ZOJ 2581 Tour

来源:互联网 发布:厦门瑶池集庆骗局知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/29 08:00

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John Doe, a skilled pilot, enjoys traveling. While on vacation,he rents a small plane and starts visiting beautiful places. Tosave money, John must determine the shortest closed tour thatconnects his destinations. Each destination is represented by apoint in the plane pi = . John uses the following strategy: hestarts from the leftmost point, then he goes strictly left to rightto the rightmost point, and then he goes strictly right back to thestarting point. It is known that the points have distinctx-coordinates.

Write a program that, given a set of n points in the plane,computes the shortest closed tour that connects the oints accordingto John's strategy.


Each data set in the file stands for a particular set of points.For each set of points the data set contains the number of points,and the point coordinates in ascending order of the x coordinate.White spaces can occur freely in input. The input data arecorrect.


For each set of data, your program should print the result tothe standard output from the beginning of a line. The tour length,a floating-point number with two fractional digits, represents theresult. An input/output sample is in the table below. Here thereare two data sets. The first one contains 3 points specified bytheir x and y coordinates. The second point, for example, has the xcoordinate 2, and the y coordinate 3. The result for each data setis the tour length, (6.47 for the first data set in the givenexample).

Sample Input

1 1
2 3
3 1
1 1
2 3
3 1
4 2

Sample Output


Source: Southeastern Europe 2005
ZOJ <wbr>2581 <wbr>Tour

dp[i][j]  表示从1到i再从j到1的距离和
    dp[i+1][j]=min(dp[i+1][j],dp[i][j]+dist[i][i+1]); 添加一个i+1先刷新dp[i+1][j]的值
    dp[i+1][i]=min(dp[i+1][i],dp[i][j]+dist[j][i+1]); 要么将i+1与i连,要么将i+1和j连 

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