lua coroutine & skynet

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店粉丝怎么看 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 06:33


thread type




又名collaborative multithreading(协作多线程)

每个协程是一个独立的线程(lua thread, not os thread),当前协程只有在显式调用yield时才会挂起







The next time you resume the same coroutine, it continues its execution from the point where it yielded, with the call to coroutine.yield returning any extra arguments passed to coroutine.resume.








[dongsong@localhost skynet]$ luaLua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio> =coroutinetable: 0x113f600> for k,v in pairs(coroutine) do print(k,v) endresume  function: 0x113f830yield   function: 0x113f9b0status  function: 0x113f8f0wrap    function: 0x113f950create  function: 0x113e2e0running function: 0x113f890

[dongsong@localhost lua-study]$ cat coroutine.lua function foo (a)print("foo", a)return coroutine.yield(2*a)                 --resume returned: true 4endco = coroutine.create(function (a,b)print("co-body", a, b)local r = foo(a+1)print("co-body", r)local r, s = coroutine.yield(a+b, a-b)      --resume returned: true 11 -9print("co-body", r, s)return b, "end"                             --resume returned: true 10 endend)print("main", coroutine.resume(co, 1, 10))      --main true 4print("main", coroutine.resume(co, "r"))        --main true 11 -9print("main", coroutine.resume(co, "x", "y"))   --main true 10 endprint("main", coroutine.resume(co, "x", "y"))   --main false cannot resume dead coroutine[dongsong@localhost lua-study]$ [dongsong@localhost lua-study]$ lua coroutine.lua co-body 1       10foo     2main    true    4co-body rmain    true    11      -9co-body x       ymain    true    10      endmain    false   cannot resume dead coroutine


int  luaopen_profile(lua_State *L) {          luaL_checkversion(L);          luaL_Reg l[] = {                  { "start", lstart },                  { "stop", lstop },                  { "resume", lresume },                  { "yield", lyield },                  { NULL, NULL },          };          luaL_newlibtable(L,l);          lua_newtable(L);        // table thread->start time          lua_newtable(L);        // table thread->total time      /*  *  table -> total time  *  table -> start time  *  table -> libtable     */            lua_newtable(L);        // weak table          lua_pushliteral(L, "kv");          lua_setfield(L, -2, "__mode");      /*  *  table -> weak table  *  table -> total time  *  table -> start time  *  table -> libtable     */            lua_pushvalue(L, -1);          lua_setmetatable(L, -3);           lua_setmetatable(L, -3);      /*  *  table -> total time with weak metatable  *  table -> start time with weak metatable  *  table -> libtable     */            lua_pushnil(L);          luaL_setfuncs(L,l,3);      /*  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop/lresume/lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil      */            int libtable = lua_gettop(L); //libtable = 1            lua_getglobal(L, "coroutine"); //获取lua默认的coroutine库          lua_getfield(L, -1, "resume"); //获取lua默认的coroutine.resume函数            lua_CFunction co_resume = lua_tocfunction(L, -1); //co_resume=lua默认的coroutine.resume函数          if (co_resume == NULL)                  return luaL_error(L, "Can't get coroutine.resume");          lua_pop(L,1); //把lua默认的coroutine.resume从stack中弹出去      /*  *  coroutine (lua coroutine table)  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop/lresume/lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil      */          lua_getfield(L, libtable, "resume");      /*  *  cfunction lresume  *  coroutine (lua coroutine table)  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop/lresume/lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil      */          lua_pushcfunction(L, co_resume);      /*  *  cfunction co_resume (lua default coroutine.resume)  *  cfunction lresume  *  coroutine (lua coroutine table)  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop/lresume/lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil      */          lua_setupvalue(L, -2, 3);      /*  *  cfunction lresume with upvalues: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_resume (coroutine.resume)  *  coroutine (lua coroutine table)  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop/lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil   *           upvalues of lresume: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_resume (coroutine.resume)      */          lua_pop(L,1);      /*  *  coroutine (lua coroutine table)  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop/lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil   *           upvalues of lresume: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_resume (coroutine.resume)      */            lua_getfield(L, -1, "yield");            lua_CFunction co_yield = lua_tocfunction(L, -1); //co_yield=coroutine.yield          if (co_yield == NULL)                  return luaL_error(L, "Can't get coroutine.yield");          lua_pop(L,1);      /*  *  coroutine (lua coroutine table)  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop/lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil   *           upvalues of lresume: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_resume (coroutine.resume)      */          lua_getfield(L, libtable, "yield");          lua_pushcfunction(L, co_yield);          lua_setupvalue(L, -2, 3);      /*  *  cfunction lyield with upvalues: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_yield (coroutine.yield)  *  coroutine (lua coroutine table)  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil   *           upvalues of lresume: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_resume (coroutine.resume)   *           upvalues of lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_yield (coroutine.yield)      */            lua_settop(L, libtable);      /*  *  table -> libtable: {start=lstart, stop=lstop, resume=lresume, yield=lyield};   *           upvalues of lstart/lstop: table->starttime, table->totaltime, nil   *           upvalues of lresume: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_resume (coroutine.resume)   *           upvalues of lyield: table->starttime, table->totaltime, co_yield (coroutine.yield)      */            return 1;  }

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