C/C++检测内存泄漏的工具 vld Visual Leak Detector223 的使用方法和sample示例

来源:互联网 发布:c编程软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:16

C/C++检测内存泄漏的工具 vld Visual Leak Detector223 的使用方法和sample示例


这类的工具有 比如 :LeakDiag leakfinder "Visual Leak Detector"  

vld可以从http://vld.codeplex.com/releases/view/82311 现在最新版本,包括src源代码。

安装好以后,他会提示 要求添加 dll 到环境变量中去。

使用 vld 的方法为:在自己的代码中 添加 vld 的头文件,以及 lib 声明,其会自动去环境变量path中搜索 vld_x86.dll 或vld_x64.dll ,然后 调用其中的方法的。

头文件有俩:vld_def.h 和 vld.h,只需要包含后者(其会包含前者的)


 1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 2 // 3 //  Visual Leak Detector - Import Library Header 4 //  Copyright (c) 2005-2012 VLD Team 5 // 6 //  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 7 //  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 8 //  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 9 //  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.10 //11 //  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,12 //  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of13 //  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU14 //  Lesser General Public License for more details.15 //16 //  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public17 //  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software18 //  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA19 //20 //  See COPYING.txt for the full terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.21 //22 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////23 24 #pragma once25 26 #define VLD_OPT_AGGREGATE_DUPLICATES    0x0001 //   If set, aggregate duplicate leaks in the leak report.27 #define VLD_OPT_MODULE_LIST_INCLUDE     0x0002 //   If set, modules in the module list are included, all others are excluded.28 #define VLD_OPT_REPORT_TO_DEBUGGER      0x0004 //   If set, the memory leak report is sent to the debugger.29 #define VLD_OPT_REPORT_TO_FILE          0x0008 //   If set, the memory leak report is sent to a file.30 #define VLD_OPT_SAFE_STACK_WALK         0x0010 //   If set, the stack is walked using the "safe" method (StackWalk64).31 #define VLD_OPT_SELF_TEST               0x0020 //   If set, perform a self-test to verify memory leak self-checking.32 #define VLD_OPT_SLOW_DEBUGGER_DUMP      0x0040 //   If set, inserts a slight delay between sending output to the debugger.33 #define VLD_OPT_START_DISABLED          0x0080 //   If set, memory leak detection will initially disabled.34 #define VLD_OPT_TRACE_INTERNAL_FRAMES   0x0100 //   If set, include useless frames (e.g. internal to VLD) in call stacks.35 #define VLD_OPT_UNICODE_REPORT          0x0200 //   If set, the leak report will be encoded UTF-16 instead of ASCII.36 #define VLD_OPT_VLDOFF                  0x0400 //   If set, VLD will be completely deactivated. It will not attach to any modules.37 #define VLD_OPT_REPORT_TO_STDOUT        0x0800 //   If set, the memory leak report is sent to stdout.38 #define VLD_OPT_SKIP_HEAPFREE_LEAKS     0x1000 //   If set, VLD skip HeapFree memory leaks.39 #define VLD_OPT_VALIDATE_HEAPFREE       0x2000 //   If set, VLD verifies and reports heap consistency for HeapFree calls.40 #define VLD_OPT_RELEASE_CRT_RUNTIME     0x4000 //   If set, VLD treat CRT runtime as release version (use only with define VLD_FORCE_ENABLE).41 42 #define VLD_RPTHOOK_INSTALL  043 #define VLD_RPTHOOK_REMOVE   144 45 typedef int (__cdecl * VLD_REPORT_HOOK)(int reportType, wchar_t *message, int *returnValue);
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  Visual Leak Detector - Import Library Header//  Copyright (c) 2005-2012 VLD Team////  This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or//  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public//  License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either//  version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.////  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,//  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of//  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU//  Lesser General Public License for more details.////  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public//  License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software//  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA////  See COPYING.txt for the full terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License.//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////#pragma once#include "vld_def.h"#if defined _DEBUG || defined VLD_FORCE_ENABLE#include <windows.h>//#pragma comment(lib, "vld.lib")// Force a symbolic reference to the global VisualLeakDetector class object from// the DLL. This ensures that the DLL is loaded and linked with the program,// even if no code otherwise imports any of the DLL's exports.#pragma comment(linker, "/include:__imp_?g_vld@@3VVisualLeakDetector@@A")////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////  Visual Leak Detector APIs//#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif // __cplusplus// VLDDisable - Disables Visual Leak Detector's memory leak detection at//   runtime. If memory leak detection is already disabled, then calling this//   function has no effect.////  Note: In multithreaded programs, this function operates on a per-thread//    basis. In other words, if you call this function from one thread, then//    memory leak detection is only disabled for that thread. If memory leak//    detection is enabled for other threads, then it will remain enabled for//    those other threads. It was designed to work this way to insulate you,//    the programmer, from having to ensure thread synchronization when calling//    VLDEnable() and VLDDisable(). Without this, calling these two functions//    unsynchronized could result in unpredictable and unintended behavior.//    But this also means that if you want to disable memory leak detection//    process-wide, then you need to call this function from every thread in//    the process.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDDisable ();// VLDEnable - Enables Visual Leak Detector's memory leak detection at runtime.//   If memory leak detection is already enabled, which it is by default, then//   calling this function has no effect.