常用Sql Server 语法大全

来源:互联网 发布:网络程琳个人资料 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 03:10

              本人经常使用Sql Server数据库,总结了一些常用的Sql Server语法含增删查改,存储过程,触发器等语法。提供新手学习及语法查找,文件简短,省去大量查找资料时间,不足之处有待完善。

                                                                  --常用Sql Server 语法大全
if exists (select * from sys.databases where name='test')
drop database test       --如存在相同名称数据库则删除数据库
create database test on primary(
name=N'test',            --数据库名称
filename=N'D:\test.mdf', --文件地址
size=3MB,                --初始大小3MB(不能小于3MB)
maxsize=unlimited,       --文件最大容量值
filegrowth=1MB           --文件增长率
log on                   --数据库日志文件
name=N'test_log',        --日志文件名称
size=1MB,                --日志文件初始大小1MB
maxsize=1GB,             --日志文件最大容量值
filegrowth=10%           --日志文件增长率
--bit--smallint--int --char--float--double
if exists(select * from sys.objects where name='mytest' and type='U')
drop table mytest
create table mytest
id int identity(1,1) primary key,         --主键自增
[name] varchar(50) unique,                --唯一值不能重复
[sex] varchar(2) not null default('男'),  --默认为’男‘
address varchar(343) not null,            --不能为空
age smallint check(age<120 and age>0),     --约束不能大于120小于0岁
date datetime
insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age,date) values('yi','男','于璐璐',39,getdate())
insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age,date) values('yib','男','于璐璐',3,getdate())
insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age,date) values('yibi','女','于璐璐',34,getdate())
insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age,date) values('yibin','女','于璐璐',25,getdate())
insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age,date) values('yibing','男','易津锐',30,getdate())
insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age,date) values('yibing2','男','易津锐',26,getdate())
insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age,date) values('y2','男','津锐',26,getdate())

select * from mytest where id not in(select id from mytest where age<30 and age>20)
select * from mytest where id not in(select id from mytest where age between 20 and 30)


select count(*) 相同个数 address from mytest group by address having count(address)>1

select a.* from mytest a where exists(
select 1 from mytest b where a.id<>b.id and a.address=b.address )

select distinct t.id,t.[name], max(t.address) from mytest t, mytest t2
group by t.id,t2.id,t.address,t2.address,t.[name] having t.id<>t2.id and t.address=t2.address

select distinct t1.* from mytest t1,mytest t2 where t1.id<>t2.id and t1.address=t2.address
--select * from 表名
--GROuP BY  姓名

select * from mytest where
select count(*) 相同个数,a.address from (select t.* from mytest t where exists(select id from mytest t2 where t.id<>t2.id and t.address=t2.address))as a
group by a.address
select row_number() over(order by date ) 序列号,* from mytest

select * from mytest t1 where exists(select 1 from mytest t2 where t1.id<>t2.id and t1.address=t2.address)

select * from mytest where address like'_津%'      --模糊查询%%,_%,%_
select * from mytest where date between'2011-09-22 16:01:07.678' and '2011-09-29' --规定范围之间取值
select * from mytest where date >'2011-09-25 16:01:07.678' and date<'2011-09-26' --规定范围之间取值
select distinct * from mytest                      --distinct消除重复记录
select * from mytest order by id asc               --升序
select * from mytest order by id desc              --降序
select id,sex,age,count(*) as 个数,address from mytest group by sex,age,address,id
having id='1'  --分组
select t.*,t2.* from mytest t left join mytest t2 on t.id=t2.id--左连接
select t.*,t2.* from mytest t right join mytest t2 on t.id=t2.id--右连接
select t.*,t2.* from mytest t full join mytest t2 on t.id=t2.id--完全连接
select * from mytest where id not in(select id from mytest where id>2 and sex='女')--字查询
select * from mytest where id in(select id from mytest where id>2 and sex='女')--字查询
select * from mytest where exists(select id from mytest where id>2 and sex='女')--字查询
select * from mytest where not exists(select id from mytest where id>2 and sex='女')--字查询
select * from mytest where id < any(select id from mytest where id>2 and sex='女')--字查询
select * from mytest where id < all(select id from mytest where id>2 and sex='女')--字查询
< any--小于查询结果的某个值  >=any <=any <>any >any
< all--小于查询结果的所有值  >=all <=all <>all >all
select * from mytest union select * from mytest
select * from mytest union all select * from mytest--联合查询,不过滤重复值,不排序
select * from mytest intersect select * from mytest
select id,[name],[sex],address,age into mytest3 from mytest
--select into语法,将mytest表复制备份到mytest3表中
select * from mytest3
select id,address,age,
   (case sex when '男' then [name] else'' end) 男,
   (case sex when '女' then [name] else'' end) 女
from mytest
select id,address,age,
   (case  when sex='男' then [name] else'' end) 男,
   (case  when sex='女' then [name] else'' end) 女
from mytest
select * from mytest pivot(max([name]) for sex in(男,女))a
--方法三left join左连接
select r.id,address,age,男,女 from mytest r
left join
(select id,[name] as 男 from mytest where sex='男') t on r.id=t.id
left join
(select id,[name] as 女 from mytest where sex='女') t2 on r.id=t2.id

