LeetCode_Jump Game&&Jump Game II

来源:互联网 发布:软件质量保证计划 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 19:54

Given an array of non-negative integers, you are initially positioned at the first index of the array.

Each element in the array represents your maximum jump length at that position.

Determine if you are able to reach the last index.

For example:
A = [2,3,1,1,4], return true.

A = [3,2,1,0,4], return false.





class Solution {public:    bool canJump(int A[], int n) {        if(n==0||n==1){            return true;        }        int maxstep=A[0];        for(int i=1;i<n;i++){            if(maxstep==0) return false;            maxstep--;            if(maxstep<A[i]){                maxstep=A[i];            }            if(maxstep+i>=n-1){                return true;            }        }    }};


struct curinfo{int pos;int jumpNo;int maxStep;curinfo (int p,int j,int m):pos(p),jumpNo(j),maxStep(m){};curinfo (const curinfo &c):pos(c.pos),jumpNo(c.jumpNo),maxStep(c.maxStep){};curinfo & operator= (const curinfo &c){if(this!=&c){pos=c.pos;jumpNo=c.jumpNo;maxStep=c.jumpNo;}return *this;};};class Solution{public:int jump(int A[],int n){if(n<=1) return 0;curinfo cs(0,0,A[0]);queue <curinfo> bfsQueue;bfsQueue.push(cs);while(!bfsQueue.empty()){cs=bfsQueue.front();bfsQueue.pop();for(int i=1;i<=cs.maxStep;i++){if(cs.pos+i>=n-1) return cs.jumpNo+1;else{bfsQueue.push(cs.pos+i,jumpNo+1,A[cs.pos+i]);}}}return -1;}};


/* * We use "last" to keep track of the maximum distance that has been reached * by using the minimum steps "ret", whereas "curr" is the maximum distance * that can be reached by using "ret+1" steps. Thus, * curr = max(i+A[i]) where 0 <= i <= last. */class Solution {public:    int jump(int A[], int n) {        int ret = 0;//当前跳数        int last = 0;//上一跳可达最远距离        int curr = 0;//当前一跳可达最远距        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {            //无法向前继跳直接返回            if(i>curr){                return -1;            }            //需要进行下次跳跃,则更新last和当执行的跳数ret            if (i > last) {                last = curr;                ++ret;            }            //记录当前可达的最远点            curr = max(curr, i+A[i]);        }        return ret;    }};

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