////  Note: In multithreaded programs, this function operates on a per-thread//    basis. In other words, if you call this function from one thread, then//    memory leak detection is only enabled for that thread. If memory leak//    detection is disabled for other threads, then it will remain disabled for//    those other threads. It was designed to work this way to insulate you,//    the programmer, from having to ensure thread synchronization when calling//    VLDEnable() and VLDDisable(). Without this, calling these two functions//    unsynchronized could result in unpredictable and unintended behavior.//    But this also means that if you want to enable memory leak detection//    process-wide, then you need to call this function from every thread in//    the process.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDEnable ();// VLDRestore - Restore Visual Leak Detector's previous state.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDRestore ();// VLDGlobalDisable - Disables Visual Leak Detector's memory leak detection at//   runtime in all threads. If memory leak detection is already disabled, //   then calling this function has no effect.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDGlobalDisable ();// VLDGlobalEnable - Enables Visual Leak Detector's memory leak detection //   at runtime in all threads. If memory leak detection is already enabled, //   which it is by default, then calling this function has no effect.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDGlobalEnable ();// VLDReportLeaks - Report leaks up to the execution point.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) UINT VLDReportLeaks ();// VLDGetLeaksCount - Return memory leaks count to the execution point.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) UINT VLDGetLeaksCount ();// VLDMarkAllLeaksAsReported - Mark all leaks as reported.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDMarkAllLeaksAsReported ();// VLDRefreshModules - Look for recently loaded DLLs and patch them if necessary.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDRefreshModules();// VLDEnableModule - Enable Memory leak checking on the specified module.//// module: module handle.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDEnableModule(HMODULE module);// VLDDisableModule - Disable Memory leak checking on the specified module.//// module: module handle.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDDisableModule(HMODULE module);// VLDGetOptions - Return all current options.////  Return Value:////    Mask of current options.//__declspec(dllimport) UINT VLDGetOptions();// VLDGetReportFilename - Return current report filename.//// filename: current report filename (max characters - MAX_PATH).////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDGetReportFilename(WCHAR *filename);// VLDSetOptions - Update the report options via function call rather than INI file.//// option_mask: Only the following flags are checked// VLD_OPT_AGGREGATE_DUPLICATES// VLD_OPT_MODULE_LIST_INCLUDE// VLD_OPT_SAFE_STACK_WALK// VLD_OPT_SLOW_DEBUGGER_DUMP// VLD_OPT_TRACE_INTERNAL_FRAMES// VLD_OPT_START_DISABLED// VLD_OPT_SKIP_HEAPFREE_LEAKS// VLD_OPT_VALIDATE_HEAPFREE//// maxDataDump: maximum number of user-data bytes to dump for each leaked block.//// maxTraceFrames: maximum number of frames per stack trace for each leaked block.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDSetOptions(UINT option_mask, SIZE_T maxDataDump, UINT maxTraceFrames);// VLDSetModulesList - Set list of modules included/excluded in leak detection// depending on parameter "includeModules".//// modules: list of modules to be forcefully included/excluded in leak detection.//// includeModules: include or exclude that modules.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDSetModulesList(CONST WCHAR *modules, BOOL includeModules);// VLDGetModulesList - Return current list of included/excluded modules// depending on flag VLD_OPT_TRACE_INTERNAL_FRAMES.//// modules: destination string for list of included/excluded modules (maximum length 512 characters).//// size: maximum string size.////  Return Value:////    BOOL: TRUE if include modules, otherwise FALSE.//__declspec(dllimport) BOOL VLDGetModulesList(WCHAR *modules, UINT size);// VLDSetReportOptions - Update the report options via function call rather than INI file.//// Only the following flags are checked// VLD_OPT_REPORT_TO_DEBUGGER// VLD_OPT_REPORT_TO_FILE// VLD_OPT_REPORT_TO_STDOUT// VLD_OPT_UNICODE_REPORT//// filename is optional and can be NULL.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllimport) void VLDSetReportOptions(UINT option_mask, CONST WCHAR *filename);// VLDSetReportHook - Installs or uninstalls a client-defined reporting function by hooking it //  into the C run-time debug reporting process (debug version only).//// mode: The action to take: VLD_RPTHOOK_INSTALL or VLD_RPTHOOK_REMOVE.//// pfnNewHook: Report hook to install or remove.////  Return Value:////    int: 0 if success.//__declspec(dllimport) int VLDSetReportHook(int mode,  VLD_REPORT_HOOK pfnNewHook);// VLDResolveCallstacks - Performs symbol resolution for all saved extent CallStack's that have// been tracked by Visual Leak Detector. This function is necessary for applications that // dynamically load and unload modules, and through which memory leaks might be included.// If this is NOT called, stack traces may have stack frames with no symbol information. This // happens because the symbol API's cannot look up symbols for a binary / module that has been unloaded// from the process.////  Return Value:////    None.//__declspec(dllexport) void VLDResolveCallstacks();#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif // __cplusplus#else // !_DEBUG#define VLDEnable()#define VLDDisable()#define VLDRestore()#define VLDReportLeaks() 0#define VLDGetLeaksCount() 0#define VLDMarkAllLeaksAsReported()#define VLDRefreshModules()#define VLDEnableModule(a)#define VLDDisableModule(b)#define VLDGetOptions() 0#define VLDGetReportFilename(a)#define VLDSetOptions(a, b, c)#define VLDSetReportHook(a, b)#define VLDSetModulesList(a)#define VLDGetModulesList(a, b) FALSE#define VLDSetReportOptions(a, b)#endif // _DEBUG

