
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝开店考试答案2014 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 06:51


#include<iostream>using namespace std;class A{public:A(){cout << "A Constructor!" <<"   Address :"<< this << endl;}A(int i){cout << "A Constructor with Para!"<<"   Address :"<< this <<endl;}A(const A &a){cout << "A Copy Constructor" <<" Address:" << this << endl;}A &operator = (const A &a){cout << "A euqal Constructor" <<" Address:" << this << endl;return *this;}virtual ~A(){cout << "A Destructor!" <<"   Address :"<< this <<endl;}virtual void test(){cout << "A test() with virtual"<<endl;}void test1(){cout << "A test1() without virtual"<<endl;}};class B : public A{public:B(){cout << "B Constructor!"<<"   Address :"<< this  << endl;}B(int i) : A(i)//如果不加:A(i),那么在主函数中B b(2);的时候,先调用A(),在调用B(int i)。{cout << "B Constructor with Para!"<<"   Address :"<< this <<endl;}B(const B &a){cout << "B Copy Constructor" <<" Address: " << this << endl;}B &operator = (const B &a){cout << "B euqal Constructor" <<" Address: " << this << endl;return *this;}~B(){cout << "B Destructor!" <<"   Address :"<< this <<endl;}void test(){cout << "B test() with virtua"<<endl;}void test1(){cout << "B test1() without virtual"<<endl;}};int main(){B b,b1(2);A a;a = (A)b;//对象强制转换的时候,先生成一个b的拷贝(此处用到拷贝构造函数),相当于函数的形参,然后调用赋值构造函数,然后将拷贝删除a = b;//直接调用赋值构造函数a.test();//对象,调用的是A的testa.test1();//调用的是a的test1A *a1 = &b;a1->test();//指针,调用的是B的test,虚函数a1->test1();//指针,调用的是A的test1,普通函数A &a2 = b;a2.test();//引用,调用的是B的test,虚函数a2.test1();//指针,调用的是A的test1,普通函数B b3 = b;//调用A的构造函数和B的拷贝构造函数a1 = (A *)&b1;//指针强制转换没有调用拷贝构造函数及赋值构造函数B *b2 = new B();//在堆中分配的内存,在离开其作用域的时候不会自动释放,必须手动删除A *a3 = b2;delete a3;//此处,如果A的析构函数没有加virtual,那么在delete a的时候,只会调用A的析构函数。而不会调用B的析构函数,造成内存溢出return 1;//最后在主函数结束的时候,可以看到,析构的顺序是 a,b1,b。 与创建对象的顺序相反,也就是先进后出,栈的数据结构。着也说明了在函数中的变量是存放在栈区的。}


#include <iostream>using namespace std;class A{public:A(){cout << "A Constructor!" <<"   Address :"<< this << endl;}A(int i)//单个参数的构造函数如果不添加explicit(显示的)关键字,会定义一个隐含的类型转换(从参数的类型转换到自己的);添加explicit可以消除这种隐式转换{cout << "A Constructor with Para!"<<"   Address :"<< this <<endl;}A(const A &a){cout << "A Copy Constructor" <<" Address:" << this << endl;}A &operator = (const A &a){cout << "A euqal Constructor" <<" Address:" << this << endl;return *this;}~A(){cout << "A Destructor!" <<"   Address :"<< this <<endl;}};A Play(A a){return a;}//在函数结束时候,先调用拷贝构造函数将形参拷贝一份,再释放形参的对象int main(){A temp = Play(4);//首先,调用了一个带参数的构造函数,将4通过隐含的类型转换,调用了A::A(int i);A temp2;temp2 = temp;//调用赋值构造函数A temp3 = temp;//调用拷贝构造函数A temp4 = 5;//调用带参数的构造函数,单个参数的构造函数如果不添加explicit(显示的)关键字,会定义一个隐含的类型转换(从参数的类型转换到自己的);添加explicit可以消除这种隐式转换return 1;}//结束的时候,依次先释放temp3,再释放temp2,再释放temp

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