declare @str varchar(30)
set @str='123'     --赋值
print @str         --打印输出
select @str        --表形式输出
 select @@identity
 select @@connections
select abs(-23.44)    --取绝对值23.44
select ceiling(34.56) --返回大于等于参数的最小整数35
select floor(34.56)   --返回小于等于参数的最大整数34
select round(2312.32534,2)--四舍五入运算,2为保留的小数位2312.33000
select ltrim(' 234')  --去掉左边空格
select charindex('a','s3dda33')--返回字符'a'在字符串's3dda33'中的位置5,从1开始计数
select len('234wefwef')--返回字符串的长度9
select substring('we我rweff',3,5)--从字符串位置3开始截取5个字符返回'我rwef'
select stuff('we我rweff',3,5,'已替换掉了')--从字符串位置3开始替换五个后面参数的字符输出‘we已替换掉了f’
--qq,q   (1-4)--季度
--mm,m   (1-12)月份
--dy,y   (1-366)一年的第几天
--dd,d   (1-31)一月的第几天
--wk,ww  (1-7)星期几
--hh     (0-23)小时
--mi,n   (0-59)分钟
--ss,s   (0-59)秒
--ms     (0-999)毫秒
select getdate()    --获得当前时间
select dateadd(yy,3,'2011-2-2')--为yy年份添加整数3输出2014-02-02 00:00:00.000
select dateadd(mm,3,'2011-2-2')--为mm月份添加整数3输出2011-05-02 00:00:00.000
select datediff(yy,'1922-1-3','2011-2-3')--返回两个时间参数的年份的时间差输出89
select datediff(mm,'1922-1-3','2011-2-3')--返回两个时间参数的月份的时间差输出1069
select datename(yyyy,'2011-2-3')         --返回年份
select datename(mm,'2011-2-3')           --返回月份
select datename(ww,'2011-2-3')           --返回星期几
select datepart(ss,'2011-2-3 23:44:09')  --返回秒整数
select day('2011-2-3 23:44:09')          --返回天数
select month('2011-2-3 23:44:09')        --返回月数
select year('2011-2-3 23:44:09')         --返回年数
select cast(233.44 as int)--cast函数强制将整数233.44转换整数233输出
select convert(varchar,getdate(),101) as '101'--convert将时间转换为字符输出
--case 表达式语法
select distinct id,address,age,
   (case sex when '男' then [name] else'' end) 男,
   (case sex when '女' then [name] else'' end) 女
from mytest
create view v_test
select *from mytest --建立视图v_test
create index sex on mytest(sex)--在mytest表的sex字段上建立了索引
create unique index id on mytest(id)--在mytest表的id字段上建立了唯一索引
create clustered index sex2 on mytest(id)--在mytest表的id字段上建立了聚集索引
create nonclustered index sex3 on mytest(id)--在mytest表的id字段上建立了非聚集索引
if exists(select 1 from sys.objects where [name]='insertest' and type='P')
drop procedure insertest
create procedure insertest
   @name varchar(30),
   @sex varchar(2)='男',   --默认值为男
   @address varchar(200),
   @age int=25             --指定默认值为25
   insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age) values(@name,@sex,@address,@age)
exec insertest '李利利','男','榆林路93弄2号211室',90  --exec执行存储过程
if exists(select 1 from sys.objects where [name]='insertest2' and type='P')
drop procedure insertest2
create procedure insertest2
   @name varchar(30),
   @sex varchar(4)='男',   --默认值为男
   @address varchar(200),
   @age int=25,            --指定默认值为25
   @id int output         --定义返回类型
   insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age) values(@name,@sex,@address,@age)
   set @id=@@identity      --将自增字段数据赋值给@id并返回  
declare @putid int
exec insertest2 '王利利','男','XX路',90,@putid output  --exec执行存储过程
print cast(@putid as varchar)                  --将@putid转换为varchar输出             
if exists(select 1 from sys.objects where [name]='insertest3' and type='P')
drop procedure insertest3
create procedure insertest3
   @name varchar(30),
   @sex varchar(2)='男',   --默认值为男
   @address varchar(200),
   @age int=25,            --指定默认值为25
   @id int output          --定义返回类型
begin try                  --开始监视程序
   begin tran              --准备事务
    insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age) values(@name,@sex,@address,@age)
    set @id=@@identity     --将自增字段数据赋值给@id并返回  
   commit tran             --不出错则提交事务
end try                    --结束监视程序
begin catch  
   set @id=-1             --程序出错处理开始
   rollback tran           --程序出错则回滚事务,不执行插入表sql语句
end catch                  --程序出错处理结束