这 vld 并没有提供sample,提供的src源代码 也只是 编译成 dll的。

于是 我自己写了一个工程vldTest(用 vs2010 建立 console的 普通 的win32 程序)

下面就是测试的代码,lib和h文件 的路径 你自己看着办就行。vld.h里面也有 这个 包括 pragma lib的,注释掉 或者  将 lib添加到 path 还是 Library_Path什么环境变量中去。

下面的代码 功能是 写一个 内存泄漏 的程序,说白了,就是分配内存,但是没有释放掉。虽然程序结束会释放掉,但是如果不结束 一直 不释放的,就是内存泄漏了。下面程序 有2个内存泄漏,但是 vld 检测是3个。对了 编写成 DEBUG模式,才会启用 vld的功能。原因 看 vld.h的条件编译。

// vldTest.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include "..\include\vld.h"#pragma comment(lib,"../lib/Win32/vld.lib")class MyTest{public:    MyTest(const char *szName)    {        // The following is the second resulting leak        m_pszName = strdup(szName);    }    ~MyTest()    {        if (m_pszName != NULL)            free(m_pszName);        m_pszName = NULL;    }protected:    char *m_pszName;};int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]){    int * ptrInt;    ptrInt=(int*)malloc(10);    memset(ptrInt,0xed,10);    printf("0x%08x\n",*ptrInt);    //VLDEnable();    //VLDRestore();    //VLDGlobalEnable();        // This is the "main" leak    MyTest *pTest = new MyTest("This is an example");    //VLDReportLeaks();    //VLDGetLeaksCount ();        return 0;}


运行效果如图:(为了显示全部,去掉了MyTest 那句话)。

如果 加上 free(ptrInt); 就没有泄漏了。如图

除了 0xedededed 这句话 其他都是 vld 的输出。如果发布成 release,默认 不会 调用 vld了。






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