
来源:互联网 发布:php 支付宝api接口 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 14:01

ID   Name   Department Job Email Password 
10000 李明   SBB 
10001 李筠平 LUK
11045 李洁   SBB
10044 胡斐   MTD
10009 徐仲刚 SBB
10023 李燕   SBB
20460 陆明生 MTD
20078 张青   MMM
20001 李立   LUK

CourseID ID    Course  Grade TOrder 
1        10001  T-SQL   60 
3        11045  Oracle  71 
2        20460  Java    34 
1        10003  T-SQL   59 
3        10001  Oracle  90 
2        20001  Java    12 
2        20078  Java    78 
2        10003  Java    78 
3        30001  Oracle  71 
3        20048  Oracle  36

create table employee(
                      ID int primary key,
                      name varchar2(30),
                      department char(10),
                      job varchar2(20),
                      Email varchar2(30),
                      Password varchar2(10));
create table Train (
                    courseID int,
                    ID int,
                    course varchar2(10),
                    grade int,
                    Torder char(10));

2、用Insert SQL语句把上述两表的数据分别插入建好的表。 
insert into employee values(10000 ,'李明','SBB',' ',' ',' ');
insert into employee values(10001,'李筠平','LUK',' ',' ',' ');
insert into employee values(11045,'李洁','SBB',' ',' ',' ');
insert into employee values(11044,'胡斐','MTD',' ',' ',' ');
insert into employee values(10009,'徐仲刚','SBB',' ',' ',' ');
insert into employee values(10023,'李燕','SBB',' ',' ',' ');
insert into employee values(20460,'陆明生','MTD',' ',' ',' ');
insert into employee values(20078,'张青','MMM',' ',' ',' ');
insert into employee values(20001,'李立','LUK',' ',' ',' ');

insert into Train values(1,10001,'T-SQL',60,' ');
insert into Train values(3,11045,'Oracle',71,' ');
insert into Train values(2,20460,'Java',34,' ');
insert into Train values(3,10001,'Oracle',90 ,' ');
insert into Train values(1,10003,'T-SQL',59,' '); 
insert into Train values(2,20001,'Java',12,' ');
insert into Train values(2,20078,'Java',78 ,' ');
insert into Train values(2,10003,'Java',78 ,' ');
insert into Train values(3,30001,'Oracle',71 ,' ');
insert into Train values(3,20048,'Oracle',36 ,' ');


select a.dept,a.sum,b.Li 
from ( select department dept,count(id) sum 
       from employee 
       group by department) a left join (select department dept,count(id) Li 
          from employee 
          where name like '李%' 
          group by department) b on a.dept=b.dept;
select a.ID,a.name,a.department,b.course from employee a,Train b where a.ID=b.ID;

select * 
from employee 
where employee.ID not in(select ID from Train);

oracle:select department||name||'@163.com' as email from employee;
mysql:select concar(department,name,'@51testing.com') as email from employee;

select E.ID EID,E.name,E.department,T.course,T.grade

from employee E, Train T,(select ID,course from Train 

                                       where  not exists(select ID from Train t2

                                       where Train.course=t2.course and Train.grade <t2.grade)) as A

where A.ID=T.ID and E.ID =A.ID and A.course=T.course;
select T.ID,M.course,T.grade,E.name,E.department 
from employee E,Train T,(select course,max(grade) maxgrade                          
                        from Train 
                        group by course) M 
where M.course=T.course and T.grade =M.maxgrade and T.ID=M.ID;

insert into employee(ID) 
select t2.ID from employee t1,Train t2 
where t2.ID not in(select t1.ID  
                   from employee t1);
replace employee(ID)
select t2.ID from employee t1,Train t2 
where t2.ID not in(select t1.ID  
                   from employee t1);
alter table Train 
add constraint fk_train ID references employee(ID) on delete cascade;
alter table Train add constraint fk_train foreign key(ID) references employee(ID) 
on delete cascade;
select distinct T.course, T.courseID,A.[100-85] 
from Train T,(select ID,count(ID) as [100-85] 
              from Train               
              where grade between 85 and 100 group by ID) A 
where T.ID=A.ID;

select distinct T.course, T.courseID,A.[84-70] 
from Train T,(select ID,count(ID) as [84-70] 
              from Train               
              where grade between 70 and 84 group by ID) A 
where T.ID=A.ID;

select distinct T.course, T.courseID,A.[69-60] 
from Train T,(select ID,count(ID) as [69-60] 
             from Train             
             where grade between 60 and 69 group by ID) A 
where T.ID=A.ID;

select distinct T.course, T.courseID,A.[<60] 
from Train T,(select ID,count(ID) as [<60]  
            from Train 
            where grade < 60  group by ID) A 
where T.ID=A.ID;


示): (就是分析哪门课程难) 

select distinct T.course, T.courseID,average,A.HC/C.count as failrate 
from Train T,(select ID,count(ID) as HC 
             from Train where grade  < 60  group by ID) A,
            (select courseID,avg(grade) average,count(ID) as count 
            from Train group by courseID) C 
where T.ID=A.ID and T.courseID=C.courseID;

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