime.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE,                        "Failed to destroy process " + id + ".", e);            }        }        public int exitValue() {            synchronized (exitValueMutex) {                if (exitValue == null) {                    throw new IllegalThreadStateException(                            "Process has not yet terminated.");                }                return exitValue;            }        }        public InputStream getErrorStream() {            return this.errorStream;        }        public InputStream getInputStream() {            return this.inputStream;        }        public OutputStream getOutputStream() {            return this.outputStream;        }        public int waitFor() throws InterruptedException {            synchronized (exitValueMutex) {                while (exitValue == null) {                    exitValueMutex.wait();                }                return exitValue;            }        }        void setExitValue(int exitValue) {            synchronized (exitValueMutex) {                this.exitValue = exitValue;                exitValueMutex.notifyAll();            }        }        @Override        public String toString() {            return "Process[id=" + id + "]";          }    }    static class ProcessReference extends WeakReference<ProcessImpl> {        final int processId;        public ProcessReference(ProcessImpl referent,                ProcessReferenceQueue referenceQueue) {            super(referent, referenceQueue);            this.processId = referent.id;        }    }    static class ProcessReferenceQueue extends ReferenceQueue<ProcessImpl> {        @Override        public ProcessReference poll() {            // Why couldn't they get the generics right on ReferenceQueue? :(            Object reference = super.poll();            return (ProcessReference) reference;        }    }    static final ProcessManager instance = new ProcessManager();    /*** Gets the process manager. */    static ProcessManager getInstance() {        return instance;    }    /*** Automatically closes fd when collected. */    private static class ProcessInputStream extends FileInputStream {        private FileDescriptor fd;        private ProcessInputStream(FileDescriptor fd) {            super(fd);            this.fd = fd;        }        @Override        public void close() throws IOException {            try {                super.close();            } finally {                synchronized (this) {                    if (fd != null && fd.valid()) {                        try {                            ProcessManager.close(fd);                        } finally {                            fd = null;                        }                    }                }            }        }    }    /*** Automatically closes fd when collected. */    private static class ProcessOutputStream extends FileOutputStream {        private FileDescriptor fd;        private ProcessOutputStream(FileDescriptor fd) {            super(fd);            this.fd = fd;        }        @Override        public void close() throws IOException {            try {                super.close();            } finally {                synchronized (this) {                    if (fd != null && fd.valid()) {                        try {                            ProcessManager.close(fd);                        } finally {                            fd = null;                        }                    }                }            }        }    }    /*** Closes the given file descriptor. */    private static native void close(FileDescriptor fd) throws IOException;}

在其中有一个“native void watchChildren();”方法,此方法为线程主方法,具体实现可以看看JNI,在其中回调了方法:“void onExit(int pid, int exitValue);” 在方法中:

void onExit(int pid, int exitValue) {        ProcessReference processReference = null;        synchronized (processReferences) {            cleanUp();            if (pid >= 0) {                processReference = processReferences.remove(pid);            } else if (exitValue == WAIT_STATUS_NO_CHILDREN) {                if (processReferences.isEmpty()) {                    /**                     * There are no eligible children; wait for one to be                     * added. The wait() will return due to the                     * notifyAll() call below.                     */                    try {                        processReferences.wait();                    } catch (InterruptedException ex) {                        // This should never happen.                        throw new AssertionError("unexpected interrupt");                    }                } else {                    /**                     * A new child was spawned just before we entered                     * the synchronized block. We can just fall through                     * without doing anything special and land back in                     * the native wait().                     */                }            } else {                // Something weird is happening; abort!                throw new AssertionError("unexpected wait() behavior");            }        }        if (processReference != null) {            ProcessImpl process = processReference.get();            if (process != null) {                process.setExitValue(exitValue);            }        }    }





        public int waitFor() throws InterruptedException {            synchronized (exitValueMutex) {                while (exitValue == null) {                    exitValueMutex.wait();                }                return exitValue;            }        }
        void setExitValue(int exitValue) {            synchronized (exitValueMutex) {                this.exitValue = exitValue;                exitValueMutex.notifyAll();            }        }



        public int exitValue() {            synchronized (exitValueMutex) {                if (exitValue == null) {                    throw new IllegalThreadStateException(                            "Process has not yet terminated.");                }                return exitValue;            }        }


    /**     * 实例化一个ProcessModel     *     * @param process Process     */    private ProcessModel(Process process) {        //init        this.process = process;        //get        out = process.getOutputStream();        in = process.getInputStream();        err = process.getErrorStream();        //in        if (in != null) {            isInReader = new InputStreamReader(in);            bInReader = new BufferedReader(isInReader, BUFFER_LENGTH);        }        sbReader = new StringBuilder();        //start read thread        readThread();    }....................    //读取结果    private void read() {        String str;        //read In        try {            while ((str = bInReader.readLine()) != null) {                sbReader.append(str);                sbReader.append(BREAK_LINE);            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            Logs.e(TAG, e.getMessage());        }    }    /**     * 启动线程进行异步读取结果     */    private void readThread() {        Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                //                while (true) {                    try {                        process.exitValue();                        //read last                        read();                        break;                    } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {                        read();                    }                    StaticFunction.sleepIgnoreInterrupt(300);                }                //read end                int len;                if (in != null) {                    try {                        while ((len = in.read(BUFFER)) > 0) {                            Logs.d(TAG, String.valueOf(len));                        }                    } catch (IOException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                        Logs.e(TAG, e.getMessage());                    }                }                //close                close();                //done                isDone = true;            }        });        thread.setName("DroidTestAgent.Test.TestModel.ProcessModel:ReadThread");        thread.setDaemon(true);        thread.start();    }