--                  inserted表与deleted表的关系图

--触发器类型   |         inserted表              |          deleted表
--insert      | 存储所插入的记录的副本           |            无
--update      | 存储更新了的记录的副本           |  存储更新前的原始记录的副本
--delete      |        无                       |  存储所删除的原始记录的副本

if exists(select * from sys.all_objects where [name]='triggtest' and [type]='TR')
drop trigger triggtest
create trigger triggtest
on mytest                   --触发器建立对象在mytest表上
for insert,update,delete    --建立插入,修改,删除类型触发器
    delete from trigtesttab --先删除监视表trigtesttab
    insert into trigtesttab --插入数据
    select count(name),avg(age),getdate() from mytest
    group by age            --age分组
  insert into mytest([name],[sex],address,age) values('pt58','h','t',55)
  delete from mytest where id='1'

create table trigtesttab
namecount int,
ageavg int,
date datetime
select * from mytest
select * from trigtesttab
if exists(select * from sys.all_objects where [name]='triggtest2' and [type]='TR')
drop trigger triggtest2
create trigger triggtest2
on mytest                   --触发器建立对象在mytest上
for update                  --建立修改触发器  
if update([name])           --在[name]字段上建立列级修改触发器
  rollback tran
update mytest  set [name]='123' where id='3'    --无法修改成功

create table tuser
id int primary key identity(1,1),
uname varchar(50),
utele varchar(100)
create table torder
id int primary key identity(1,1),
pname varchar(50),
price decimal(5,2),
number int,
tuser_id int foreign key  references tuser(id)--ON DELETE CASCADE 加上关键字可自动连级删除
insert into tuser values('yi','1342424425')
insert into tuser values('yibin','13436546747')
insert into tuser values('yijinrui','13436546747')
insert into torder values('net编程','213','1',1)
insert into torder values('php编程','123','1',1)
insert into torder values('java编程','323','1',2)
insert into torder values('Vb编程','323','1',2)
insert into torder values('jquery编程','323','2',2)
select * from torder
select * from tuser
select uname,pname,price,number from torder,tuser where torder.tuser_id=tuser.id

create procedure insertuser
   @uname varchar(50),
   @utele varchar(100)
   insert into tuser values(@uname,@utele)
exec insertuser 'li','11133544'
drop trigger deletetuser on tuser
instead of delete         --建立instead of类型的delete触发器替代delete执行语句
declare @uid int          --定义tuser的id变量
begin  try
 select @uid=id from deleted   --获得删除tuser表的id
 delete from torder where tuser_id=@uid  --删除torder表的引用id号@uid
 delete from tuser where id=@uid     --执行主表的删除动作
end try
begin catch
   rollback tran
end catch
delete from torder where id=1
delete from tuser where id=1
year | quarter | month | week | day | hour | minute | second | millisecond
declare @date varchar,@date2 varchar
set @date='2011-2-12 6:34:06'
set @date2='2012-12-10'
select cast(datediff(year,@date,@date2) as varchar)+'年'+
       cast(datediff(month,'2011-2-12 6:34:06','2012-12-10') as varchar)+'月'+
       cast(datediff(day,'2011-2-12 6:34:06','2012-12-10') as varchar)+'天'+
     cast(cast(datediff(hour,'2011-2-12 6:34:06','2012-12-10') as int)%24 as varchar)+'小时'+
     cast(cast(datediff(minute,'2011-2-12 6:34:06','2012-12-10') as int)%60 as varchar)+'分'+
     cast(cast(datediff(second,'2011-2-12 6:34:06','2012-12-10') as int)%60 as varchar)+'秒'
 as 时间差 from tuser

0 0