
来源:互联网 发布:最便宜的单片机型号 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 08:29



-- Get Mother Lot Common Info            select c.customerlotnumber -- customer lot#            ,c.containername --Amkor lot#,            ,amk.description            ,inh.txndate indate--s_time            ,outh.txndate  outdate -- e-time            ,rs.resourcename resourcename            ,emp.fullname            -- ,outh.qty            from container c,historymainline hml,workflowstep wfs            ,operation opt,movehistory outh,moveinhistory inh            ,RESOURCEDEF rs            ,amkorwwoper amk            ,employee emp            where c.splitfromid =(select containerid from container where            containername='ML6410058461')            and hml.reversalstatus=1            and c.containerid=hml.containerid            and hml.operationid=opt.operationid            and hml.workflowstepid=wfs.workflowstepid            and hml.operationid=opt.operationid            and hml.historymainlineid=inh.historymainlineid(+)            and hml.historymainlineid=outh.historymainlineid(+)            and HMl.RESOURCEID=RS.RESOURCEID(+)            and (outh.historymainlineid is not null or inh.historymainlineid is not null)            and opt.amkorwwoperid=amk.amkorwwoperid            and hml.employeeid=emp.employeeid            order by c.containername,to_number(wfs.sequence),inh.txndate,outh.txndate            转换如下形式为:            String sql in VB.NET            sql = "select c.customerlotnumber -- customer lot# " & vbCrLf _            & ",c.containername --Amkor lot#, " & vbCrLf _            & ",amk.description " & vbCrLf _            & ",inh.txndate indate--s_time " & vbCrLf _            & ",outh.txndate  outdate -- e-time " & vbCrLf _            & ",rs.resourcename resourcename " & vbCrLf _            & ",emp.fullname " & vbCrLf _            & "-- ,outh.qty " & vbCrLf _            & "from container c,historymainline hml,workflowstep wfs " & vbCrLf _            & ",operation opt,movehistory outh,moveinhistory inh " & vbCrLf _            & ",RESOURCEDEF rs " & vbCrLf _            & ",amkorwwoper amk " & vbCrLf _            & ",employee emp " & vbCrLf _            & "where c.splitfromid =(select containerid from container where " & vbCrLf _            & "containername='ML6410058461') " & vbCrLf _            & "and hml.reversalstatus=1 " '..


查找:< ^p >

替换:< " & vbCrLf _ ^p & " >