当创建进程后把进程丢进我建立的类中实例化为一个进程管理类,随后启动线程,线程执行中调用进程的”exitValue()“,如果异常就进入读取数据,直到不异常时再次读取一次最后数据,随后退出循环,退出后还读取了一次底层的数据(这个其实可以不用要,纯属心理作用!)。最后写入完成标记。其中”StaticFunction.sleepIgnoreInterrupt(300);“是我写的静态方法用于休眠等待而已,也就是Sleep,只不过加入了try catch




        public void destroy() {            try {                kill(this.id);            } catch (IOException e) {                Logger.getLogger(Runtime.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE,                        "Failed to destroy process " + id + ".", e);            }        }



import com.droidtestagent.journal.Logs;import com.droidtestagent.util.StaticFunction;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.InputStream;import java.io.InputStreamReader;import java.io.OutputStream;import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;/** * Create By Qiujuer * 2014-08-05 * <p/> * 执行命令行语句进程管理封装 */public class ProcessModel {    private static final String TAG = "ProcessModel";    //换行符    private static final String BREAK_LINE;    //错误缓冲    private static final byte[] BUFFER;    //缓冲区大小    private static final int BUFFER_LENGTH;    //创建进程时需要互斥进行    private static final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();    //ProcessBuilder    private static final ProcessBuilder prc;    final private Process process;    final private InputStream in;    final private InputStream err;    final private OutputStream out;    final private StringBuilder sbReader;    private BufferedReader bInReader = null;    private InputStreamReader isInReader = null;    private boolean isDone;    /**     * 静态变量初始化     */    static {        BREAK_LINE = "\n";        BUFFER_LENGTH = 128;        BUFFER = new byte[BUFFER_LENGTH];        prc = new ProcessBuilder();    }    /**     * 实例化一个ProcessModel     *     * @param process Process     */    private ProcessModel(Process process) {        //init        this.process = process;        //get        out = process.getOutputStream();        in = process.getInputStream();        err = process.getErrorStream();        //in        if (in != null) {            isInReader = new InputStreamReader(in);            bInReader = new BufferedReader(isInReader, BUFFER_LENGTH);        }        sbReader = new StringBuilder();        //start read thread        readThread();    }    /**     * 执行命令     *     * @param params 命令参数 eg: "/system/bin/ping", "-c", "4", "-s", "100","www.qiujuer.net"     */    public static ProcessModel create(String... params) {        Process process = null;        try {            lock.lock();            process = prc.command(params)                    .redirectErrorStream(true)                    .start();        } catch (IOException e) {            e.printStackTrace();        } finally {            //sleep 100            StaticFunction.sleepIgnoreInterrupt(100);            lock.unlock();        }        if (process == null)            return null;        return new ProcessModel(process);    }    /**     * 通过Android底层实现进程关闭     *     * @param process 进程     */    public static void kill(Process process) {        int pid = getProcessId(process);        if (pid != 0) {            try {                android.os.Process.killProcess(pid);            } catch (Exception e) {                try {                    process.destroy();                } catch (Exception ex) {                    //ex.printStackTrace();                }            }        }    }    /**     * 获取进程的ID     *     * @param process 进程     * @return id     */    public static int getProcessId(Process process) {        String str = process.toString();        try {            int i = str.indexOf("=") + 1;            int j = str.indexOf("]");            str = str.substring(i, j);            return Integer.parseInt(str);        } catch (Exception e) {            return 0;        }    }    //读取结果    private void read() {        String str;        //read In        try {            while ((str = bInReader.readLine()) != null) {                sbReader.append(str);                sbReader.append(BREAK_LINE);            }        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            Logs.e(TAG, e.getMessage());        }    }    /**     * 启动线程进行异步读取结果     */    private void readThread() {        Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                //while to end                while (true) {                    try {                        process.exitValue();                        //read last                        read();                        break;                    } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {                        read();                    }                    StaticFunction.sleepIgnoreInterrupt(300);                }                //read end                int len;                if (in != null) {                    try {                        while ((len = in.read(BUFFER)) > 0) {                            Logs.d(TAG, String.valueOf(len));                        }                    } catch (IOException e) {                        e.printStackTrace();                        Logs.e(TAG, e.getMessage());                    }                }                //close                close();                //done                isDone = true;            }        });        thread.setName("DroidTestAgent.Test.TestModel.ProcessModel:ReadThread");        thread.setDaemon(true);        thread.start();    }    /**     * 获取执行结果     *     * @return 结果     */    public String getResult() {        //waite process setValue        try {            process.waitFor();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();            Logs.e(TAG, e.getMessage());        }        //until startRead en        while (true) {            if (isDone)                break;            StaticFunction.sleepIgnoreInterrupt(100);        }        //return        if (sbReader.length() == 0)            return null;        else            return sbReader.toString();    }    /**     * 关闭所有流     */    private void close() {        //close out        if (out != null) {            try {                out.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        //err        if (err != null) {            try {                err.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        //in        if (in != null) {            try {                in.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        if (isInReader != null) {            try {                isInReader.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }        if (bInReader != null) {            try {                bInReader.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }        }    }    /**     * 销毁     */    public void destroy() {        //process        try {            process.destroy();        } catch (Exception ex) {            kill(process);        }    }}

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